SUBSCRIBE to our eNews and SCOPE Newsletter


Read earlier SCOPE and eNews editions.

ESPP (European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform) SCOPE Newsletter ( see on ) is a recognised source of synthetic information about nutrient management and recycling, circulated to c. 45 000 emails* (companies, scientists, decision makers …). Published 8-10 issues per year, with over 100 back-numbers online, it has become the reference source of information on phosphorus management. * 5 – 6 000 identified opens for each Newsletter, plus online reading …

Opportunity for recognition, visibility and networking

ESPP is looking for R&D institutes, projects or other experts interested in providing a regular content input (articles) for SCOPE Newsletter, in exchange for:

  • (in-kind) partnership of the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform: logo on ESPP publications, website home page and events; partner webpage on ; participation in ESPP network and projects (value 2000 €/year);
  • specific recognition in the SCOPE Newsletter as responsible for selected theme content.

This is an interesting opportunity for your organisation to obtain visibility as expert and recognised knowledge provider for a theme area in nutrient management, and to develop a high-level network in this area.

Service to deliver

Your institute would commit to deliver 4-8 articles per year for SCOPE Newsletter. In the style of the current SCOPE Newsletter, articles are 1 to c. 3 page summaries of scientific publications, reports, conferences … with the aim of providing a technically accurate but readily accessible summary.

The objective is not to “advertise” your own activities, but to provide an up-to-date summary of leading publications and information from across the world.

Your role would be, under coordination of the ESPP Secretariat and Board responsible for editorial control of the SCOPE Newsletter, to select publications for summary based on permanent monitoring, to prepare the summary articles, and to contact authors to verify the text with them before publication, so developing new network contacts.

You can also propose SCOPE Newsletter articles 1-2 times per year providing an overview of developments in a specific area, as a function of new emphasis of scientific publications and other interests, or based on key conferences relevant to the area.

Reliability and commitment

ESPP’s objective is to establish lasting partnerships with organisations, to enable follow-up of SCOPE Newsletter content, and to enable you to develop expertise and network.                                                                        

Experience in the past shows that this can function if and only if your institute can make appropriate personnel time available for this work, usually if the content corresponds closely to your internal development activities  and/or if specific funding or resources can be dedicated, for example through a funded R&D project or work programme. Research students or similar time can be effective, but only if competent permanent staff time is also clearly budgeted/available to ensure quality, delivery, consistency over time.

Call for proposals

ESPP is calling for proposals for potential Partners for SCOPE Newsletter content, with objective to select 5-8 Partnerships to start by mid 2016.
Possible themes could include the following – your proposals are welcome to better define themes to fit your areas of interest and competence:

  • Technological phosphorus recovery (already covered by WETSUS)
  • Biological routes for phosphorus recovery (plants, algae …)
  • Links between diet and phosphorus consumption, food waste, …
  • Nutrient flows (c.f. DONUTSS)
  • Phosphorus use efficiency in agriculture
  • Phosphorus fertiliser developments, recycled P fertiliser products
  • Manure processing and valorisation
  • Nutrient valorisation in digestates and composts
  • Phosphorus losses and eutrophication
  • Phosphorus in diet and human health
  • Phosphorus uses in industry
  • Phosphorus resources and mining
  • Nutrient recycling in developing countries and/or Ecosan
  • Nutrient circular economy

To be selected as an ESPP SCOPE Newsletter Partner, please send a proposal of maximum 4 pages (using size 11 point characters) explaining:

  • The theme you propose to cover (what is included, excluded) and the potential interest of this theme (max. ½ page)
  • Competence and experience of your organisation in this area  (max. ½ page), references to e.g. recent publications, websites, other (max. ½ page)
  • Organisation of your commitment to deliver (max. 1 page): lead experts and their availability, supporting resources (e.g. research students, other staff …), budget/ funding and/or institutional or project management support/commitment
  • Comments and proposals as to how you propose to ‘design’ your input to SCOPE Newsletter: sources of information or soliciting content, article approach / design, methods of writing / validation … (max. 1 page)
  • Other advantages, possibilities and objectives of your partnership between with ESPP: network, projects, … (max ½ page)
  • Include 1-2 lead contacts email and telephone

Please send your response to


SUBSCRIBE to our eNews and SCOPE Newsletter


Read earlier SCOPE and eNews editions.