European Parliament and Council (Member States) positions on UWWTD revision both maintain defining minimum reuse & recycling rates for phosphorus (art. 20), but Council proposes to delete reuse & recycling of nitrogen. Both support amendments to widen reuse & recycling to include from wastewater and not only from sludge (amendment proposed by ESPP). Positions differ on the timeline for defining reuse & recycling targets, with Parliament wishing to accelerate this. Parliament proposes to support development of a functional market for recovered nutrients but this is not proposed by Council. Both propose to include N2O in greenhouse emissions reductions, which is important as this is one of the most important climate impacts from wastewater treatment. Positions differ on extent of tightening of P and N emissions limits and removal obligations from sewage, and on proposed implementation deadlines for these, with Parliament’s position in many cases even more demanding than the initial Commission proposed revision text, and Council less demanding. Discussions to finalise the UWWTD revision now go to “trilogue” (negotiation between the European Parliament and Council representatives, with participation of the European Commission) with the aim to agree a compromise text to be adopted by both Parliament and Council before next year’s European Parliament elections (6-9 June 2024, followed by the designation of a new European Commission). ESPP has written to Member States and European Parliament rapporteurs suggesting that nitrogen reuse & recycling should not be abandoned in the current nitrogen fertiliser supply and price crisis context (related to gas supplies and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine). ESPP proposes as a compromise to specify assessment by the Commission of feasibility and cost/benefits for nitrogen recovery.
European Commission initial proposed text for the UWWTD revision:
Parliament voted position:
Council position:
ESPP letter to Parliament and Council for trilogue:
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3rd Summit of Organic and organo-mineral Fertiliser Industries in Europe. 16-17 January 2024, Brussels Plaza & hybrid
SOFIE is the only industry meeting place for organic-carbon-based fertiliser producers, distributors, advisory, technology suppliers. The first SOFIE (2019) attracted 125 participants, with 230 for SOFIE2 (January 2023, photo below).
SOFIE3 will cover:
Short proposals for presentations, company showcases or posters by 15th October to : see details HERE.
SOFIE3 is co-organised by ESPP, Eurofema and Fertilizers Europe, with support of the International Fertiliser Society
6th PERM becomes NERM – 16-17 April 2024 – Brussels & online – plus research students meeting & site visits.
NERM (Nutrients in Europe Research Meeting) is organised by ESPP, FERTIMANURE, LEX4BIO, RUSTICA, SEA2LAND, WALNUT and Biorefine Cluster Europe.
Towards closing nutrient cycles for a sustainable future, from R&D to implementation.
- key outcomes of recent nutrient recycling R&D projects
- roadmap for future nutrient recycling R&D needs
- nutrient recovery technologies and recycled fertiliser production
- quality, application and use, stakeholder acceptance of secondary fertilisers
- from nutrient recovery to market
Plus PhD / research students event 15th April and site visits (on-farm and sewage treatment nutrient recovery sites).
Call for abstracts, open to 15th November 2023, and outline programme are published
Public consultation open to 3rd November 2023. Possibility to input plain text comments (max. 4 000 characters) plus document.
Amendments to the EU Waste Framework Directive, as proposed by the European Commission, would fix targets to reduce food waste by 2030: -10% for food manufacture and processing, -30% for households. Member States must define Food Waste reduction programmes, including the following actions: behavioural change campaigns, actions to address supply chain inefficiencies, food donation systems, skills training, funding for SMEs and social economy actors. The proposed amendments to the Directive are currently open to public consultation and will go to European Parliament and Council for decision.
“Revision of EU Waste Framework”, public consultation open to 22nd November 2023. Possibility to input plain text comments (max. 4 000 characters) plus document.
Phosphorus and nitrogen in food waste could supply around 10% of nutrients needed for crop production. Analysis for Seattle, USA, suggests that if all food waste were collected and nutrients recycled (compared to only 10% - 50% current collection rates) this would supply 0.6 kgN and 0.1 kgP (per person, per year). The estimates are based on Zhang 2007, who analysed food waste in San Francisco, finding average contents (% dry matter) of 3% N, 0.5% P and 0.9% K. These estimates of nutrients in food waste compare to an estimated 6.6 kgN and 1.1 kgP considered necessary input to grow non animal feed crops. ESPP notes that average dietary intake of phosphorus is around 0.5 kgP/person/year (c. 1.3 gP/person/day, see SCOPE Newsletter n°103). Estimates of food waste production and collection vary considerably: US EPA 2009 = 109 kg/person/year, Seattle 123 kg in 2009 reduced to 65 kg in 2021 in single-family homes, but only 56 kg down to 30 kg in multi-family homes (apartments). The conclusions are that nutrient recycling potential from food waste is limited (compared to municipal wastewater and manure) but is nonetheless significant, and that the priority must be to reduce food waste.
“Connections: How Much N And P Are In Urban Residuals?”, S. Brown, BioCycle, 7th August 2023.
Public consultation is open to 30th October on proposals a Delegated Regulation to include “Processed Manure” (as defined in the Animal By-Products Regulations) in the EU Fertilising Products Regulation FPR (CMC10). ESPP’s proposed input is HERE for comment. The proposed criteria are based on a draft JRC report circulated for comment to the Fertilisers Expert Group late September. The proposed Delegated Regulation would add processed manure to CMC10 to the EU Fertilising Products Regulation, under certain specified conditions. This concerns only “Processed Manure” which has reached an End Point as defined in EU Animal By-Products (ABP) Regulation 1069/2009, that is fulfilling the criteria specified in the ABP daughter Regulation 142/2011 – Annex XI – Chapter I – Section 2, which specifies (inter alia) heat treatment of at least 70°C for 1 hour in a registered ABP processing plant
It is noted that manure which has undergone composting or anaerobic digestion according to both the criteria in the ABP Regulations and the criteria in CMCs 3 or 5 of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) are already authorised under the FPR* (It is ESPP’s understanding that this also applies to combustion ashes and pyrolysis materials / biochars subject to the criteria of CMCs 13 and 14*).
The proposed criteria for “Processed Manure” in CMC10 specify that the material shall have a limited oxygen uptake (intended to ensure stability), sets limits for PAH (poly aromatic carbons) and indirectly for certain herbicide residues, and specifies that the material can be post-processed by a specified and limited list of processes including solid-liquid separation, drying, pH adjustment, P or N recovery and that additives necessary for such processes can be used (with limits and conditions). The proposed criteria also require storage to be protected from sunlight and precipitation, intended to avoid ammonia losses to air, odours or leaching. ESPP suggests that such loss mitigation should also cover transport, that it be clarified whether this refers to before ABPR processing, between ABPR processing and FPR certification or after FPR certification (placing on the market). ESPP also suggests that this criterion should be made clearer by specifically referring to limiting air pollution, leaching and accidental spillages,. ESPP notes, and welcomes, that limiting ammonia losses during use should is addressed in labelling (Annex II of the FPR).
ESPP thanks the European Commission for the rapid production of these proposed criteria and draft Delegated Regulation for “Processed Manure” in CMC10, and notes that these take into account comments input by stakeholders, in particular concerning post-processing.
European Commission public consultation “EU fertilising products – Processed manure as a component material in EU fertilising products”, open to 30th October 2023 (4 000 characters plus possibility to upload a document) HERE
ESPP’s proposed input is HERE for comment.
European Commission JRC DRAFT circulated for comment (not yet adopted or endorsed by the European Commission) “Technical proposals for processed manure as a component material for EU Fertilising Products” LINK.
* These points remain to be clarified.
100+ participants in Brussels and online discussed standards needs to support the bio-economy concluding that clear definitions are needed to support Public Procurement policies and for transparency for companies in the market at a workshop organised by the European Commission on 29th September 2023. Presentations included DG GROW, CEN/TC 411 / WG 4 ‘Sustainability criteria, life cycle analysis and related issues’, ISO/TC 276 ‘Biotechnology’ and Eurostat. The workshop emphasised that standards are considered important by companies to enable market access, improve quality and reduce risks. One study suggests that standardisation contributes 30 – 40% of GDP growth and of labour productivity (Menon, Nordic Economies, 2018). Participants noted that the US is actively developing bio-based standards to promote national production in line with the Inflation Reduction Act objectives. Much work is ongoing on standards for forestry and paper products, and on aspects such as Life Cycle Assessment or general circularity approaches (e.g. ISO/TC 323 - Circular economy). There is wide demand from many different industry sectors for standard development for various bio-based products and processes.
NACE codes were discussed. These are important because used in EU statistics and often also in policy criteria. However, NACE codes are based on companies’ economic activity (often reflecting the production process and output products) and are not adapted to identifying inputs or processes used (a company’s NACE code will say it produces textiles, not whether or not it uses IA to control its machines). Participants noted that use of NACE codes in e.g. the EU “Taxonomy” criteria is ineffective in identifying bio-based inputs.
ESPP indicated that there is a need for a standard for defining “bio-based” nutrient content of fertilisers (or of e.g. phosphorus in technical chemicals) in that the CEN methodology for quantifying bio-based content of products (CEN/TR 16721) uses radio-dating which is not applicable to P, K or N (see ESPP eNews n°73). This is also relevant for interpretation of the wording “nutrients of solely biological origin” in the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (PFC definitions of Organic Fertiliser, Organo-Mineral Fertiliser, Organic Soil Improver). ESPP’s draft position Paper on the definitions of “Bio-Based Fertiliser” or “Bio-Based Nutrient” is available here and is open for comment. ESPP notes that development of many standards is underway to support implementation of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation and STRUBIAS.
The European Commission concluded that the workshop demonstrated the importance of standards to industry, and confirmed the need to further work on standards relevant to bio-based materials, and also to look at how standards and NACE codes are used in EU policy criteria.
DG GROW is also working on market tools to promote uptake of bio-based products, and announced a second workshop on this theme 11th December 2023. See ESPP’s input to the first such workshop (10th May 2023) here.
Written input to DG GROW is open to 15th October
European Commission DG GROW Bio-Based Products page.
Fourteen organisations have signed a joint letter to the European Commission asking for rapid publication and high ambitious of the EU’s INMAP (Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan), announced in 2020 in the Green Deal. They underline that INMAP is urgent and necessary to achieve the Farm-to-Fork, Biodiversity and Zero Pollution Action Plan targets to reduce nutrient losses by 50% by 2030. The letter states that “bold action and clear directions are needed” and urges the European Commission “to hold to its promise to deliver the INMAP and to listen to scientific expertise for setting the path until 2030 and beyond … the EU could achieve genuine strategic autonomy in nutrients management and ultimately food production”.
Open letter to the: European Commission “Completing the European Green Deal: The Commission’s initiative for an Integrated Nutrients Management Action Plan”, European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Eureau, AquaPublica and others, 13th September 2023 on EEB website.
ESPP questions the statement in the letter cited above that “phasing out synthetic fertilisers use in the EU is realistic as part of a transition to agroecological farming, accompanied by a cut in food waste and a shift to sustainable diets”. It is not ESPP’s competence to discuss this statement for nitrogen. For phosphorus, we note that both of the two studies referenced (Poux IDDRI 2018, Billen 2021) explicitly state that they do not address phosphorus. ESPP also notes that phosphorus inputs are considered to have been a determinant allowing global population expansion beyond one billion after the 19th century (Smit et al. 2009). Phosphorus cannot be biologically fixed from air. Medieval agriculture was phosphorus efficient so phasing out inputs from mined phosphate rock might mean returning to both a medieval population level and a medieval average diet. However, dietary shifts have less impact on net P use than they do on N or CO2, because P is conservative: what goes into one end of the cow comes out the other end (some is lost in growing fodder to feed animals). ESPP has often presented slides in conferences (publicly available here) indicating that “Without mineral phosphate fertilisers we could feed maybe 1/5th of the current world population (adapted from Dawson et al., Food Policy 2011)”. ESPP does not suggest that this is accurate but to date nobody has indicated to us that it is completely wrong, and (as we have done when presenting these slides) we call on scientists to carry out such an assessment for phosphorus.
Any comments on this discussion are welcome and may be published in our next eNews. Send to
75-page DG Research summary of 72 Horizon 2020 projects on nutrients (total 370 M€ EU funding) proposed as a contribution to INMAP (the announced EU Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan). The report, prepared by the European Commission DG Research and Innovation, analyses 72 Horizon 2020 research projects, completed or underway and with project budgets > 1 M€, addressing phosphorus and/or nitrogen cycles, nutrient pollution reduction techniques, fertiliser production, nutrient use in agriculture or governance. The projects are considered to have policy impact if e.g. policy recommendations were elaborated within the project, and to have technological impact if e.g. a pilot plant was built. It is not however analysed whether policy recommendations made by the project have been considered by policy makers or implemented into regulation, nor whether the pilot plant led to industrial scale up and uptake to market. The projects led to a total of forty-two pilot plants, four patents and nearly 100 scientific publications or conference proceedings. Policy outcomes cited include that the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive should be revised (underway), that the Sewage Sludge Directive should be revised (expected) and the establishment of EU End-of-Waste criteria for products recovered from wastewaters (rejected for the moment, European Commission 5th April 2022, see ESPP eNews n°65) and financial incentives for circular water technologies (not yet anticipated). Conclusions include the need to enable permanent access to project outcomes after projects end (project websites tend to disappear when project funding terminates), centring dissemination efforts at the end of the project (when there are results and outcomes to present, rather than presenting what the project hopes to do) and including policy recommendations relevant to EU legislation in technical projects.
“Systematic approach preventing pollution from nitrogen and phosphorus. A contribution to the Integrated Nutrients Management Plan from the Research & Innovation perspective”, European Commission DG Research & Innovation, August 2023 DOI.
Four N2 Applied plasma slurry nitrogen upgrade installations, supplied in partnership with food industry technology leader GEA, will be installed at dairy farms in the Netherlands to improve supply chain sustainability for Unilever. The N2 Applied system increases nitrogen fertiliser value of slurry and stabilises nitrogen present in the slurry, so reducing losses to water and losses of methane, ammonia and greenhouse gases to air. The N2 Applied technology is provided by GEA as a “manure enricher solution” as part of the GEA “Next Generation Farming” approach. The four installations in the Netherlands will provide data for a year to enable Unilever to assess benefits for milk supply chain sustainability and potential for scale-up. GEA state that the system can reduce dairy farms’ total carbon footprint by up to 30%, and that reducing nitrogen losses allows more efficient nutrient use and so economic benefits for the farmer.
“N2 Applied's technology will be used by food industry giant”, N2 Applied News, September 2023.
“GEA partners with Unilever to improve sustainability on dairy farms”, 31st August 2023.
Led by Thames Water, UK “Resource Recovery Technical Working Group” aims to bring together stakeholders and collate information on technologies and regulation. Members to date include several English water companies, Scottish Water, Irish Water, consultancy experts, researchers and government representatives. A first online meeting, with around forty participants, 28th September, discussed developments in EU and UK regulations (EU Waste Water Treatment Directive revision, EU Fertilising Products Regulation and UK fertilisers regulations, REACH and UK REACH, End-of-Waste) and how to develop an economic market for recycled nutrients and other recovered materials (e.g. polymers). Future meetings will look at resource recovery and nutrient recycling technologies, end-use needs, building markets for recovered materials, operating parameters and scalability, economics and technology evaluation, contaminants and safety.
UK “Resource Recovery Technical Working Group”. This working group is open.
To participate contact: Robert Naylor
ESPP slides from RAMIRAN September 2023, update on EU policy and regulations for organics recycling HERE.
The Aqua Publica Europea event, in Verona and online 29th June, saw 120 participants discuss the legislative framework, sludge management approaches, and measures to increase the circularity of the wastewater sector.
Milo Fiasconaro, Aqua Publica Europea, Bernard Van Nuffel, Vivaqua, and Roberto Mantovanelli, Viveracqua, welcomed participants and introduced the main objectives of the seminar: to explore the approaches to circularity in the water sector across Europe and to promote a dialogue with experts and institutions about how to address common challenges in the context of the ongoing revision of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and the publication of the evaluation of the Sewage Sludge Directive by the European Commission.
