TTBS - Takhim for Technology and Business Services 
TTBS is a Belgian company focused on phosphate technology and located in Wavre (Belgium). The company was founded by Eng. Mohamed Takhim having over 25 years experience as process developer and industrial project manager.
The main objective of TTBS is to supply the phosphate market with efficient technical and business solutions for its faced challenges.
TTBS has developed a new patented process RubiPhos® for phosphate recovery from low grade phosphate rock and fly ashes of the mono-incineration of sludge by using sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. This technology can also be applied to other P-sources (vivianite, struvite, meal bones ashes, …).
Together with its partners, TTBS is able to supply a complete production unit at site plug and play basis for phosphoric acid and/or its salt derivatives.
Thanks to its pilot plant unit and dedicated team, TTBS will provide a full technical testing report and clear demonstration of its production process performance to the customers.
Our mobile pilot unit can be installed at your site for generating all required data for the design and supply of the industrial unit at the targeted capacity.