Process & contact
Slurry acidification
BioCover / Vogelsang GmbH
contact BioCover:
Updated 2/2022
Input materials
On-farm system for improved manure management, using technology integrated into farmers’ existing slurry storage and spreading equipment.
Input: organic slurry from livestock or from AD digestors
Output products
Conversion of NH3 (ammonia) to NH4 (ammonium)
Acidification process also converts calcium phosphate to plant available P.
Sulphuric acid is converted into sulphate – SO4.
Process description
Sulphuric acid is injected into the slurry flow during application to the field. The process results in foaming of the slurry before reaching the field and lowers the pH to below pH 6.4. This reduces the ammonia emission by up to 70 % and increases the plant available ammonium.
There are no unwanted by-products from the process.
Operating status
This system has EU BAT* status for manure storage and spreading, and VERA certification
154 units operational in 8 EU member states. Treats ca. 20% of volume of slurry in Denmark.
* EU BAT BREF “Intensive rearing of poultry or pigs” 2017/302