Nele-Frederike Rosenstock, European Commission, DG ENV, summarised the main novelties of the revision of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD, see also ESPP’s summary), now under co-decision in the Parliament and Council, and its relevance to sludge management. Articles 14 and 20 are especially important for circularity and sludge, as they address the tracking of non-domestic pollution and its reduction at source (art. 14), which should result in cleaner sludges, and the use of sludge according to the waste hierarchy (art. 20), as well as the introduction of recycling rates for P and N. She also reported on the recently published evaluation of the Sewage Sludge Directive, which finds that the Directive is effective and relevant and supported by stakeholders, although more can be done to adapt it to Green Deal targets and currently available technologies. At the moment, it is yet to be decided politically whether or not the text will be revised, but this would seem appropriate as it dates from 1986.
Jon Rathjen, Scottish Government: Scottish Water’s has moved from dumping sludge into the ocean as a waste until 2000, into making it a resource, with the Scotland’s wastewater sector now producing 3% of the nation’s energy needs as biogas from sludge digestion, with the sludge digestate mostly valorised in agriculture, and other sources as wind and solar.
Gudrun Winkler, Hamburg Wasser: the public operator manages Germany’s biggest wastewater treatment plant (150 million m3/y) operating sludge digestion and incineration. The plant is energy neutral since 2011, thanks to the VERA incineration plant processing 100 000 m3 of dried sludge/y, producing 89 GWh/y of electricity and 80 GWh/y of heat (before accounting the energy used to dry the sludge). Around 1 700 tP/y of phosphorus will be recovered as phosphoric acid from the sewage sludge incineration ash by the Remondis TetraPhos (now in production). The TetraPhos process also recovers iron/aluminium salts for recycling of phosphate precipitants to wastewater treatment.
Paolo Giandon, Veneto Region: Veneto has seen a reduction in the direct use of sewage sludge in agriculture observed since 2017 due to regulatory uncertainties and farmers’ mistrust. A waste management plan was therefore proposed by the Veneto region in 2022 to prioritise the reuse in agriculture, describing different sludge disposal routes (direct reuse in agriculture, composting, energy production) depending on sludge quality. Mr Giandon also mentioned challenges posed by the recast of the UWWTD, related to high cost and time needed for implementing the required measures.
Bertrand Vallet, European Commission, DG RTD, outlined the Commission’s research agenda on circularity. Circular economy was a key topic for the Horizon 2020 funding framework and was mainly focussed on resource recovery from wastewater and prevention of pollution. The current funding programme, Horizon Europe, is providing 655.5 million € for water in the 2021-2024 period, and is particularly focussed on harnessing the innovation potential and market uptake of successful circular economy examples, and on the implementation of large-scale circular systems for the reuse of water and sludge.
Two projects currently ongoing by APE members were then presented. The first one, presented by Enrico Pezzoli, Como Acqua, intends to build an anaerobic digestion plant in the Como area, co-financed under the Recovery Fund, treating sewage sludge, agri-food wastes, green wastes and the organic fraction of municipal solid waste. The Fanghi Project, presented by Marco Blazina, Metropolitana Milanese, and concluded in 2022, built a HTC pilot plant and a mono-incineration plant for sludge thermal valorisation and phosphorus recovery.
The seminar concluded with a panel discussion addressing the framework conditions to step up circularity. Veronica Santoro, ESPP, emphasised that a plurality of effective approaches to circularity already exist and presented concrete examples of phosphorus recovery in the wastewater sector. She also stressed the importance of communication and stakeholder engagement to ensure adequate societal support to circularity. David Bolzonella, University of Verona, agreed that there is a plurality of approaches available, and there is no silver bullet to solve the issue of sludge management. He also argued that society is moving away from an ‘end-of-pipe’ approach to wastewater and that treatment plants are being transformed into ‘bio-refineries’ capable of recovering precious substances. Despite this, end markets for these substances are not yet stable. In this regards, Bertrand Vallet highlighted the lack of a ‘critical mass’ or critical quantity of recovered materials that can underpin investments in supply chains. All panellists agreed that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to circularity, approaches can be combined according to contextual conditions, and political choices on the appropriate mix must be made at national and local level to bolster circularity.
“Circular ways: promoting circular approaches in wastewater treatment”, organised by Aqua Publica Europea with Viveracqua and Acque Veronesi, 29th June 2023
Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive Recast (26/10/2022); Sewage Sludge Directive evaluation (22/05/2023)
US Academy of Science funded (since 2021) phosphorus sustainability Center STEPS has published a 70-page Roadmap proposing a 25% reduction in dependence on mined phosphate and a 25% reduction in P losses within 25 years. The Roadmap outlines the phosphorus Problem, a Vision for phosphorus Sustainability and nine Opportunities for action. It underlines the challenges of rising global food demand, phosphate rock as a finite resource, inefficient phosphorus processing and use, legacy P trapped in soils and eutrophication leading to algal blooms. Action on phosphorus is situated in the global agendas of innovation and sustainability, emphasising the need to improve P monitoring, process animal and farm wastes, improve agricultural P efficiency, reduce phosphate rock mining waste and develop valuable products from P-recycling. The nine proposed actions are: improving agricultural P-use efficiency, processing farm wastes and particularly manure to fertilisers, recovering P to valuable products, reducing and recovering phosphate mining wastes, reducing food supply chain and food wastes, improving P-monitoring, developing markets for P-management solutions, engaging stakeholders to accelerate technology adoption, increasing public awareness. These nine actions are each detailed into short-term, medium and long-term sub-actions, The 33 sub-actions are organised by “stakeholder”: advocacy, academia and NGO, farmers, finance, food chain industry, regulators, waste & water industries, mining, media. An Appendix identifies over 90 “aggregated impact opportunities” proposed in other reports including Our Phosphorus Future (see ESPP eNews n°67), RePhoKUS, OCP Sustainability Report 2021, Water Research Foundation Holistic Approach to Nutrient Management 2022 …
STEPS “25-in-25: A Roadmap Toward U.S.Phosphorus Sustainability” Roadmap, May 2023 DOI.
The C sink function weakened after P fertilisation due to increased ecosystem respiration, resulting from changes in vegetation composition and litter quality, increased enzyme activity, microbe metabolism and peat decomposition. The study was conducted in a peatland in northeastern China, where a 12-year experiment (2007-2019) mimicked environmental changes by adding different levels of P (5 and 10 kg ha-1 y-1) to the soil, to assess the impact of P fertilisation on CO2 emissions. The following were monitored for five months (May to September 2019) after the 12 years of P fertilisation: CO2 fluxes, soil total C, N and P, vegetation and plant cover, dissolved organic C in peat pore water, and activity potential of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. Long-term P addition altered vegetation structure by inhibiting the growth of Sphagnum mosses and facilitating that of vascular plants, without significantly changing gross primary production relative to the controls. The shift in vegetation led to more high-quality litter and easily accessible C sources for microbes. This increased ecosystem respiration and boosted phenol oxidase enzyme activity, likely due to higher phenolic content in the plant litter. Consequently, the concentration of dissolved organic C in pore water increased, accelerating peat decomposition. Nitrogen metabolism enzyme activity increased, whereas phosphorus and carbon metabolism enzymes were unchanged. Additionally, fungal abundance increased in P-fertilised plots, potentially accelerating the breakdown of soil organic C and increasing CO2 emissions. As a result of these processes, the peatland's capacity to absorb CO2 was significantly reduced with P fertilisation. The average net CO2 uptake during the growing season was in fact only 0.002 at high level of P, compared to 0.063 mg/m2/s in the control plots.
“Long-Term Phosphorus Addition Strongly Weakens the Carbon Sink Function of a Temperate Peatland” F. Lu et al., Ecosystems (2022) DOI.
Life Cycle Analysis suggests that partial substitution of rock-based P fertilisers with wastewater-derived P products reduces global warming, eutrophication, ecotoxicity, and acidification potential of crop production. The study assessed the life cycle environmental impacts, for a functional unit of producing 1 kg of crop, of replacing half of the conventional rock-based P fertilisers in maize, rice, and wheat production with P products derived from wastewaters from six different recovery routes. The considered wastewater treatment plant included activated sludge treatment and anaerobic sludge. The P recovery routes considered were: precipitation from digester supernatant (struvite or tricalcium phosphate) and P-recovery from sewage sludge mono-incineration ash (Rhenania phosphate or single superphosphate). The pathways and scenarios were evaluated based on literature data and inventories, databases, and modelling of P recovery integration into a wastewater treatment plant. Results indicate that wastewater-derived struvite, tricalcium phosphate, and Rhenania phosphate-like product can reduce environmental impacts in most scenarios, with the extent of change varying by crop. Eutrophication potential decreased in nearly all pathways and scenarios, because the LCA calculation assumed reduced P content in the wastewater treatment plant effluents. Conversely, processes involving thermo-chemical treatment and chemical extraction increased global warming potential and ecotoxicity in all scenarios, outweighing the benefits of avoiding conventional fertilisers due to additional chemical inputs and heating energy.
“Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Wastewater-Derived Phosphorus Products: An Agricultural End-User Perspective” K. A. Lam et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. (2022) DOI.
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Learn more about Ramiran conference, Cambridge, UK, 12–14 September 2023:
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3rd Summit of Organic and organo-mineral Fertiliser Industries in Europe. 16-17 January 2024, Brussels Plaza & hybrid
SOFIE is the only industry meeting place for organic-carbon-based fertiliser producers, distributors, advisory, technology suppliers. The first SOFIE (2019) attracted 125 participants, with 230 for SOFIE2 (January 2023, photo below).
SOFIE3 will cover:
Short proposals for presentations, company showcases or posters should be sent by 15th October to : see details HERE.
SOFIE3 is co-organised by ESPP, Eurofema and Fertilizers Europe, with support of the International Fertiliser Society.
Monday 18th September 2023, 14h – 17h, online
Co-organised by IFOAM Europe and ESPP.
Registration is free and is open to representatives of Organic Farming organisations from across Europe.
Full meeting agenda HERE. Registration: Eventbrite.
12-14 September 2023, Cambridge, UK
The “Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture Network” (RAMIRAN) expertise and research network, established 25 years ago, expects over 200 delegates at its 18th international conference. Themes addressed include policy and regulation (including ESPP update on EU policies and regulations), recycled and organic nutrient crop utilisation, soil quality, air and water nutrient losses, treatment and processing technologies and best practices. Speakers include the UK ministry DEFRA, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ADAS, TEAGASC, Wageningen WUR, University of Minnesota, OCAPI Paris, ESPP. The conference will lead to a Frontiers special issue in Sustainable Food Systems – Waste Management in Agroecosystems. (abstract submission: 30th September 2023)
RAMIRAN 2023, 12-14 September, Cambridge UK
Save the date. NERM – 16-17 April 2024 – Brussels & online – plus research students meeting & site visits.
NERM (Nutrients in Europe Research Meeting) is organised by ESPP, FERTIMANURE, LEX4BIO, RUSTICA, SEA2LAND, WALNUT and Biorefine Cluster Europe. Towards closing nutrient cycles for a sustainable future, from R&D to implementation.
- key outcomes of recent nutrient recycling R&D under Horizon 2020, LIFE, Interreg and other programmes
- roadmap for future nutrient recycling R&D needs
- nutrient recovery technologies and recycled fertiliser production
- quality, application and use, stakeholder acceptance of secondary fertilisers
- from nutrient recovery to market
Plus PhD / research students event April 15th 2024 and site visits (on-farm and sewage treatment nutrient recovery sites).
Call for abstracts and outline programme will be published in September 2023.
NERM, 16-17 April 2024, Brussels
ESPP is looking for a regulatory consultant to prepare a dossier on Cat1 ABP ashes for input to EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) on possible use of Cat1 ashes and derivates in fertilisers, in particular prion safety.
See relevant background documents at
Full details of services requested HERE. To express interest, please contact ESPP before 15th September 2023.
European Commission (DG GROW) tender to assess agronomic efficiency and safety for use of certain ABPs in fertilising products, as per art. 51-1(b) of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation 2019/2009. Budget 120 000 €. Submission deadline 18th September 2023. The study does NOT concern health safety aspects which are assessed by EFSA (European Food Safety Agency, see ESPP eNews n°61). It does concern environmental safety and worker safety, for use as or in fertilising products, and “agronomic efficiency” either in itself in a fertilising product or to facilitate production of effective fertilising products. The study covers (i) materials listed in the DG SANTE Delegated Act (not yet published, see C(2023) 3366 here) and (ii) twelve other ABP materials specified in the tender documents. The study does NOT cover “Processed Manure” (as defined in the EU Animal By-Product Regulations) because this is being assessed separately by JRC. Also, the study does NOT cover ABPs in composts, digestates, Cat. 2-3 ashes which are included in the Delegated Act (art. 3 a, b, c) because (to ESPP’s understanding) these are covered by CMCs 3, 5, 13 and so will not be added to CMC10 (the tender specifies that it concerns ABPs to “include in CMC 10”).
EU tender “Technical study to include new materials in CMC 10 to the Fertilising Products Regulation”, GROW/2023/OP/0027. Submission deadline 18th September 2023 HERE.
Public consultation open to 26th October 2023. Possibility to input plain text comments (max. 4 000 characters) plus document.
The EU Regulation amending the Animal By-Products Regulations to allow use of certain ABPs in CE-Mark fertilising products is now published. This establishes ‘End Points’ under the Animal By-Products Regulations for a number of ABP materials for use in fertilising products without traceability (the EU Fertilising Products Regulations FPR provide CE-Mark fertilisers with ‘End-of-Waste’ and product status), whereas currently these materials can be authorised for use under national fertilisers regulations but only subject to traceability.
The published amending Regulation is essentially as proposed to public consultation in October 2022 (see ESPP eNews n°70) and covers, under specified conditions:
It is ESPP’s understanding that:
European Commission Delegated Regulation 2023/1065 of 22 May 2023 published in the EU Official Journal 8th August 2023 “supplementing Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the determination of end points in the manufacturing chain of certain organic fertilisers and soil improvers”
The UK Government has announced its intention to relax requirements that building of new houses in catchments of protected natural areas must be “Nutrient Neutral”. Current requirements are derived from EU case law concerning protection of Natural (Habitats Directive) areas from eutrophication (detail in ESPP eNews n°59 and n°35). The EU case law effectively requires that any action in the catchment (from building houses to grazing cattle) must only be authorised if it is demonstrated “there is no reasonable scientific doubt as to the lack of adverse effects” on the Natura site. Currently the UK regulator prevents any new house build in catchments of Natura areas impacted by eutrophication unless compensatory measures are engaged, such as creating wetlands as nutrient buffers, or reducing nutrient emissions from farms or sewage works. The UK Home Builders Federation (HBF) claims (30th June 2023) “145,000 homes currently blocked. Rivers increasingly polluted. SME builders threatened despite no link between house building and river pollution. Builders forced to fallow farmland and trout farms to comply with rules, threatening food security”. The UK Wildlife Trusts say (24th July 2023) that the proposed UK “Environment Act” would fix the target to reduce P, N and sediment losses by 40% by 2038, with upgrades to wastewater treatment works and review and expansion of environmental permits controlling pollution from farming, so creating “the necessary headroom that will mean that housing development will no longer have to worry about nutrients”.
“Pollution rules could change to ease housebuilding”, BBC 29th August 2023.
“Policy paper. Nutrient pollution: reducing the impact on protected sites”, UK Government, 28th June 2023.
