12 - 13 April 2016, Uppsala, Sweden
This conference will discuss the state of the knowledge on pharmaceuticals, their environmental effects and how to reduce the release of pharmaceuticals to the water – both internationally and domestically. The topics will cover the lifecycle of pharmaceuticals looking at the three major points of release to the environment: Production, usage and disposal.
6 April 2016, Brussels, Belgium
EBA workshop dedicated to discussing the bio-based sector and the use of digestate for a sustainable agriculture, within the frame of the Circular Economy
5 April 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands
Stakeholder workshop about micronutrient management for improving harvests, farmers’ incomes, human nutrition, and the environment.
For program and registration: http://knowledge4food.net/event/micronutrients-workshop
22 March 2016, Leeds University Business School, Leeds, United Kingdom
21 March 2016, 9:30 - 17:00, Albert Borschette Conference Centre, Brussels, Belgium
Business & pratitioners workshop organized by the European Commission. This workshop is aimed at private as well as public stakeholders involved in Circular Economy and will be an occasion to get a better understanding about practical tools to participate in the Investment Plan. The European Fund for Strategic Investment has a huge potential to contribute to the modernisation of the European companies but its success depends on the industrial participation. Experts from the European Commission and European Investment Bank will answer your questions, and company representatives will share their experiences in participating in the Investment Plan. In case you are considering obtaining financing form the EIB you will also have an opportunity to hold a bilateral meeting with an EIB expert. Second part of the day will be dedicated to the legal barriers which prevent investment in the Circular Economy. As part of the Circular Economy Action Plan, the European Commission has been analysing legal challenges and obstacles for investment and innovation in Circular Economy. The workshop will give an occasion to discuss the preliminary findings with the authors of the study and share your own experience.
Registration till end of Februari. You can pre-register and flag your possible interest in an individual meeting with the EIB expert following the link:
For more questions please contact:
21 - 22 March 2016, Milan, Italy
This seminar will be given in two session: (1) Manure processing and treatment of agricultural effluents (March 21) and (2) Improved Nutrient and Energy management through Anaerobic Digestion (March 22). In session 1, technologies and measures to mitigate nitrogen nutrient pressure will be discussed, as well as Environmental Impact Assessment and suitable measures at the level of water courses, including added eco-services. Session 2 will focus on the central role that anaerobic digestion can play as a third processing pillar for modern agriculture, next to plant and animal production. The session will deal with topics ranging from sustainable input, over conversion process to energy & end-product valorization.
More information:
17 March 2016, Ghent, Belgium
Joint conference of the INEMAD and GR3 partners to present the results of these two projects. Common ground of the two projects is the production of biogas from agricultural or municipal residues. Where GR3 is mainly looking at the supply chain to support the use of grass clippings for biogas production, INEMAD is looking at agricultural inputs to produce biogas and biobased fertilizers.
16 - 17 March 2016, Seville, Spain
This conference is organized by the Circular Economy Foundation and ACR+. Concrete cases from all over Europe will demonstrate a selection of good practices on circular economy and governance at national, regional or local level.
15 March, Brussels, 10h30 - 16h00.
Working meeting on draft criteria for "biochars" for revised EU Fertilsier Regulation. See draft criteria proposal under http://www.phosphorusplatform.eu/regulatory Contact ESPP if you wish to participate
7 - 10 March 2016, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany
3 - 4 March 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
Round table to discuss new reuse options for phosphogypsum. Working Group Meeting of the European COST network ‘NORM4Building’ (www.norm4building.org) for the reuse of by-products from several industrial sectors in newly developed construction materials. Registration per email:
More info: http://norm4building.org/?tribe_events=2064
15 - 16 February 2016, DIAMANT conference centre, Brussels, Belgium
DYNAMIX – POLFREE Joint Final Conference
DYNAMIX ‐ Decoupling Economic Growth from Resource Use and its Environmental Impacts
COBALT – Awareness Building, Learning and Knowledge Transfer on Sustainable Use of Raw Materials
9 February 2016, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
EIP Water Action Group ARREAU (Accelerating Resource Recovery from the Water Cycle) members meeting
25 - 26 January 2016, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
More informations here.
15-19 Januar 2016, Arizona, USA
14-18 December 2015, San Francisco, AGU (Am. Geophysical Union) Conference, Workshop on ‘Human alteration of the P cycle’