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Process & contact 

Agro America (VP Hobe)

Member of NNP


Updated 10/2021

Input materials

Liquid or dry pig manure, or digestate of manure and/or other organic wastes

Output products


Ammonia solution.

Potassium as Liquid concentrate23agroamerica

Clean water returning to surface waters

Process description

Pig manure is solid-liquid separated by belt-press, most P remains in solid fraction. Liquid fraction is spread locally to fields.

Solid fraction is dried then pyrolysed (with heat energy recycling).

Process can also treat manure digestates.

Ammonia can be recovered by evaporation then recovery into concentrated ammonia solution.

Potassium can be recovered as liquid concentrate

Operating status 

Several manure treatment installations operating 24/7 for significant periods (depending on manure supply, permitting …) in:

  • 2015: Horst-Venlo (NL), 250 000 t manure / year
  • 2019: Oirschot (NL)*+, 35 000 t
  • 2020: Storg (BE)*, 45 000 t
  • 2021: Uden (NL)*+, 200 000 t
  • 2021: Sterksel (NL), 125 000 + 80 000 t
  • Underway 2022*+$: Almelo (NL), 200 000 t

* with N-recovery. + with K-recovery. $ with P-recovery.

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