Literature and expert assessment concludes that treated sewage sludge (biosolids) use can reduce the carbon footprint of agriculture, improve soil quality and reduce mineral fertiliser use, but underlines lack of long-term data. The 117-page report considers different sewage sludge treatment processes (drying/liming, composting, digestion, pyrolysis = biochar) and analyses carbon loss and soil carbon storage, nitrous oxide and other greenhouse emissions in land application, fertiliser replacement. Part of the organic carbon in sewage sludge is lost or transformed in sewage treatment (e.g. conversion to biogas in anaerobic digestion). Around 25% of carbon in sludge is estimated to be retained in soil after 11 – 34 years, resulting in an average increase in SOC (soil organic carbon) of c. 14% after repeated biosolids application. The report reminds that the SOC capacity of soils is limited, so that long-term repeated applications will eventually not further increase SOC. No studies were identified as providing evidence of impacts of sewage sludge biochars on soil carbon storage. Nitrous oxide emissions from land application of digested sludge are estimated at 0.6% of applied N-total – somewhat lower than the 1% factor currently used in the UK GHG Inventory (emissions are much lower after composting or pyrolysis). Nearly 90% of UK sewage sludge is currently applied to agricultural land after treatment (3 – 4 Mt biosolids/y), supplying c. 5 600 tN/y, 37 500 tP/y, 2 400 tK/y and 28 000 tS/y, representing a saving of c. 33 000 t/y carbon emissions. The report concludes that available evidence supports that appropriate agricultural use of treated sewage sludge (biosolids) is environmentally beneficial, but that there is a lack of data from long-term field studies, and in particular inadequate data on nitrous oxide emissions, ammonia emissions and nitrate leaching from biosolids land use, soil organic carbon retention, use of sewage sludge biochar.
“Biosolids to land: carbon emissions and carbon capture”, report no. 23/CL/01/38, UKWIR (UK Water Industry Research), 2023. UKWIR research reports online
Survey in seven European countries suggests that reliably known nutrient levels, organic matter content, cost, and ease of application of are the most desirable properties.
The survey was conducted among stakeholders (farmers and advisors) in seven North-West European countries to understand which qualities they consider important in recycled-derived fertilisers and would encourage them to use these to substitute mineral fertilisers. The survey indicated that recycled-derived fertiliser means processed organic wastes or products from these, including from manures, food waste, green waste or sewage sludge. This will mean that the results are biased because mainly persons already informed or motivated will have responded. The authors fail to mention this inherent bias anywhere in the paper. Most of the 1225 participants responded from France, Belgium and Ireland, and over 80% were farmers (mostly conventional farming) with the remaining 20% from horticulture, agricultural companies and research. In the farmers’ view, the most important parameter for the selection of a fertiliser was good quality at good price, whereas other stakeholders were more interested in the nutrient content, composition and availability. Nutrient ratio corresponding to crop nutrient demand was the most noted quality for users, followed by a high organic matter content, whereas non-users preferred qualities were price per unit nutrient, ease of use and environmental security. 46% of participants also indicated that a known NPK concentration was the most important reason why they would substitute mineral fertilisers, highlighting that high variability in nutrient composition of recycled fertilising materials is often the reason behind farmers' choice of synthetic mineral fertilisers. Over 80% of respondents indicated that if recycled fertilisers had the desired important qualities, they were willing to substitute mineral fertilisers if the recycled fertilisers were subsidised and free of charge or cheaper than mineral fertilisers, whereas less than 20% were willing to substitute if they were slightly more expensive than mineral fertilisers.
“What are the desired properties of recycling-derived fertilisers from an end-user perspective?”, A. Egan et al., Cleaner and Responisble Consumption 5, 100057 (2022), DOI
Modelled climate scenarios were compared without terrestrial nutrient limitation in the model (C), with nitrogen (N) limitation and with nitrogen and phosphorus (NP) limitation. The University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model was used and carbon emission budgets to limit global warming to +1.5°C or +2°C were modelled. Results suggest that the carbon budget would be c. 20% lower in both cases for N limitation, and c. 25% lower for NP limitation. Phosphorus is considered less limiting in tropical regions. These results are coherent with Peng et al. 2022 (see ESPP eNews n°77) who concluded that P limitation could reduce global carbon CO2 uptake by 7.5%.
“Effect of terrestrial nutrient limitation on the estimation of the remaining carbon budget”, M. De Sisto & A. MacDougall, Biogesciences Discussions 2023, DOI.
Iron dosing to open oceans has been proposed as a route to stimulate algae growth, and so carbon sequestration. New study suggests that global consequences may be negative, because resulting uptake of major nutrients reduces supplies in coastal waters and reducing carbon uptake there as well as possibly impacting ecosystems and fisheries. Phytoplankton growth in open ocean surface waters is often limited by iron, especially in zones of nutrient upwelling, so iron dosing can increase primary production, so absorbing atmospheric CO2 which may then be sequestered as part of the biomass sinks to deeper waters. This study models impacts of global ocean iron fertilisation, in the context of climate change, using the PISCESv2 (within NEMO) and APECOSM oceanographic and IPSL CMSA climate models, under the CMIP5 RCP8.5 high emissions scenario. This shows that iron fertilisation is likely to exacerbate a key impact of climate change which is to deplete upper ocean waters of nutrients because of stratification (heating of the upper layer reduces vertical mixing). The modelling concludes that global ocean iron fertilisation would result in reductions in upper ocean water animal biomass, in particular in tropical regions, including in coastal ecosystems, with possible negative impacts on fisheries, and possibly overall limited or net negative global impact on primary production and carbon sequestration. These effects occur only after a delay of maybe two decades with ocean currents so that short-term or local monitoring of ocean iron fertilisation may not provide transposable results.
“Ocean iron fertilization may amplify climate change pressures on marine animal biomass for limited climate benefit”, A. Tagliabue et al., Glob Change Biol. 2023;29:5250–5260, DOI
A global meta-analysis suggests that P fertilisation increases the soil total N pool, enhances biological nutrient immobilisation, reduces N losses, accelerates soil N cycling and could enhance soil C sequestration.
Over 1700 observations from 116 peer-reviewed publications were analysed to assess the effects of P addition on soil N pools and cycling processes and how these vary among ecosystem types and P fertiliser management schemes. Data were limited to studies reporting clear information on P addition rate and duration and including both a control and a P-addition treatment, and covered mainly field tests. Data was from across the world, but with most coming from Asia and North America. The factors considered were related to soil N pools (soil total N, NO3-, NH4+, dissolved inorganic and organic N, microbial biomass N), N cycling (mineralisation, nitrification, denitrification, ammonification, N2O emission, NO3- leaching), and P and C soil pools. The analysis underlined the role of P fertilisation in increasing the soil total N pool in field experiments, particularly after long term P addition (≥5 yr). This was potentially the result of increased plant N uptake (as evidenced by the increase in plant productivity and decrease in available soil N pools), enhanced biological N fixation and reduced N losses (NO3- leaching). The accumulation of soil total N was coupled with an increase in the soil C pool size, suggesting a role of P in promoting soil C sequestration. Phosphorus addition also accelerated some of the soil N cycling processes, including N mineralisation (especially in grasslands), nitrification, and denitrification (in forests and wetlands) with the effect sizes varying among ecosystem types and increasing with P fertilisation rates. No impacts on N2O emissions were observed.
“Phosphorus supply increases nitrogen transformation rates and retention in soil: A global meta-analysis” R. Wang et al., Earth's Future, 10, e2021EF002479, 2022 DOI
Modelling of nutrient losses with climate change in two small Swedish catchments suggests that Green Deal -50% nutrient loss reduction targets will require conversion of c. 1% of cropland to wetland / nutrient buffers. Hestadbäcken catchment (8 km2), centre-east Sweden, and Tullstorpsån (62 km2), south Sweden, both mainly agricultural, were modelled for nutrient losses, including under climate change scenarios. Modelling considered a 20% reduction in fertiliser application, cover crops and “stream mitigation” consisting of reconversion of agricultural land to wetland or buffer zones along streams. Conclusions are, in both cases, that around 1% of catchment cropland area must be converted to stream mitigation to achieve the Green Deal nutrient loss reduction target, other measures being insufficient. Modelling suggests that climate change could lead to a slight increase in P loss to the streams, related to increased precipitation, and either an increase or decrease in inorganic N loss depending on the balance between increased runoff, evapotranspiration and increased N mineralisation. In particular, high rainfall events are likely to increase, and measures are needed to prevent these leading to nutrient losses to the stream, such as a low threshold barrier to prevent wetland floodwaters entering the stream.
“How to Achieve a 50% Reduction in Nutrient Loads from Agricultural Catchments under Different Climate Trajectories?”, M. Wynants et al., Authorea. 2023, DOI.
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The EU Regulation amending the Animal By-Products Regulations to allow use of certain ABPs in CE-Mark fertilising products is now published. This establishes ‘End Points’ under the Animal By-Products Regulations for a number of ABP materials for use in fertilising products without traceability (the EU Fertilising Products Regulations FPR provide CE-Mark fertilisers with ‘End-of-Waste’ and product status), whereas currently these materials can be authorised for use under national fertilisers regulations but only subject to traceability.
The published amending Regulation is essentially as proposed to public consultation in October 2022 (see ESPP eNews n°70) and covers, under specified conditions:
It is ESPP’s understanding that:
European Commission Delegated Regulation 2023/1065 of 22 May 2023 published in the EU Official Journal 8th August 2023 “supplementing Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the determination of end points in the manufacturing chain of certain organic fertilisers and soil improvers”
European Commission (DG GROW) tender to assess agronomic efficiency and safety for use of certain ABPs in fertilising products of certain ABPs, ss per art. 51-1(b) of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation 2019/2009. Budget 120 000 €. Submission deadline 18th September 2023. The study does NOT concern health safety aspects which are assessed by EFSA (European Food Safety Agency, see ESPP eNews n°61). It concerns environmental safety and worker safety, for use as or in fertilising products, and “agronomic efficiency” either in itself in a fertilising product or to facilitate production of effective fertilising products. The study covers (i) materials listed in the DG SANTE Delegated Act (not yet published, see C(2023) 3366 here) and (ii) twelve other ABP materials specified in the tender documents. The study does NOT cover “Processed Manure” (as defined in the EU Animal By-Product Regulations) because this is being assessed separately by JRC. Also, the study does NOT cover ABPs in composts, digestates, Cat. 2-3 ashes which are included in the Delegated Act (art. 3 a, b, c) because (to ESPP’s understanding) these are covered by CMCs 3, 5, 13 and so will not be added to CMC10 (the tender specifies that it concerns ABPs to “include in CMC 10”).
EU tender “Technical study to include new materials in CMC 10 to the Fertilising Products Regulation”, GROW/2023/OP/0027. Submission deadline 18th September 2023 HERE.
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16-17 January 2024, Brussels Plaza & hybrid
SOFIE is the only industry meeting place for organic-carbon-based fertiliser producers, distributors, advisory, technology suppliers. The first SOFIE (2019) attracted 125 participants, with 230 for SOFIE2 (January 2023, photo below).
SOFIE3 will cover:
Short proposals for presentations, company showcases or posters should be sent by 15th October to : see details HERE.
SOFIE3 is co-organised by ESPP, Eurofema and Fertilizers Europe, with support of the International Fertiliser Society.
Co-organised by IFOAM Europe and ESPP.
Participants: representatives of Organic Farming organisations from across Europe.
Recycled struvite and precipitated phosphates have been added into the list of authorised inputs as fertilisers in certified EU Organic Farming (ESPP eNews n°73). Certain other recycled nutrients are already authorised with conditions.
This meeting will discuss which further recycled nutrient products might be appropriate for certified Organic Farming, based on practical examples, and under what conditions they might be considered. Questions considered: solubility and plant availability of nutrients, origin of raw materials, chemicals used in recovery process and LCA, contaminants and safety. Examples will be: calcined phosphates, biochars, phosphate fertilisers from ashes, recovered ammonium sulphate, recovered nutrients from aquaculture and other marine wastes.
Full meeting agenda HERE. Registration: Eventbrite.
The European Commission (DG SANTE) has indicated that it will request from EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) an Opinion on the safety of possible use of Cat1 ashes and derivates in fertilisers. EFSA are susceptible to consider that the Brown et al. studies (2000, 2004, see ESPP eNews n°73) suggest possible prion infectivity after combustion, even in the absence of residual organic carbon or protein. ESPP organised an online meeting of companies and experts on Cat1 ash safety (22nd May 2023), including two co-authors of these studies. This meeting concluded that there are today no practicable methods to reliably test ash samples to show absence of prion infectivity and no experimental evidence of elimination of infectivity by combustion under EU Industrial Emission Directive conditions. The meeting therefore proposed to develop a dossier of evidence to input to EFSA based on input material risk and on epidemiological data. ESPP is looking for a service provider to collect data and prepare a dossier to submit to EFSA, and also to support coordination with concerned companies and organisations.
See relevant background documents at
Full details of services requested HERE. To express interest, please contact ESPP before 15th September 2023.
1000 € prize for an undergraduate or master thesis, obtained in Germany, on phosphorus recovery.
Submission deadline 1st September 2023. “Förderpreis der Deutschen Phosphor-Plattform DPP” here.
The International Fertiliser Society prize (UK£ 1000 plus 2 x UK£ 500) rewards completed or advanced research (PhD / MSc level) susceptible to make a practical contribution to improving crop nutrition. Application form (one page) and information on previous prize winners is here.
Submission deadline: 30th September 2023. IFS Brian Chambers International Award for Early Career Researchers in Crop Nutrition. HERE.
German research institutes FBN and AWI are searching for European partners for a consortium for the Horizon Europe Call “Demonstrating how regions can operate within safe ecological and regional nitrogen and phosphorus boundaries” (HORIZON-CL6-2024-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-1), planned call opening date 17 October 2023. The project will explore material flow scenarios and management of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and develop measures to avoid unwanted losses, including recycling N and P from wastes and sewage sludge, improving N-binding in soils and plants. The consortium is looking for expertise in resource governance, circular economy, crop production, soil science, waste and environmental management, ecosystem modelling, and companies who have expertise in sewage sludge treatment and in recycled fertilisers or animal feed.
Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) and Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI). Contacts: Michael Oster and Cédric Meunier
Proposed Directive will specify descriptors for monitoring and assessing soil health (including soil P and N) to be implemented / defined nationally by “soil district”, within a non-regulatory objective of achieving healthy soils by 2050 (as announced in the Commission document “EU Soil Strategy for 2030” 17/11/2021). The Directive is currently open for public consultation to 18th September and will go to European Parliament and Council (Member States) for decision.
The proposed Directive will install an EU-wide monitoring of soil health, and of soil artificialisation (“land take”). Outline parameters are specified, but thresholds will be defined (if not indicated) or can be adapted by Member States (MS), according to “soil districts”, which MS must also define. This looks superficially similar to the functioning of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), but in fact is very different in that the WFD fixes legal obligations and deadlines for MS to achieve Good Quality Status / Potential for water bodies, whereas this proposed Directive only refers to the 2050 objective in the recitals. Also the WFD quality criteria, for different ecoregions / water body types, are fixed at the EU level, not by MS. Unlike the WFD, there is no provision for local governance to involve civil society and stakeholders in “soil districts”. The proposed Directive also defines sustainable soil management principles, opens possibilities for certification schemes for healthy soils, and defines obligations concerning contaminated sites.
ESPP’s input to the preparatory consultations underlined that soil health is key to protecting water quality by limiting nutrient loss, that climate change will accentuate nutrient pressures on soil health (accelerated nutrient mineralisation, increased soil erosion, both leading to nutrient losses) and that nutrient recycling can support soil health by return of organic carbon (organic fertilisers, composts, digestates, biosolids) subject to ensuring contaminant safety.
The proposal refers to the EU Green Deal (Farm-to-Fork and Biodiversity Strategies) aim to reduce nutrient losses by 50% without deterioration of soil fertility. Nutrients cycling is identified as a key aspect of healthy soils (Recitals 2). In the parameter thresholds in Annex I (Soil Descriptors for Health Soil Condition …), soil phosphorus and soil nitrogen are specified as two of the eleven criteria. Excess phosphorus must, for the whole EU (Annex I part A), have a maximum value set by the MS, such that this maximum is between 30 and 50 mg/kg (Annex II specifies measurement as extractable phosphorus by ISO 11263:1994 = Olsen-P). Excess nitrogen levels may also be defined by MS if causing “critical loss of ecosystem services” (art. 9.3, Annex I part C: total soil N, measurement by ISO 11261:1995 Kjeldahl N).
Public consultation open to 18th September 2023. Possibility to input plain text comments (max. 4 000 characters) plus document.
European Commission evaluation of 1986 Sewage Sludge Directive concludes that it should be maintained but should be updated to cover organic contaminants, microplastics, AMR and to better ensure application according to crop needs. The formal “Evaluation” is the first step towards a possible proposal to revise or recast the Directive. The evaluation is based on analysis of literature, Member States reporting, a public consultation, surveys, a stakeholder workshop and interviews (including with ESPP). The evaluation notes that of 7-8 Mt/y sewage sludge (dry matter) produced in the EU today*, c. 40% is valorised in agriculture plus 10% “composted” (ESPP comment: probably also then used in agriculture or for other soil improvement applications). Incineration of this sludge would cost an additional 390 – 490 M€/y (from Egle unpublished). Use of sewage sludge to substitute fertiliser nutrients can save farmers maybe 96 plus 44 €/tDS sludge (for N and P respectively). The evaluation notes that current Member States reporting does not enable to verify that crop nutrient needs are taken into account in sewage sludge application, whereas this is necessary to avoid risks of nutrient pollution. The evaluation concludes that the Directive aims to encourage the use of sewage sludge in agriculture whilst preventing negative environmental or health impacts, that it continues to have EU added value and to be relevant and supported by stakeholders, but that it should be reviewed to consider regulating organic contaminants (in particular PFAS, PAH), pathogens and antimicrobial resistance (AMR), pharmaceuticals and microplastics. It is underlined that sludge management choices relate to local situations, and that maintaining the flexibility of choice for sludge management is important.
SWD(2023)158, 22nd May 2023, Evaluation of Council Directive 86/278/EEC on sewage sludge used in agriculture. HERE. * correct numbers are page 53, wrongly stated as 2-3 Mt/y in the Executive summary page 1.
Amendments to the EU Waste Framework Directive, as proposed by the European Commission, would fix targets to reduce food waste by 2030: -10% for food manufacture and processing, -30% for households. Member States must define Food Waste reduction programmes, including the following actions: behavioural change campaigns, actions to address supply chain inefficiencies, food donation systems, skills training, funding for SMEs and social economy actors. The proposed amendments to the Directive are currently open to public consultation to 4th September and will go to European Parliament and Council for decision.
“Revision of EU Waste Framework”, public consultation open to 4th September 2023. Possibility to input plain text comments (max. 4 000 characters) plus document.
ICC position says international waste transport regulations need modification to enable movement of secondary resources for recycling pilots and that quality of products should determine regulation, not origin of input materials. EasyMining (Ragn-Sells) Ash2Phos (recovery of phosphorus from sewage sludge ash) is one of four case studies: it took eight months to obtain permits from Denmark and Sweden to transport just one tonne of ash across the border for pilot trials. The Basel convention limits transboundary transport of waste for research to only 25 kg, inadequate to develop industrial pilot processes. ICC calls for consultation of business in improving waste international regulations, regulatory facilitation of storage of wastes containing resources to be recovered later when technologies have progressed, removal of barriers and creation of incentives for circularity and prioritisation of quality over origin (product quality should determine regulation of use, trade and transport, rather than origin). A presentation by Shunta Yamaguchi, OECD, at WCEF2023 identified as ways forward: clarification of definitions and classification of wastes and secondary raw materials, harmonisation and mutual acceptance of circular economy related standards, cross-border reverse supply chains, removing trade restrictions on waste trade whilst tackling illegal waste trade.
OECD publications on Trade, Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy.
World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF), 1st June 2023 How to remove hurdles on research waste shipments
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), 2023 Circular material flows for research and innovation
NMI has published a 69-page first draft of the future Guidance Document for elaboration of Technical Documentation for the EU Fertilising Products Regulation. The document includes an inventory of relevant documents (guidance documents for other EU regulations, documents of industry associations) and outlines the documents and information which are necessary for Conformity Assessment of EU fertilising products (CE-mark) as a function of different PFCs, CMCs, Conformity Assessment modules. A stakeholder workshop to discuss this Guidance is planned for 17th October 2023 for information: contact.
“Technical study on the elaboration of the technical documentation for the FPR” Inception report, NMI Netherlands, 17th May 2023, 1935.N.22a HERE. This Guidance Document is commissioned by the European Commission (see tender announced in ESPP eNews n°66) but this is not indicated in this draft.
Climate models predict an increase in net CO2 fixing with increasing atmospheric CO2 and increasing biological activity linked to temperature, but this could be reduced by phosphorus limitation, not considered in current models. This study used the CABLE (Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange model) including the global biogeochemical model (CASA-CNP) and meteorological inputs from GCP-TRENDY to estimate net CO2 fixing with consideration of only C and N cycles, or also with P, under the climate “business as usual” scenario RCP8.5. This scenario implies a global temperature rise of 5.7°C and an increase in atmospheric CO2 of +250% from today’s levels. Phosphorus limitation is estimated to reduce net ecosystem biomass production (net carbon fixing) by 15% per year in China by 2060 (with a reduction in cumulated fixed carbon over the coming four decades of >11% for China), and by over 7.5% per year worldwide (cumulated >5%).
“Phosphorus Limitation on Carbon Sequestration in China under RCP8.5”, J. Peng et al., Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2023 DOI.
Filtration columns filled with different configurations of Rockfos® and Leca® material were tested on real domestic wastewater to assess phosphate capture during a two-year experiment. Biologically treated wastewater (~7 mg P/l, pH ~7) was filtered with mixtures of Rockfos® (a CaO and SiO2-rich material produced from carbonate-siliceous rock) and Leca® (a light expanded clay aggregate material), with a total of 20 litres of filter material. Applied flow rates were 20 and 40 l/day, with a retention time of 12 and 6h, respectively. The combination of 90% Rockfos® with 10% Leca® was identified as optimal among the tested options, and high phosphate (PO4) removal efficiency (~94%) was obtained for all columns tested at 20 l/day flow rate and 12 h retention time, reducing phosphorus to 0.4 mg P-PO4/l in the effluent. Lower removal (~80%, ~1.70 mg P-PO4/l) was obtained at 40 l/day inflow rate, due to reduced contact time. For these reasons, authors suggest to use 1 m3 of these filter materials for 1 m3/day of wastewater throughflow when designing P-removal systems. The filtration columns performed better during the first 250 days of testing, due to the high availability of reactive Ca2+ on grain surfaces. In the later stages of the test, removal efficiency decreased and was particularly low at inflowing temperature below 10°C, because of the slower chemical processes of phosphate precipitation in the filters. The alkaline characteristic of the filter material resulted in treated wastewater outflow initially at pH12 and still at pH9 after 300 days, which could be incompatible with discharge constraints. As indicated in Scope Newsletter n°138, challenges in implementation are the pH of the treated water, and selecting materials which can be recycled as a fertilising material after phosphorus uptake (plant availability of the phosphorus, low levels of contaminants).
“Long-term operating conditions for different sorption materials to capture phosphate from domestic wastewater” A. Jucherski et al., Sustainable Materials and Technologies 31, e00385 (2022), DOI. See also Gubernat et al. in Scope Newsletter n°138
Lab and pilot tests of struvite redissolution using calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 then sulphuric acid aim to enable application of struvite precipitation to remove ammonia from coal coking water with posssible ammonia recovery. Coking water contains organic compounds and ammonia nitrogen (TAN), and biological treatment often fails to achieve TAN discharge limits. Struvite precipitation is a robust route for TAN removal, but consumption of phosphorus and magnesium are cost prohibitive. Here a process to recycle the struvite back to soluble P and Mg compounds using low-cost chemicals (calcium hydroxide, sulphuric acid) was tested at the lab scale (30 g of struvite produced by precipitation from coking water) and then continuous pilot using coking water. The ammonia driven off could potentially be recovered. The struvite was first dissolved using calcium hydroxide solution, with aeration to drive off released ammonia. Increasing temperature, molar ratio (calcium hydroxide:ammonia) and aeration rate increased ammonia release efficiency, achieving 85% - 90% release at molar ratio 2:1, 35°C and gas-liquid ratio of 3500 (reaction time not specified). 9M sulphuric acid was then used to “activate” the struvite dissolution products by reducing pH to 2.5 - 3, resulting in soluble magnesium phosphate and precipitation of gypsum (calcium sulphate) – this is a comparable reaction to acid attack of phosphate rock. A pilot struvite reactor (20l hydraulic residence time 1 hour plus 40l settling zone 2 hours) was built and tested for continuous N removal from coking water and the precipitated struvite was dissolved – recirculated six times (seven uses). Results showed initial TAN removal from the coking water of nearly 90%, falling only slightly to around 85% by the 6th recycle. Removal efficiency of 90% could be maintained by adding phosphate.
“Ammonia nitrogen removal from coking wastewater and high quality gypsum recovery by struvite recycling by using calcium hydroxide as decomposer”, H. Huang et al. J. Environmental Management 292 (2021) 112712, DOI.
Leading fertiliser industry magazine publishes ESPP summary of work on N-recovery. ESPP notes that the few N-recycling installations operational today produce (dilute) aqueous ammonia salt solutions. These can be valorised regionally to farmers, but are not compatible with transport and reprocessing in the fertiliser industry (except in specific local circumstances). ESPP suggests to investigate feasibility of processes to recover ammonia as a compressed gas (e.g. via zeolites, geopolymers, ionic liquids), new routes to recover solid ammonium compounds and new processes to capture nitrogen from NOx stripping (in combustion, industry). ESPP is looking for companies to co-fund a joint “blue sky” industrial feasibility study of such new N-recovery routes.
Fertilizer Focus (Argus Media), July/August 2023, free online
See also SCOPE Newsletter n° 145 (summary of ESPP’s first N-recovery workshop) and n° 147 (summary of N-recovery science publications). Summary of WARM (White Ammonia Research Meeting) is underway.
Process to reconsider the exclusion of sewage sludge from EU Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) “pyrolysis and gasification products” could start in 2023. EBI will coordinate data input on contaminant safety and agronomic value.
The Biochar Summit brought together several hundred industry and science participants. In this context, the ESPP-EBI joint workshop, with around fifty participants, welcomed European Commission and expert presentations on removal of organic contaminants in sewage sludge biochar processes, analysis methods and data availability and water industry interest for development of pyrolysis as a route for sewage sludge nutrient and carbon valorisation.
Christian Wieth, Aquagreen (Chair of EBI working group on sewage sludge carbonisation), opened the workshop, explaining the shared objective to collate evidence showing the contaminant safety, nutrient value to crops and carbon sequestration contribution of sewage sludge biochar, to support future acceptance of sewage sludge as an input to CE-Mark fertilisers (EU FPR CMC14, from which it is currently excluded).
Ana-Lucia Crisan, European Commission (DG GROW – Fertilisers), confirmed that at present sewage sludge is excluded as an input for European Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) CMC14 “Pyrolysis and gasification materials”, but that sewage sludge biochars can be used in agriculture in some Member States under national fertilisers regulations and/or under waste valorisation plans. CMC14 was adopted in 2021, as part of the “STRUBIAS” criteria, in parallel to the EU FPR. It is now integrated into the consolidated version of the FPR published here. These criteria were based on the JRC STRUBIAS report 2019, which concluded (page 136 onds.) that there was not sufficient evidence to prove the safety of organic contaminants in sewage sludge biochars, that is evidence of their elimination in the pyrolysis/gasification process. This report stated: “the current proposal to exclude sewage sludge from the eligible input material list for CMC pyrolysis & gasification materials could possibly be revised once robust and extensive techno-scientific evidence underpins the safe use of (specific) pyrolysis & gasification materials derived from sewage sludge”. The current CMC14 criteria specify minimum processing conditions defined for input materials with low levels of contaminants (180°C for at least 2 seconds) and more demanding conditions would need to be specified where sewage sludge would be an input. Following the stakeholder consultation organised by DG GROW last year, sewage sludge as an input for CMC14 is included in the materials to be assessed for the European Commission (tender closed July 2023 HERE). This is expected to be a two-year study starting before end 2023. Stakeholders will be invited to input information on the safety, agronomic effectiveness, legal status, production and processing and potential for significant trade of sewage sludge pyrolysis / gasification materials. In particular, information on safety of organic contaminants in these materials should be more recent than, or otherwise not considered in, the 2019 JRC STRUBIAS report (see refence list of this report). If this study concludes that evidence now shows safety, agronomic value and trade potential as fertilising products of sewage sludge pyrolysis and gasification materials, with appropriate processing criteria, then CMC14 could be modified by Commission Delegated Act, after the relevant consultation procedures (maybe around one year additional time).
Christian Wieth, AquaGreen, noted that sewage sludge biochars are today used in agriculture under national fertilisers regulations in Sweden and under waste regulations in Denmark. They provide nutrients, improve soil water holding capacity and fix carbon. Sewage sludge biochar data from Pyreg, NGE and AquaGreen show that sewage sludge biochar typically meets the PFC contaminant criteria of the EU FPR, except possibly for zinc. Scientific literature indicates that dioxins, pharmaceuticals and pathogens are eliminated by pyrolysis at 500°C for 3 minutes, but there is not sufficient data concerning PFAS at 500°C. This could be addressed by requiring PFAS analysis and then exempting from further testing if no PFAS is found after three months. Furthermore, both Pyreg and AquaGreen have shown that PFAS is not detectable in the flue gas from their pyrolysis systems.
Helmut Gerber, Pyreg, summarised US EPA data showing that pharmaceuticals, PAH and dioxins are not found in sewage sludge biochars with pyrolysis at 500°C or higher, and PFAS is not found from around 600°C. A challenge however is that higher pyrolysis temperatures result in lower plant availability of the phosphorus in the biochar. Pyreg’s sewage sludge biochar (pyrolysis @ 600°C) showed crop growth of around 90% compared to mineral phosphate fertiliser in field trials in Hessen, Germany (biochar from sewage works using iron/aluminium for P-removal, see SCOPE Newsletter n°144). The NAC solubility of the phosphorus in this biochar (78,7%) was very slightly below the 80% threshold specified for declaring phosphorus as a nutrient under the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (Annex III – PFC 1, 4b).
Gerard Cornelissen and Katinka Krahn, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, summarised extensive laboratory studies into organic contaminants in biochars. Test methods generally used do not extract, or underestimate, organic contaminants in biochars because they are strongly bound into the biochar. This also means that the organic contaminants are not bioavailable in soil. Pyrolysis at c. >500°C generally ensures >99.9% removal of PCBs, PAHs, dioxins (load in input feed material / load in biochar). For dioxins, over 70% is usually eliminated, with the remainder mostly transferred to pyrolysis oils and very little to flue gases. However, in some cases, in particular at high temperatures (c. >800°C), dioxin toxicity may be increased by changes in congeners or modification to furans.
David Gustavsson, VA SYD and Sweden Water Research, presented the Swedish REVAQ sewage sludge quality certification scheme, which jointly engages the water industry, farmers, supermarkets, consumer associations and the Sweden EPA. A key benefit of REVAQ is that it has pushed reduction of contaminant inputs to sewage, from industry or household toxic chemicals. Around 50% of Sweden’s sewage sludge is today REVAQ certified and is valorised in agriculture. However, there are concerns about organic contaminants and the water industry is looking at pyrolysis as a route to remove organic contaminants and reduce cadmium. Pyrolysis can be operated in smaller units than sewage sludge incineration, so reducing sludge transport and enabling flexibility, and offers benefits as a carbon sink with a potentially positive energy balance. VA SYD will soon be operating an AquaGreen pilot sewage sludge biochar plant (see SCOPE Newsletter n°144) to test pyrolysis of sewage sludges from different sewage works and to carry out field trials of sewage sludge biochars, in particular to assess phosphorus crop availability.
Richard Lancaster, Atkins Global Bioresources Director, emphasised that sewage sludge management is not a choice but a necessity, with significant growth in production worldwide as populations grow, standards of living increase and environmental standards tighten. If poorly managed, sewage sludge can cause pollution, odours, increase emissions and have significant carbon impacts, whilst missing opportunities to valorise resource value, for example nutrients. The water industry faces challenges to biosolids valorisation in agriculture, due to growing concerns with regard to micropollutant contamination, for example organic contaminants and microplastics. The water industry wants to keep open a range of possible sewage sludge management routes / pathways which enable adaptation to future policy and environments, resource recovery and advanced thermal conversion, using technologies such as pyrolysis, whereas incineration for example closes other options. To enable alternative strategies there is a need to enhance understanding of deployment, explore output markets, refine regulations and gain a greater understanding on operating models / experience to support investment choices. Upstream reduction of contaminants at source is, however, the first priority.
Robert van Spingelen, ESPP President, closed the workshop, concluding that it is now necessary to collect data on elimination of organic contaminants (in particular PFAS, pharmaceuticals, microplastics) in sewage sludge pyrolysis and gasification processes, on analysis methods, and on levels of these contaminants in the resulting biochars, as well as data on phosphorus crop availability in sewage sludge biochars and on other agronomic benefits, including long-term carbon storage in soil. He underlined that the biochar industry also needs to propose consensus processing conditions and other criteria for possible inclusion of sewage sludge pyrolysis and gasification materials into CMC14 of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation. The European Biochar Industry Consortium indicated that they will centralise this data collection and make proposals.
ESPP – EBI workshop at the Biochar Summit, 14th June 2023
SCOPE Newsletter: eNews newsletter:
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The European Commission (DG SANTE) has indicated that it will request from EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) an Opinion on the safety of possible use of Cat1 ashes and derivates in fertilisers. EFSA are susceptible to consider that the Brown et al. studies (2000, 2004, see ESPP eNews n°73) suggest possible prion infectivity after combustion, even in the absence of residual organic carbon or protein. ESPP organised an online meeting of companies and experts on Cat1 ash safety (22nd May 2023), including two co-authors of these studies. This meeting concluded that there are today no practical methods to reliably test ash samples to show absence of prion infectivity and no experimental evidence of elimination of infectivity by combustion under EU Industrial Emission Directive conditions. The meeting therefore proposed to develop a dossier of evidence to input to EFSA based on input material risk and on epidemiological data. ESPP is looking for a service provider to collect data and prepare a dossier to submit to EFSA, and also to support coordination with concerned companies and organisations.
See relevant background documents at
Full details of services requested HERE. To express interest, please contact ESPP before 15th September 2023.
16-17 January 2024, Brussels Plaza & hybrid
SOFIE is the only industry meeting place for organic-carbon-based fertiliser producers, distributors, advisory, technology suppliers. The first SOFIE (2019) attracted 125 participants, with 230 for SOFIE2.
SOFIE3 will cover:
Short proposals for presentations, company showcases or posters should be sent by 15th October to : see details here.
All presentations, showcases and posters to be in Brussels (not online).
SOFIE3 is co-organised by ESPP, Eurofema and Fertilizers Europe, with support of the International Fertiliser Society
ESPP is coordinating a joint declaration, for signature by concerned companies and other organisations, calling for Elemental Phosphorus (P4 and derivates) and Purified Phosphoric Acid (PPA) to be included in the “Strategic Raw Materials” List.
The Declaration explains that phosphorus is necessary for the “Strategic” industry sectors defined in the draft Critical Raw Materials Act (batteries, renewable energies, electronics and data, aerospace) because it is needed for battery electrolytes and cathodes, photovoltaic panels, fuel cells, semiconductors, hydraulic fluids and for fire safety in all of these sectors. The objective is to input to the discussion of the draft Act in the European Parliament and Council.
If you wish to include your company or organisation signature, please contact ESPP.
Joint Declaration calling for phosphorus to be included in the EU Strategic Raw Materials List and here.
Please subscribe
Link to
Download as PDF
PYREG is the global lead manufacturer of pyrolysis installations, with over 50 biochar plants operating worldwide, stabilising carbon into biochar and producing renewable energy. PYREG was set up in 2009 as a spin-off from TH Bingen, University of Applied Sciences. Today, PYREG’s installed biochar plants stabilise over 30 000 t/y of CO2 from biomass or from wastes such as sewage sludge, food waste and biomass residues, binding the carbon long-term into biochar. The CO2 bound into biochar can be certified and traded. The biochar can be used in technical applications or applied to soil. When phosphorus-containing substrates are pyrolysed (e.g. sewage sludge, food waste, food industry by-products), the phosphorus is retained in the biochar and can be returned to soil as a slowly plant-available nutrient. Six PYREG pyrolysis plants are today operating with dried sewage sludge as input, treating 1 300 – 3 900 t/y, and several others with various dry biomass residues as input, treating up to 3.300 t/y. The sewage sludge biochar contains 15 - 35% organic carbon, 6 - 7% P, around 1% N and more than 10% K (all as % of dry solids). PYREG sewage sludge biochar is registered as a fertiliser in Sweden (PYREGphos). By becoming a member of ESPP, PYREG will communicate with regulators, research, potential customers and companies offering technologies with potential synergies, and will promote pyrolysis as a route to fixing carbon in sewage sludge and to recycling phosphorus to agriculture.
A waste management and recycling company, in minerals, stone and contaminated soils, as well as hazardous wastes and batteries, NOAH’s aims are circularity and a non-toxic material cycle, including nutrient recovery from fly ash. NOAH, part of Gjelsten Holdning group, has today around 135 staff and 25 years proven expertise in safe chemical-technical treatment solutions to manage wastes safely for people and the environment. Examples are zinc, mercury, arsenic, lead, hydroxides, and reactive metals. At Langøya (photo), NOAH processes the wastes into a gypsum matrix that binds and stabilises pollutants, treating around 500 kt/y of hazardous waste and relandscaping an old lime quarry. NOAH is developing recovery of mineral salts using a purification system to remove remaining impurities (sulphates, heavy metals, other metals) then a concentration process where sodium and potassium chlorides precipitate from the calcium chloride rich mother brine. Sodium and potassium salts are separated, crystallised and dried. NOAH is also testing phosphorus recycling from calcium phosphate slag, using the nitro phosphate process to produce pure gypsum and phosphoric acid. NOAH believes policies should move away from landfilling to circularity. EU regulations need to be optimised to make the transition to the Circular Economy. NOAH is joining ESPP to work together for these transitions
Consultation extended to 30h June 2023 on draft EU Critical Raw Materials Regulation, before discussion in EU Parliament and Council, covering Critical and Strategic Raw Materials Lists, with update of the EU Critical Raw Materials List. Elemental phosphorus (P4) and phosphate rock are NOT included in the proposed list of “Strategic” Raw Materials (see ESPP eNews n°74).
ESPP has input to provide reasons why Elemental Phosphorus (P4 and derivates) and Purified Phosphoric Acid (PPA) should both be included in the “Strategic Raw Materials” List.
ESPP also suggests that materials critical for EU food security should be assessed and defined Strategic.
ESPP’s input to the public consultation is on the EU website here and the full document submitted is at (see under “EU Critical Raw Materials”)
Individuals, companies and organisations can input to the EU public consultation until 30th June here (4000 characters free text plus optional document).
Consultation asks questions about Polluter Pays Policy implementation. At the same time, the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive recast proposes PPP for costs of removing pharmaceuticals and cosmetics in sewage works. The public consultation on PPP open to 4th August asks about pollutant costs, which pollutants should be targeted, how PPP should be implemented including how the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) should be integrated into prices of products and what impacts this could have. This consultation is open to input from the general public, companies and organisations. At the same time, the recast of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, currently in discussion in European Parliament and Council, raises the question of PPP. The Commission’s proposed text would introduce PPP (here called “Extended Producer Responsibility”) for costs of removing pharmaceutical and cosmetics residues in sewage works (Recital 13, arts. 9, 10, 30 and Annex 3) and will evaluate for 2030 whether this should be enlarged to other chemicals found in wastewater.
Legislative dossier underway Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive recast
“Polluter Pays Principle – fitness check of its application to the environment”, EU public consultation open to 4th August 2023 HERE
The European Commission has opened a tender for studies on microorganisms for inclusion as biostimulants and on possible other new materials as inputs for the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR). The tender includes two lots. The first will develop methodology for assessing microorganism which are candidates for inclusion in EU FPR “biostimulants” (addition into CMC7), including their safety, agronomic effectiveness, legal status, production and processing, potential for significant trade, etc. The study will then use the methodology to assess a number of microorganisms proposed under the EU survey held in 2022 (see ESPP eNews n°69). The second study lot will assess candidate new input materials and treatments for possible inclusion into CMCs of the EU FPR, starting by screening submissions made under this 2022 survey. “Indicative examples” cited include materials from: human excreta; algae grown on waste waters; nutrients from battery recycling; from feed industry; sewage sludge; sludge from fish farming; seafood processing residues; and additional processing methods or input materials for a number of CMCs. This study will then assess potential for significant trade, environmental and health safety, agronomic efficiency, and will then make technical proposals for FPR Annex II amendments for materials identified as relevant. Estimated total tender value is 275 K€ (125 K€ for microorganisms, 150 K€ for new CMC materials).
DG GROW tender (TED), open to 17th July @ 9h00 GROW/2022/OP/0046 “Technical Studies to Support the Inclusion of New Materials and Microorganisms under the Fertilising Products Regulation” HERE
The European Commission has pre-announced an upcoming tender for a study on agronomic value and environmental safety of certain Animal By-Products in fertilising products (CMC10). As indicated in ESPP eNews n°75, the authorisation of certain ABPs in CE-mark fertilising products (under the EU Fertilising Products Regulation FPR – CMC10) is very, very slowly progressing. It is our understanding that the DG SANTE Delegated Act amending the Animal By-Product Regulations to define “end points” allowing use of certain ABPs in EU fertilising products (that is, without traceability) is now finalised and will hopefully be published in the Official Journal within a few months (link below). However, these ABPs can only be added to the EU FPR (CMC10) after assessment by the European Commission (DG GROW) of their agronomic value and environmental safety. For “processed manure”, this will be done by the Commission itself (JRC), see ESPP’s input HERE. For ABPs other than “processed manure” cited in the SG SANTE Delegated Act, and possibly for other ABPs which could be considered for future integration into the FPR, the study of agronomic value and environmental safety will be contracted, and for this DG GROW has published a tender pre-announcement.
DG GROW CMC10 ABP agronomic and environmental safety study pre-announcement 5/6/2023: HERE
DG SANTE Delegated Act for “end points” for certain ABPs for use in fertilisers: HERE
A new two-year collaboration agreement has been signed between the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE) and ENEA for the resumption of the activities of the “Italian Phosphorus Platform”. A webinar on the 15th March launched this second ENEA contract which covers two years. The meeting was opened by Carlo Zaghi (MASE), who emphasised the challenges and opportunities of circularity. Maria Grazia Verdura (MASE Technical Secretariat) introduced the Italian National Table on Critical Raw Material, which aims to enhance national coordination and generate proposals to establish regulatory, economic, and market conditions that promote a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials, including phosphorus. Claudia Brunori (ENEA) introduced the Italian Phosphorus Platform objectives of closing the loop in the phosphorus cycle to achieve long-term Italian self-sufficiency in phosphorus supply. Representatives from ENEA presented results achieved by the four thematic groups during the first two-year Platform programme (2018-2019, six published reports, in Italian, here) and planned activities for the 2023-2024 period. Alessandro Spagni (ENEA) presented the reports prepared in 2019 on phosphorus recovery technologies. At that time, only one full-scale P-recovery plant was operating in Italy (Colsen struvite recovery in Emilia-Romagna), but there was significant research interest and company pilot tests. The report emphasised that Italian phosphorus fluxes are primarily linked to agriculture and that there is a strong focus on recovery from liquid and solid organic fractions from wastewater treatment. The future activities include updating the “technology catalogue” (13 technology summaries) and assessing potential replicability of international technologies in Italy. Over 30 people, primarily from industries and sector associations, participated in the report on legislation (coordinated by Sergio Cappucci, ENEA), which analysed more than 90 legislations related to phosphorus at the European, Italian and regional levels. This report will now be updated. Francesca Ceruti (ENEA) presented a comparative study of other Member States' policies related to phosphorus and a market analysis on the phosphorus cycle in terms of supply and demand. The main critical issues in the sector, hindering the closure of the phosphorus cycle and market development, were identified as the lack of specific regulation on end-of-waste and recovery, as well as a lack of public awareness. The two reports will also be updated over the next two years, and a feasibility study will be conducted to establish a national database on phosphorus. This database will track the main users and sellers of phosphorus on the basis of stakeholder inputs, including those who recover it from secondary sources.
The first meeting of the four thematic groups took place online on May 30th 2023, 9h-16h, with around 2 hours per thematic group. To participate in future meetings contact:
Italian Phosphorus Platform website:
ESPP is coordinating a joint declaration, for signature by concerned companies and other organisations, calling for Elemental Phosphorus (P4 and derivates) and Purified Phosphoric Acid (PPA) to be included in the “Strategic Raw Materials” List. The Declaration explains that phosphorus is necessary for the “Strategic” industry sectors defined in the draft Critical Raw Materials Act (batteries, renewable energies, electronics and data, aerospace) because it is needed for battery electrolytes and cathodes, photovoltaic panels, fuel cells, semiconductors, hydraulic fluids and for fire safety in all of these sectors. The objective is to input to the discussion of the draft Act in the European Parliament and Council. If you wish to include your company or organisation signature, please contact ESPP.
You can input to the EU public consultation to 30th June here
ESPP’s input to the public consultation here
Joint Declaration calling for phosphorus to be included in the EU Strategic Raw Materials List
Nearly 200 participants at the EuChemS webinar organised from the European Parliament, discussing phosphorus uses, stewardship and recycling, and concluding that the element P should be identified as critical.
The webinar was opened by Maria Spyraki, Member of the European Parliament, and Christos Vasilakos, Senior Policy Advisor to Ms. Spyraki, who highlighted the essential role of the European Chemical Society and underlined that phosphorus is essential for both biological life and the human body, and for industry, but that build ups in water and soils are problematic. P-recycling is necessary both to reduce losses and for the Circular Economy.
Evamarie Hey-Hawkins, Leipzig University and Floris Rutjes, Radboud University and EuChemsS President, underlined that P is essential for food production. Mineral nitrogen fertilisers ensure food for around half the world’s population. For phosphorus, ESPP estimates that mineral P fertilisers currently feed 4/5 of the world’s population, but this is an estimate, and better data from science would be welcome.
Nicola Armaroli, CNR Italy (National Research Council) explained that EuChemS has developed a Periodic Table based on the abundance of elements on Earth and identifying by colours which elements are critical for humanity and subject to resource scarcity or conflicts (latest version here): P is currently indicated as yellow (limited availability, future risk to supply). Participants at the webinar suggested that P should also be indicated as deep red (problems due to losses and over-use) and that specific forms of P should be included in the EU “Strategic” Raw Materials list, currently open to public consultation and to debate in the European Parliament and Council (see under public consultations, above).
Alessandra Quadrelli, CNRS France (National Research Council) outlined work on Planetary Boundaries and discussed challenges of resource sustainability, indicating that P use and losses show exceedance by a factor of more than 4x and that this prejudices food security. Dana Cordell, University of Technology Sydney, underlined the nature of phosphorus vulnerability, including geopolitical risks, short-term supply-chain disruptions that led to last year’s 400% phosphate price spike, in addition to P losses, and that only around 20% of mined P applied to crops ends up consumed in food, as P is bound to soil and lost to water, causing eutrophication. She spoke of overcoming market barriers to scaling up circular phosphorus value chains and the need to improve P governance so that all farmers worldwide have access to sufficient phosphorus to ensure soil fertility and food security whilst avoiding eutrophication. Chris Slootweg, University of Amsterdam, underlined the need for systems thinking to develop phosphorus circularity and address losses and eutrophication. Jan Weigand, Dresden Technical University, summarised work underway to find routes to organophosphorus chemicals needed by industry without using the chlorinated vector chemical PCl3.
Andreas Rak, Remondis, presented the company’s TetraPhos process to recover phosphoric acid (brand name: REPACID) from sewage sludge incineration ash. A first full scale installation (20 000 t ash / year) is currently underway starting operation in Hamburg. The plant is owned and operated by HPHOR (Hamburger Phosphorrecyclinggesellschaft mbH), a public private partnership between REMONDIS and HAMBURG WASSER.
Chris Lawson, CRU, summarised trends in P use. Today around 200 million tonnes/year of phosphate rock is mined, of which around 95% is sedimentary and nearly 5% igneous. Prices spiked following Russia’s attack on Ukraine, but have since come down and are currently around twice their 2000 level, with considerable differences between different grades of rock. Only around 2/3 of world mine capacity is currently utilised, so that there is little incentive to invest to increase production. Morocco and Saudi Arabia have significantly increased rock extraction over recent years. World trade in phosphate rock fell from 2000 to 2015 (more or less stable since) as mining countries tend to move to process rock to phosphoric acid, fertilisers or other products, trading these not rock. This means that the world’s biggest exporter of phosphate rock is today Jordan. Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries are expected to develop considerably in coming years, in particular for grid energy storage, and may require 9-10 million tonne/year of phosphate rock by 2035, but this remains small compared to total world phosphate rock production.
Robert van Spingelen, ESPP President, explained why two specific forms of P, elemental phosphorus (P4) and Purified Phosphoric Acid (PPA) are both essential for the “Strategic” industry sectors targeted by the proposed EU Critical Raw Materials Act (batteries, renewable energies, electronics and data, aerospace). ESPP therefore considers that these two materials should be added to the EU “Strategic Raw Materials” list. The EU public consultation is open to 30th June (see above). ESPP also suggests that food security is “Strategic” for Europe and that raw materials essential for food security should be assessed for a second “Strategic” list.
EuChemS Science-Policy Phosphorus Workshop “The role of chemicals in our daily life: the phosphorus element, feeding the world and beyond”, online from the European Parliament, 25th May 2023 here.
EuChems periodic table “The 90 natural elements that make up everything. How much is there? Is that enough? Is it sustainable?”, 3rd version 2023
The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre has published a study to support the upcoming Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan (INMAP) and Biodiversity Strategy and Farm-to-Fork target of reducing nutrient losses by 50% by 2030.
ESPP comment: this is a knowledge review and does not make regulatory/political proposals: these should be in the European Commission’s INMAP proposal which is forthcoming. The report does however assess whether current policies can be expected to achieve this 2030 target.
The study reviews available literature and data to assess nutrient flows, divergences from environmental targets and measures to reduce nutrient losses, including spatial maps and summaries by EU country. The current relevant regulatory context applicable to waste management is summarised.
Annual input of P in the EU is estimated at 1 MtP/y and reactive nitrogen 8 MtN/y to air and 5 MtN/y to water. Planetary boundaries for the EU are estimated at c. 0.4 MtP/y and 4.4 MtN/y, so in both cases considerably lower than 50% of current inputs. Around 40% of P and 50% of N entering agricultural production is estimated to end up in waste.
Nutrient recycling is addressed in particular as a route to reduce losses, including assessing nutrient recycling potential, possible contribution to reducing nutrient losses, costs and economic benefits. A range of nutrient recycling routes and technologies are discussed in detail (pages (pages 49-62). Four nutrient recycling routes are considered in detail: mineral P and N fertilisers recovered from digestates by precipitation and scrubbing, P-recovery from ashes, mineral N recovery from offgases (from stables, manure storage, composting), use of digestate or compost in organic fertilisers (organic carbon containing fertilisers). The report notes that nitrogen recovery from combustion flue gases is not today operation, and that flue gas treatment often uses catalysis with ammonia or urea injection to convert N2O/NOx to N2, so effectively consuming reactive nitrogen not recovering. JRC estimates that a maximum of 0.3 MtP/y and 1 MtN/y could be recovered to mineral fertilisers from waste or losses plus 0.3 MtP/y and 0.7 MtN/y by using wastes in organic fertilising products.
ESPP comment: these JRC estimates do not necessarily mean replacing fertilisers, as the waste may currently be reused as an organic fertilising material, e.g. manure slurry / digestate or sewage biosolids. For P, this JRC compares to 0.3 – 0.4 MtP/y estimated without including manure by Van Dijk et al. 2015, see SCOPE Newsletter n°117).
JRC suggests (p. 128-129) that recovery of nutrients to concentrated nutrient products could substitute a maximum of 25% and 10% of EU P and N mineral fertiliser consumption. This is estimated to have a cost of c. 6 billion €/y (additional cost compared to virgin mineral fertilisers) compared to environmental benefits to society of > 7 bn€/y.
Impacts of possible measures are analysed for atmospheric nitrogen losses and nutrient deposition to land, balanced mineral N fertilisation, reduction measures on P and N losses to freshwater and the sea and for different scenarios for the EU agro-food system. Actions currently announced or planned for wastewater treatment (revision underway), under CAP or for atmospheric nitrogen emissions (e.g climate actions FitFor55) are estimated to reduce nutrient losses (reaching the sea) by around 17% for P and 32% for N. ESPP comment: this is significantly less than the Biodiversity Strategy and Farm-to-Fork 50% reduction target. The report suggests that achieving food and feed self-sufficiency in Europe within nutrient environmental constraints will require structural changes to agri-food production and to dietary patterns. Regional variations could enable specific opportunities for nutrient loss reduction.
The report concludes that the results are preliminary and not exhaustive with uncertainties in modelling and data.
ESPP recommends to consult the full report, in particular key findings and conclusions (pages 124-131).
European Commission JRC, Grizzetti et al., “Knowledge for Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan (INMAP)”, 184 pages, 200 references, ISBN 978-92-68-02654-0 DOI.
UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR) has published a number of reports into practical investigation of removal of contaminants in wastewater treatment and levels in treated sewage sludge (biosolids), including microplastics and antimicrobial resistance. See also summary of UKWIR report on sewage sludge biochar below and summaries of UKWIR phosphorus removal technology trials in ESPP SCOPE Newsletter n°129.
The UK National Chemicals water industry’s Investigation Programme (CIP) is the UK water industry’s response to current and emerging concerns about trace chemical substances in the water environment. It brings together the 10 water and wastewater companies in England and Wales, with their environmental regulators, to investigate a range of chemical substances often present in domestic products that find their way into wastewater and biosolids and ultimately rivers and streams.
One of the investigations analysed 173 chemical contaminants in biosolids from eleven UK sewage sludge treatment centres (waste water treatment plants (wwtps) treating their own and other sewage sludge), finding 128 of these chemicals (above detection limits in at least half of samples) at one or more works, with wide variations both within and between centres (“Biosolids Products Data Report”). Some chemicals showed consistent patterns in sludge across the different centres, whereas others varied widely. Chemicals tested include pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, flame retardants (halogenated, non-halogenated), AMPA (metabolite of particularly glyphosate), PCBs, cosmetics, detergent chemicals, heavy metals, PFAS chemicals, as well as ions such as calcium, chloride, phosphorus, iron …
This data feeds into the “Biosolids Report” which aims to assess how wastewater and sludge treatment processes influence the fate of these contaminants in biosolids. This report concludes that the data enables to identify which chemicals are likely to be introduced into the environment by use of sewage biosolids in agriculture, but does not enable risk assessment. The studies did not analyse directly how levels of chemicals were impacted by wastewater treatment and sludge processes but it is concluded that fate of PFAS (removal, partitioning) is particularly uncertain and that some pharmaceuticals may be broken down in wastewater treatment but further data is needed. Most of the organic contaminants considered are removed from effluent discharge in wastewater treatment works by sorption to sewage sludge, not by breakdown (table 3.6, pages 45-46).
Microplastics were specifically studied at ten wwtps operating different treatment systems (trickling filters, activated sludge, fixed film activated sludge, biobead biological aerated fixed film). Microplastic removal (from discharge water) was very high (>99% by mass and by number of microparticles). Mostly acrylate, polyethylene and polypropylene polymers found, with no significant fibre forms. Microplastics are transferred to sewage sludge, not broken down, resulting in around one million microplastic particles per kg sewage biosolids (dry weight), so a total over 8 000 t/y of microplastics going to land in the UK. (although potential weaknesses in the mass prediction method mean that these values should only be seen as a starting point and not definitive). Managing the microplastic load to wwtps would therefore seem to be a suitable candidate for source control.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was also specifically studied concluding that wastewater treatment eliminates over 97% of ARG (antibacterial resistance genes). The treatment can however select for certain ARGs, this being related to metal concentrations not antibiotic pharmaceutical concentrations. Also, ammonia levels correlated to AMR in final effluent, suggesting that treatment conditions not favouring nitrification were related to lower ARG removal. No clear conclusions could be drawn concerning which wastewater treatments were more effective in reducing AMR, but anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge did reduce AMR. It is noted that further investigation is needed into AMR in sewage sludge and its fate in soils after land application of biosolids.
UKWIR National Chemical Investigations Programme 2020-2022:
“Biosolids Products Data Report”, vol. 6, ref. No. 22/EQ/01/27 (60 pages)
“Biosolids Report”, vol. 12, ref. No. 22/EQ/01/2339 (33 pages)
“Fate and behaviour of microplastics within wastewater treatment”, vol. 2, ref. No. 22/EQ/01/23 (117 pages)
“Changes to antimicrobial resistance through wastewater and sludge treatment processes”, vol. 1, ref. No. 22/EQ/01/22 (182 pages)
UKWIR research reports online
UKWIR analysis suggests that pyrolysis can offer benefits for sewage sludge valorisation but raises questions on technology demonstration, fertiliser properties of sewage sludge biochars, regulatory and market aspects. The feasibility and options review of pyrolysis, gasification and HTC (hydro thermal carbonisation) is based on a literature search, contacts with technology suppliers (Green Waste Energy, Pyreg, Aqualia, Kobelco, Amey), technology scenarios and analysis by water industry operators. The report underlines that no one technology fits all, and that conclusions and implementation scenarios must be adapted to each water company’s context. Potential benefits of sewage sludge pyrolysis are identified as reduction of quantities (reducing transport), energy recovery (heat, biofuels), potential reduced carbon footprint and long-term carbon sequestration, reduction in emerging contaminants, elimination of pathogens. Uncertainties identified concern the wide range of technologies and different implementation scenarios, resulting in limited references relevant to sewage sludge and lack of data concerning energy consumption, sludge drying, operating challenges, robustness, cost; lack of evidence on long-term stability of carbon and of pollutants in sewage sludge biochars; legal uncertainties regarding output products and questions on whether carbon accounting will credit sequestration in biochar. The report recommends installing a demonstration plant in a UK sewage works as a water industry collaborative trial, undertaking long-term trials on the agronomic benefits and impacts of sewage sludge biochar applied to land, testing of uses of sewage sludge biochars for example as adsorbents in sewage works as well as further research into energy balances, carbon benefits, integration into sewage sludge processing (e.g. solid-liquid separation) and costs.
UKWIR 2023 “Converting sewage sludge to biochar – a review of options & feasibility”, ref. No. 23/SL/07/2 (254 pages).
UKWIR research reports online
This first workshop on nitrogen recovery research attracted 70 participants in Brussels and 50 online. A wide range of routes for reusing N in organic waste streams were presented. A SCOPE Newsletter summary will be published soon. Different N recovery routes discussed included using waste streams to feed biomass production (algae, duckweed, microbial protein), N-recovery from separately collected urine, manure N stabilisation or local processing to organic fertilisers, recovery of ammonium sulphate solution, or production of ammonia gas for industry use (e.g. by adsorption from waste liquors or offgas followed by desorption as ammonia gas). Discussion suggested that ammonia sulphate solution is mainly adapted for local distribution to farmers (not economic to transport, even if concentrated, unless in specific use chains). Industry participants suggested that further R&D is needed on possible new technologies (adsorption/desorption by ionic liquids, geopolymers, recovery logistics for ammonia gas, recovery from NOx/N2O stripping) whereas researchers proposed more modelling studies.
PwC says that the 1 Mt/y of sludge from Norway fish farms which will be produced by 2050 could provide energy for 600 000 households and over 33 000 t/y of phosphorus. A full scale pilot is planned in Norway. Currently the sludge of fish excrements and food remnants goes into fjords and the sea, with discharge today of some 16 000 t/y of phosphorus to the sea, expected to triple as aquaculture increases by 2050. A full scale solution developed by Framo LiftUP, AquaProp and Ragn-Sells Havbruk is underway at Eide Fjordbruk Hardangerfjorden, and will collect some 18 000 t/year wet weight of sludge and dead fish instead of their sinking to the seabed (= c. 1 800 t/year dry weight, containing 3 - 3.5 % phosphorus). The sludge is taken to anaerobic digestion, where energy is recovered as methane. Phosphorus can then be recycled as a fertilising material in the processed digestate and studies are underway into nitrogen recovery in the digestate processing. A report by PwC for Vestland County Norway and the business network ARAL estimates that implementation of this technology can recover around 70% of sludge from fish farms, so reducing environmental footprint and enabling increased production (+600 t fish/y for an average size fish farm), offering the potential to produce 350 – 950 billion m3/y of biogas and recycle 33 500 t/y of phosphorus by 2050.
“Norwegian fish poo can power 600,000 households and supply entire countries with phosphorus”, Ragn-Sells 27/2/2023 LINK
“Circular solution for sludge recycling in Norwegian fish farming”, Ragn-Sells 31/8/2022 HERE.
Long-term trial with sewage sludge and manures confirms the need to balance nutrients to crop needs not simply to nitrogen application rates. The 27-year trial at Cervený Újezd, Czech Republic, with maize each year, compared control (no added nutrients), mineral N-fertiliser (with or without also straw), sewage sludge and two manures, all at 120 kgN/ha/year. This resulted in c. 80 kgP/ha/y of phosphorus with sewage sludge (from a sewage works using iron and aluminium salts for chemical P removal) and 23-32 kgP/ha/y with manures. Above-ground maize biomass production was highest with N-fertiliser and wheat, followed by the two manures, then sewage sludge and N-fertiliser alone (these last two being around one third higher than control). Soil P decreased slightly in the control over the 17 years and decreased significantly with N-fertiliser (c. -10%) but increased nearly +50% with sewage sludge and c. +25% with the manures. Water soluble P was however 20-30% lower with sewage sludge than with manures, suggesting a lower risk of phosphorus losses despite higher soil P (presumably due to iron and aluminium).
“Side effect of organic fertilizing on the phosphorus transformation and balance over 27 years of maize monoculture”, D. Asrade et al., Field Crops Research 295 (2023) 108902,
Cerium oxides are widely used in glass polishing. Lab study recovered cerium chloride from glass polishing slurry, tested for phosphate precipitation from brewery wastewater, then cerium recovery. The brewery wastewater had 630 mg/l suspended solids, 20 mgP/l, 46 mgN-total/l, and significant levels of other ions including sulphur, calcium, potassium, magnesium. Cerium chloride crystals were recovered from the glass grinding slurry (which contained 82% CeO2) by leaching with HCl and H2O2. This cerium solution was added as 0.05 mol/l to the wastewater in beakers to precipitate phosphorus (stirring 10-20 minutes with pH adjustment, settling for 5 minutes, tested Ce:P ratio of 1 to 2). Total P removal was >99% and suspended solids removal of >96%. Cerium recovery from the precipitated sludge was tested by leaching cerium with 15% hydrochloric acid, then precipitating with sodium hydroxide. Over 70% cerium recovery was achieved. The authors suggest that the remaining leached precipitation sludge enable phosphorus recovery but this was not demonstrated. This leached sludge contained nearly 25% P but also >12% cerium which could be an obstacle to use in fertilising products (cerium is both mildly toxic and also a plant micronutrient), and if the process was used on municipal wastewater the sludge would likely contain other heavy metals and contaminants.
“Removal of phosphate from brewery wastewater by cerium(III) chloride originating from spent polishing agent: Recovery and optimization studies”, P. Lejwoda et al., Science of the Total Environment 875 (2023) 162643 DOI.
Plastic fibres loaded with iron were tested at lab-scale for phosphorus removal from synthetic solutions and for P-recovery by desorption with fibre reuse for P-removal. 99% P-removal was achieved. 5 reuse cycles were tested. Polypropylene fibres were aminated then loaded with iron by 3-step reaction with acrylamide, ammonium iron sulphate, benzoyl peroxide, toluene and iron chloride. An iron loading of 13.5% was identified as optimal. The iron-loaded fibres (PPFFe) were tested for P-removal from synthetic solutions of potassium sulphate, with also chloride, nitrate, carbonate and sulphate ions. The PPFFe fibres removed over 99% of soluble phosphate in continuous flow conditions, with good ion selectivity, reducing phosphate from 2 mgP/l to <0.2 mgP/l. P adsorption capacity of the PPFFe fibres was 3%P. The P-loaded PPFFe fibres were regenerated using 0.1 mol/l EDTA (chelating agent) showing 99% desorption over five PPFFe reuse cycles. The authors note that waste polypropylene fibres could be used. ESPP notes that testing in real wastewater, with other competing ions and suspended solids / organic carbon is needed, as is demonstration of how to recover a useable phosphorus material from the EDTA regeneration solution, to enable application for phosphorus recycling.
“Fabrication of recyclable Fe3+ chelated aminated polypropylene fiber for efficient clean-up of phosphate wastewater”, S. Zhao et al., Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. (2023) DOI.
Pyrolysis of sewage sludge can reduce the content of pharmaceuticals and heavy metals in the resulting biochar and their availability to plants, depending on pyrolysis temperature and duration. Sludge from the municipal sewage treatment plant in Binhai District, Tianjin, China, was hydrothermally treated (2 litre reactor) at 180 and 240°C for 6 and 15 h. The sludge contained c. 50 µg/kg caffeine and c. 100 µg/kg acetaminophen (a pharmaceutical). The resulting sludge biochars were characterised in terms of elemental composition, surface properties, PPCPs and heavy metals (Cr, Pb, Cu and Zn), and added to a hydroponic solution at doses of zero to 0.8 g/l to test their toxicity for wheat growth. For all of the contaminants tested (caffeine, acetaminophen and the heavy metals) concentrations in the sludge biochars were of similar magnitude to those in the sewage sludge (from c. 4x lower to c. 2x higher), with no general relation to the two tested temperatures or times. Lower doses of the biochars in the hydroponic solution had benefits for wheat growth or health, but higher doses showed toxicity and damage to plants. Caffeine, acetaminophen and heavy metals from the biochars were taken up and accumulated in the wheat, but with levels in wheat shoots below China drug and food additive standard limits.
“PPCPs and heavy metals from hydrothermal sewage sludge‑derived biochar: migration in wheat and physiological response”, K. Zhen et al., Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29, 83234–83246 (2022), DOI
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ESPP is organising a first White Ammonia and N-recovery Research Meeting (WARM) in Brussels and hybrid, Wed. 7th June 2023 (plus nitrogen recovery site visit 6th June). This will showcase research and innovation into nitrogen recovery and make links from EU R&D policy to industry implementation. Confirmed presentations to date include: European Commission DG Research and DG Environment, Fertilizers Europe, Severn Trent and ACEA.
This is within EU Green Week, Brussels, and back-to-back to the 6th Power to Ammonia Conference by NH3 Event, Europe’s biggest ammonia event, Rotterdam 8-9 June 2023 (one hour train from Brussels).
Proposals for presentations or posters are welcome:
Registration is now open:
Draft update of EU BAT BREF for Slaughterhouse & Animal By-Product and Co-Product Industries is published. Public comments are invited. IED (Industrial Emissions Directive) Forum members (includes ESPP) are invited to input comments by 11th May latest, so please send any comments to ESPP by 8th May. The 540 document is a proposed update of the existing 2005 BAT BREF. Techniques presented as BAT (Best Available Technology) include: phosphorus recovery as struvite for resource recovery ($ page 96) and wastewater treatment ($ page 157) and in BAT12 and BAT14 (for wastewaters with Ptotal > 50 mg/l, $5.1.6 and $5.1.7 pages 450-451); P-removal from wastewater by chemical precipitation or enhanced biological P-removal (EBPR); dicalcium phosphate manufacture from gelatine production ($ page 427); anaerobic digestion with use of digestates as N, P, K containing fertiliser ($2.1.2 page 31). It is indicated page 378 that wastewater treatment sludge can be sent to incineration then P-recovery. Total phosphorus and total nitrogen emissions to water are KEIs (Key Environmental Indicators, p.25). Use of sludge from gelatine production, feathermeal, PAP processed animal proteins or blood byproducts directly on farmland as a fertilising material are cited (pages 354, 369, 374, 433). Ammonia N-recovery from rendering condensate is cited ($ page 397). BAT14 specifies limits (for direct discharge) of 4 – 30 mg/l for Ntotal and 0.25 – 2 mg/l for Ptotal – ESPP suggests that these limits seem non-ambitious compared to limits widely applicable to municipal wastewater treatment plants. ESPP will input comments to propose to add to BAT1 (Overall Environmental Performance) a nutrient valorisation plan, conform to the waste hierarchy (food, feed, fertiliser). ESPP will also comment that anaerobic digestion should ensure Animal By-Product Regulation 142/2011 End-Point heat/time conditions, to ensure sanitisation, and to enable use of digestates as fertiliser.
Draft “Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Slaughterhouses, Animal By-products and/or Edible Co-products Industries”, proposed update of existing 2005 BREF Comments to ESPP by 8th may.
Consultation open to 3rd May 2023 for EU Taxonomy Regulation, defining technologies eligible for green investment funding (and possibly by extension other support or policy tools): includes P-recycling from municipal wastewater (Annex II = contribution to the circular economy, § 2.1). The draft Delegated Regulation will be adopted by the European Commission after the public consultation period and internal concertation, and does not go to the European Parliament and Council. The proposed Regulation and Annexes are based on the initial reports published by the European Commission in 2021 and 2022, see ESPP eNews n°s 59 and 66. Some of ESPP’s comments on the first draft are taken into account (clarifications regarding recovery routes, inclusion of end-uses other than in fertilisers, requirement of end-product to have a use …). The criteria require that at least 15% of incoming phosphorus is recovered for processes at the waste water treatment plant, and at least 80% for processes treating sewage sludge ashes.
ESPP continues to regret that recovery of nitrogen or of other nutrients is not included, that the wording is likely to exclude some processes for processing P in sewage sludge to organic fertilisers (e.g. biochars), and that the criteria cover only phosphorus recycling from “waste water treatment plants” not from e.g. manure*.
The proposed Regulation also includes, amongst many other sectors, with specified conditions:
Unlike the initial Commission report, the proposed Regulation does not cover agriculture.
* The draft text refers to “recovery of phosphorus from on-site waste water treatment plants (WWTP) (aqueous phase and sludge) and from materials (i.e. ashes) after thermal oxidation (i.e. incineration) of sewage sludge”. It is unclear what this means. On the one hand, the text later refers to “sewage sludge”, but on the other hand it cites NACE codes “in particular” E37.00 = sewerage, E38.32 = does not exist (maybe should read E38.3.2 - Recovery of sorted materials ?) and F42.99 = does not exist (maybe should read F42.9.9 - Construction of other civil engineering projects n.e.c.).
“Sustainable investment – EU environmental taxonomy”, EU public consultation to 3rd May 2023 and draft Delegated Regulation establishing further Technical Screening Criteria for the EU ‘Taxonomy’ Regulation 2020/852 HERE.
See also: European Commission taxonomy and sustainable finance web page HERE and EU Taxonomy Navigator online tool HERE.
Consultation open to 29th May 2023 on draft amendments to the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) to enable digital labelling of EU fertilising products before discussion in EU Parliament and Council. The proposed amending Regulation modifies both articles of the FPR itself and of its annexes. Modifications enable obligatory labelling information to be provided by digital means and specify functioning of this, and also modify definitions of packaging and labelling requirements, in some cases, for labelling soluble content of nutrients, organic carbon, dry matter, micronutrients, pH and stability ranges …
Proposal for a regulation COM(2023)98. Consultation open to 29th May HERE.
Consultation extended to 19th June 2023 on draft EU Critical Raw Materials Regulation, before discussion in EU Parliament and Council, covering Critical and Strategic Raw Materials Lists, with update of the EU Critical Raw Materials List, including phosphate rock and P4 – details in ESPP eNews n°74 and Consultation here (4000 characters free text plus optional document).
The European Commission (DG GROW) is preparing criteria for use of hygienised manure materials in EU fertilisers, and looks for input to define what “post processing” methods to include in CMC10. The DG SANTE delegated act authorising the use of certain hygienised manure materials in EU fertilisers (defining an ABP End-Point “processed manure” as defined in the Animal By-Products Regulations) is now nearly finalised and may be published in coming months. The European Commission (DG GROW) will then prepare a modification to the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) to specify the inclusion of such “processed manure” in EU-fertilisers (in CMC10), see below. “Processed manure” here means manure which has been hygienised using the “standard methods” defined in the Animal By-Products (ABP) Regulation 142/2011, Annex XI, Chapter I, Section 2 (a), (b), (d) and (e). However, under the EU FPR, a CMC material can only be used in, or as, a fertilising product if there is no further treatment or processing. It is therefore important that the future CMC10 criteria for hygienised manure materials (ABP “processed manure”) specify the treatments which can be carried out (after the ABP hygienisation) for its use in fertilisers. Such treatments could include drying, granulation, solid-liquid separation, stabilisation, pH adjustment, possibly with additives to be specified necessary for such processes. Please send to ESPP specifications of treatments you suggest are relevant for hygienised manure (ABP “processed manure”) and which you suggest should be included in CMC10.
Input by email by 10th May to ESPP
The European Commission has circulated for comment a proposed mandate to CEN to develop some 30 new analysis standards for CMCs 11 – 15, that is by-products, STRUBIAS and recovered mineral materials, including precipitated phosphates, ash-based materials, pyrolysis/gasification materials. Proposed standards include methods for determination, in these materials where relevant for EU Fertilising Products Regulation criteria, of levels of phosphate, iron, other elements, organic carbon, H / Corg, macroscopic impurities, PAH16, PCDD/F, pathogens and of hygienisation conditions (temperature, time).
Commission draft standards mandate here (for new proposed standards for STRUBIAS, by-products, recovered minerals) see Annex II, page 29 onwards). Comments by 10th May to ESPP
The European Commission informed the Fertilisers Expert Group, 18th April, that inclusion of “processed manure” into the EU Fertilising Products Regulation is delayed to at least end 2023 and other ABPs to at least end 2024. This is because environmental safety assessments are legally required. This concerns the Animal By-Products covered by the draft DG SANTE delegated act defining “End Points” for use in EU fertilisers (see ESPP eNews n°70). The Commission confirmed that manure (and other specified Cat. 2 and 3 ABPs) will however be authorised as input materials to EU fertilising product composts, digestates, precipitated phosphates, ash-based materials and pyrolysis materials (CMCs 3, 5, 12, 13, 14) as soon as the DG SANTE delegated act enters into force. It is ESPP’s understanding that this will mean that for these CMCs will be able to include manure / specified ABPs either (i) if these have been hygienised (by ABP ‘standard methods’: Regulation 142/2011) BEFORE entering the composting / digestion / combustion / pyrolysis process or (ii) raw manure / specified ABPs is input into the composting / digestion / combustion / pyrolysis process and this process itself respects the ABP “standard methods” obligations. ESPP will ask that this be clarified in the EU FPR Frequently Asked Questions document after the DG SANTE delegated act is published.
EU communication on Food Security reminds that the EU is largely food self-sufficient but that food inflation is nearly 20%/year. Fertilisers supply and price accentuates other pressures reducing agricultural productivity: climate change, loss of pollinators, labour shortages … 61% of agricultural land is arable (and more than half of this is to produce animal feed), and 31% of agricultural land is grassland. Ecosystem contribution to crop yield values is estimated to be 21%, with the remainder resulting from human inputs (planting, labour, chemicals). Agriculture is the main source of nitrogen discharge to waters and contributes to eutrophication, and contributes over 10% of EU greenhouse emissions (over 2/3 of this related to livestock). The 100 page Communication discusses a wide range of drivers of food security including climate, pollution, soil health, pests and diseases, biodiversity, research and technology, production intensity, trade, speculation, energy prices, fertilisers, workers, economics and finances, land use, supply chain, food loss and waste and demography. Mineral fertilisers are considered to “play a significant role for food security”, but (nitrogen) fertiliser prices are directly connected to energy prices and the EU is largely dependent on fertiliser imports. The EU is estimated to be around 30% dependent on imports for N fertilisers, 68% for P and 85% for K. High energy prices risk increasing these dependencies. Increased fertiliser prices lead farmers to apply less, resulting in lower yields and impacting food availability and access. Nutrient management plans, soil conservation, precision agriculture, crop rotation with legumes and nutrient recycling are cited as mitigating pressure from high fertiliser prices. For the fertiliser industry, a “green transition” is considered critical, using green hydrogen, digestate and compost, with improved nutrient use efficiency and so lower nutrient losses to the environment.
“Drivers of Food Security”, European Commission SWD(2023)4, 4th January 2023
Parliament resolution supports development of organic and recycled fertilisers, underlines negative impacts of fertiliser prices on farmers, supports livestock farming and calls to increase the EU farm budget (CAP). The position notes that phosphorus and nitrogen exceed planetary boundaries in the EU, but also calls for increased regional flexibility to exempt from Nitrates Directive nitrogen application limits and for the “presence of livestock on most territories” for “a more uniform availability of organic fertilisers”. Parliament calls to amend the Nitrates Directive and to enable “temporary derogations” for RENURE materials and digestates. Parliament notes that many secondary nutrient sources are not optimally used, calls for Member States’ CAP Strategic Plans to stimulate development of organic fertilisers and for actions, including investments and business plans, to support and improve market access for organic and recycled fertilisers, as well as crop rotation with plants which fix nitrogen, nutrient use efficiency and precision farming. Parliament calls for implementation and upscaling of the Farm Sustainability Tool for Nutrients (FaST) to develop nutrient balances for farms.
Availability of fertilisers in the EU”, European Parliament resolution 16th February 2023, “P9_TA(2023)0059
New Regulation requires reporting of all fertilising products (as defined by the EU Fertilising Products Regulation), and of both nutrients used in fertilisers and nutrient balances. Member States will be required to report average fertiliser purchase prices for different fertiliser products, nutrients in fertilising products and nutrient balances, at either the national or regional NUTS2 level (to be defined by the European Commission), and covering 95% of the Member State agricultural area. Data on nine different parameters relevant to calculating national nutrient balances will be required: inorganic fertilisers, organic fertilisers (excluding animal manure), crop and forage nutrient contents, crop residues and nutrient coefficients, biological N fixation coefficients, atmospheric N deposition coefficients, seed nutrient content coefficients, livestock manure volumes and nutrient content coefficients.
(Amending) Regulation (EU) 2022/2379 on “statistics on agricultural input and output”, 23 November 2022, HERE.
EEA 200 page report proposes soil health indicators including parameters for phosphorus and nitrogen to ensure that low levels do not compromise productivity but also to limit nutrient losses. Chapter 3 on soil nutrient loss (phosphorus and nitrogen) underlines and explains the concept of “critical” phosphorus levels for crop yield, below which yields will be reduced, and above which additional phosphorus input makes little difference, but which may be different from the critical level for phosphorus losses, above which losses increase rapidly with higher inputs. The following soil health indicators and monitoring parameters are proposed for phosphorus and nitrogen (in combination with parameters including organic carbon, pH, contaminants, soil compression …):
Threshold levels are proposed for contaminants, but not for nutrients.
“Soil monitoring in Europe — Indicators and thresholds for soil health assessments”, European Environment Agency EEA Report No 08/2022 and DOI
The first commercial facility recovering potassium, calcium and sodium salts from municipal waste incineration fly ash was inaugurated in Högbytorp, Sweden by the Swedish Minister of Climate and Environment, Romina Pourmokhtari, alongside Erik Sellberg, Chairman of Ragn-Sells Board. The Minister emphasised Sweden’s commitment to achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2045, that transitioning to a circular economy is crucial to achieving this goal, and underlined the role of active companies prioritising sustainable development. Pär Larshans (Director of Sustainability at Ragn-Sells) then led a panel discussion with Anette Blücher from EON/Nordic, Emma Nohrén from the Swedish Parliament, Ellen Einebrant from The Recycling Industries, and Mattias Peterson Ersoy from Upplands-Bro Municipality. The panel stressed the importance of industrial symbiosis in achieving the environmental targets, and the need to shift away from the current paradigm of waste plants towards that of resource plants.
Fly ash is a waste product generated during the cleaning of flue gases in municipal waste incineration plants. Due to its high content of salts (200 kg per ton of ash) and heavy metals, it is classified as hazardous waste. In Sweden alone, 300 000 tons of fly ash are produced annually. The Ash2Salt process allows the recovery of the salts (potassium, calcium, and sodium chloride) present in fly ash (Fig. 1,2). The inaugurated plant, which cost 70 million €, can treat up to 150 000 tons of fly ash per year, producing roughly 10 000-12 000 tons of NaCl (solid), 6 000 tons of KCl (solid), and 25 000 tons of CaCl2 (saturated solution (36%) per year. The fly ash is received from 15 Swedish incineration and waste-to-energy plants, and is loaded into silos on the plant roof from ten 180 m3 silos on the side of the plant (Fig. 3), as shown by Mattias Lindblad, Head of Production at the Ash2Salt plant. The ash is then dropped to vessels and mixed with water using propeller agitators, to dissolve the salts. After this, the ash is passed onto a belt (Fig. 4), allowing the water containing the salts and heavy metals to percolate through, leaving a "washed ash" or "cleaned ash" that can be deposited at a landfill for non-hazardous waste. Some research is underway to find alternative uses for the washed ash, while the cleaning water coming out of the filter, containing the salts and heavy metals, is treated to remove heavy metals (through precipitation and separation). Additionally, organics are removed through a carbon filter. An evaporator is used to increase the concentration of salts in the cleaning water, which can process 20 m3 of water per hour (Fig. 5). Once the solution becomes saturated in CaCl2, NaCl and KCl begin to crystallize and are separated based on their different properties. This process leaves behind a 36% CaCl2 solution, while ammonia released during the evaporation process is scrubbed out to (NH4)2SO4. The recovered salts can be used for various purposes, including fertilisers (KCl, (NH4)2SO4), dust control and deicing (CaCl2), or other industrial processes (NaCl, KCl).
The inauguration event was preceded by a visit to EasyMining's R&D facilities in Uppsala. During the visit, Jan Svärd (CEO) and Yariv Cohen (Head of Research and Development) presented EasyMining’s Ash2Phos and Aqua2N technologies (see eNews 62 and 74, respectively), and Michael Pohl (Head of Research and Development, Omya) presented new approaches for Zero Liquid Discharge, including the Brine2Mineral project collaboration, which aims to remove Mg and Ca from brine effluent in the Ash2Phos process.
Isotopic analysis distinguishes ammonia air emissions from agriculture from combustion emissions, suggesting that around half are in Europe are from farming (fertilisers, animal wastes) and around half from combustion. The authors distinguish “v” ammonia emissions to air (volatilisation from fertilisers, fertilised and natural soils, animal wastes, water) from “c” emissions (combustion of fossil fuels or biomass). The authors compared the data for different N-isotopes in the ambient atmosphere (a), atmospheric particulates (p) and precipitation (w) for East Asia, Europe and North America. Comparison of ratios enables estimation of volatilised ammonia “v” (assumed by the authors to be mainly related to agriculture) and combustion ammonia “c”. They conclude that around 51%, 54% and 60% of ammonia losses to air are from volatilisation “v” in Europe, North America and East Asia respectively, but with margins of error of +/- 20%. They thus conclude that ammonia emissions are generally significantly underestimated.
“Significant contributions of combustion related sources to ammonia emissions”, Z-L. Chen et al., Nature Communications (2022) 13:7710, DOI.
Innovative process (patented) enables cultivation of black soldier fly (BSF) larvae in liquid, so coupling treatment of high organic carbon wastewaters and valorisation of nutrients and carbon. BSF are already commercially cultivated on solid organic wastes, to produce proteins, lipids, aquaculture feed and organic fertilisers (see Protix at SOFIE2). The fly larvae cannot normally survive in a liquid medium. The patented process overcome this by providing an inert physical support for larvae mobility: diving for eating and re-emerging for breathing. The process has been successfully tested to date at lab scale (0.15 l, 180 cm2 surface area) using synthetic wastewaters and real wastewaters, including food processing wastewaters, landfill leachate. This suggests that the larvae need at a minimum organic carbon level in the feed wastewater to ensure sufficient food. Results (not yet published) suggest that the larvae system can remove c. 80% of nitrogen and 50% of phosphorus from waste water with initial levels c. 150 mgN/ and 16 mgP/l. After depletion of carbon and nutrients in the wastewater by the fly larvae, treatment can be completed with conventional technologies, while larvae are separated and recovered.
“The treatment of leachate using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae: Adaptability and resource recovery testing”, V. Grossule et al., 2020, J. Environ. Manage. 253, 109707, DOI.
“Treatment of wastewater using black soldier fly larvae , under different degrees of biodegradability and oxidation of organic content”, V. Grossule et al., 2022, J. Environ. Manage. 319, 115734, DOI.
“Treatment of wastewater using Black Soldier Fly larvae: Effect of organic concentration and load”, V. Grossule et al., 2023, J. Environ. Manage. 338, 117775, DOI.
8-page layperson’s summary update article explains farm P-losses are today key to surface water quality problems (eutrophication), discusses challenges of soil Legacy-P and possible solutions. Agricultural phosphorus losses are today the main cause of major eutrophication problems in the US/Canada Great Lakes, the Mexico Gulf Dead Zone and in many other lakes in North America, because wastewater treatment plant discharges have been now mostly addressed. At the same time, uptake of applied phosphorus in the first crop season is <20% global average and P-losses linked to soil erosion are a major route for phosphorus resource depletion (Alewell et al., 2020). The challenge is that P applied tends to bind in soils, so is not readily crop available, whereas many crops need P rapidly (e.g. half of maize’s P requirement is after flowering). But when P is applied up to levels such that it is readily available, then it tends to be lost in surface runoff or drainage with rainfall. On the other hand, P applied in the past and bound in soil (Legacy-P) slowly becomes available, so can contribute to today’s P-losses. Illinois, an intensive agriculture State, has a negative P balance over recent decades, but P losses continue as soil Legacy-P shows a “lag time”. Solutions discussed include not only appropriate P application (fertiliser, manure …), but also improving soil P testing and linked P application recommendations, phosphorus trap using specific underground filter structures, streambank buffer vegetation, cover crops, biostimulants to improve crop P uptake and fertilisers which release P according to plant needs (e.g. struvite).
“Blue Waters, Green Fields. Going Beyond BMPs and 4Rs to Control Future Phosphorus Loss to the Environment”, S. Windsor, Crops & Soils Magazine (American Soc. Agronomy) Jan-Feb 2023 DOI.
Incubation and pot trials demonstrate how P accumulated in soil, by long-term P fertilisation, improves effectiveness of further P-fertiliser application for crops, and underlines need to consider buffering capacity in soil P testing. Soil with different levels of “Legacy-P” was simulated by incubating low-P soil, with high buffering capacity, from West Bengal, India, at 70°C for 30 days in soluble P solutions 0 – 5000 mgP/kg soil. This is estimated to be equivalent to five years at 20°C. A second incubation in 0 – 1000 mgP/kg soil showed no further modification of P levels in the simulated Legacy-P soils, indicating that P had stably reacted with the soil. The five legacy P soils showed increases of Olsen-P up to nearly 2000 mg/kg (then divided b 1/5 in the pots, see below). Pot trials using the simulated Legacy-P soil (20% mixed with 80% non-incubated soil = without Legacy-P) and mustard (Brassica campestris) showed that plant growth responded much more to fertiliser addition (c. 0 – 200 mgP/kg soil), that is the maximum fertiliser dose was needed to achieve maximum plant growth in the soils without Legacy-P, whereas the lowest fertiliser does (50 mgP/pot) was sufficient in the pot with the highest Legacy-P. The authors conclude that Legacy-P is shown to be beneficial in improving crop response to fertiliser, effectively be preventing/reducing fixing of fertiliser P onto soil buffering sites. They underline that their results show that soil tests such as Olsen-P tend to underestimate the effectiveness of P-fertiliser application, because they involve increasing soil pH, and that P-fertilisation can be better planned if the soil P test is combined with measurement of soil buffering capacity (e.g. method Burkitt et al. 2022 or other).
“Evaluating the benefits of legacy phosphate”, N. Barrow et al., Plant Soil (2022) 480:561–570, DOI.
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Draft update of EU BAT BREF for Slaughterhouse & Animal By-Product and Co-Product Industries is published. Public comments are invited. IED (Industrial Emissions Directive) Forum members (includes ESPP) are invited to input comments by 11th May latest, so please send any comments to ESPP by 1st May. The 540 document is a proposed update of the existing 2005 BAT BREF. Techniques presented as BAT (Best Available Technology) include: phosphorus recovery as struvite for resource recovery ($ page 96) and wastewater treatment ($ page 157) and in BAT12 and BAT14 (for wastewaters with Ptotal > 50 mg/l, $5.1.6 and $5.1.7 pages 450-451); P-removal from wastewater by chemical precipitation or enhanced biological P-removal (EBPR); dicalcium phosphate manufacture from gelatine production ($ page 427); anaerobic digestion with use of digestates as N, P, K containing fertiliser ($2.1.2 page 31). It is indicated page 378 that wastewater treatment sludge can be sent to incineration then P-recovery. Total phosphorus and total nitrogen emissions to water are KEIs (Key Environmental Indicators, p.25). Use of sludge from gelatine production, feathermeal, PAP processed animal proteins or blood byproducts directly on farmland as a fertilising material are cited (pages 354, 369, 374, 433). Ammonia N-recovery from rendering condensate is cited ($ page 397). BAT14 specifies limits (for direct discharge) of 4 – 30 mg/l for Ntotal and 0.25 – 2 mg/l for Ptotal – ESPP suggests that these limits seem non-ambitious compared to limits widely applicable to municipal wastewater treatment plants. ESPP will input comments to propose to add to BAT1 (Overall Environmental Performance) a nutrient valorisation plan, conform to the waste hierarchy (food, feed, fertiliser). ESPP will also comment that anaerobic digestion should ensure Animal By-Product Regulation 142/2011 End-Point heat/time conditions, to ensure sanitisation, and to enable use of digestates as fertiliser.
Draft “Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Slaughterhouses, Animal By-products and/or Edible Co-products Industries”, proposed update of existing 2005 BREF Comments to ESPP by 1st May.
Consultation open to 29th May 2023 on draft amendments to the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) to enable digital labelling of EU fertilising products. before discussion in EU Parliament and Council. The proposed amending Regulation modifies both articles of the FPR itself and of its annexes. Modifications enable and obligatory labelling information to be provide by digital means and specify functioning of this, and also modify definitions of packaging and labelling requirements, in some cases, for labelling soluble content of nutrients, organic carbon, dry matter, micronutrients, pH and stability ranges …
Proposal for a regulation COM(2023)98. Consultation open to 29th May HERE.
Consultation open to 3rd May 2023 for EU Taxonomy Regulation, defining technologies eligible for green investment funding (and possibly by extension other support or policy tools): includes P-recycling from municipal wastewater (Annex II = contribution to the circular economy, § 2.1). The draft Delegated Regulation will be adopted by the European Commission after the public consultation period and internal concertation, and does not go to the European Parliament and Council. The proposed Regulation and Annexes are based on the initial reports published by the European Commission in 2021 and 2022, see ESPP eNews n°s 59 and 66. Some of ESPP’s comments on the first draft are taken into account (clarifications regarding recovery routes, inclusion of end-uses other than in fertilisers, requirement of end-product to have a use …). The criteria require that at least 15% of incoming phosphorus is recovered for processes at the waste water treatment plant, and at least 80% for processes treating sewage sludge ashes.
ESPP continues to regret that recovery of nitrogen or of other nutrients is not included, that the wording is likely to exclude some processes for processing P in sewage sludge to organic fertilisers (e.g. biochars), and that the criteria cover only phosphorus recycling from “waste water treatment plants” not from e.g. manure*.
The proposed Regulation also includes, amongst many other sectors, with specified conditions:
Unlike the initial Commission report, the proposed Regulation does not cover agriculture.
* The draft text refers to “recovery of phosphorus from on-site waste water treatment plants (WWTP) (aqueous phase and sludge) and from materials (i.e. ashes) after thermal oxidation (i.e. incineration) of sewage sludge”. It is unclear what this means. On the one hand, the text later refers to “sewage sludge”, but on the other hand it cites NACE codes “in particular” E37.00 = sewerage, E38.32 = does not exist (maybe should read E38.3.2 - Recovery of sorted materials ?) and F42.99 = does not exist (maybe should read F42.9.9 - Construction of other civil engineering projects n.e.c.).
“Sustainable investment – EU environmental taxonomy”, EU public consultation to 3rd May 2023 and draft Delegated Regulation establishing further Technical Screening Criteria for the EU ‘Taxonomy’ Regulation 2020/852 HERE.
See also: European Commission taxonomy and sustainable finance web page HERE and EU Taxonomy Navigator online tool HERE.
The proposed CRM Act defines two levels of importance: “Strategic” and “Critical”. Strategic are related to electronics. New targets and tools are proposed for these, but not for “Critical”, so not for Phosphate Rock or P4 (meaning P4/derivatives).
The Strategic Raw Materials (SRMs) are defined as those needed for “strategic technologies underpinning the green and digital transitions or for defence or space applications” (16 materials, all metals or related elements), and are a subset of 34 Critical Raw Materials (CRMs), defined as “all strategic raw materials as well as any other raw materials of high importance for the overall Union economy and for which there is a high risk of supply disruption”. The proposed CRM Regulation sets out actions to be engaged, at either EU or Member State levels. As written, it seems that some of these actions apply to all CRMs, and some only to SRMs.
The Commission’s proposals for the SRM list are indicated to be based on the new JRC Foresight Report (2023). It is therefore very surprising that the essential role of P4 derivatives for electronics, batteries, renewable energy is not recognised and that “Phosphorus” is not included in the list of Strategic Raw Materials. White Phosphorus (P4, referred as “Phosphorus” in the EU CRM documents) is necessary for battery electrolytes, microchip etching, semiconductors, fire safety, all of which are essential for the “Strategic” sectors of green energy, digital and aerospace.
ESPP notes that food materials are excluded from the definition of CRMs but we regret that the proposed CRM Act does not recognise the important links between CRMs and food security. This could be achieved by indicating in the proposed CRM Act the links to the Commission Communication on Fertilisers price and supply.
The Act is a proposed EU Regulation, published 16th March 2023, which is now open to public consultation until 30th June 2023 then will go to the European Parliament and Council for discussion and possible amendment and modification before adoption.
ESPP draft input to public consultation and proposed amendments – for comment and input HERE
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ESPP is organising a first White Ammonia and N-recovery Research Meeting (WARM) in Brussels and hybrid, Wed. 7th June 2023 (plus nitrogen recovery site visit 6th June). This will showcase research and innovation into nitrogen recovery and make links from EU R&D policy to industry implementation.
This is within EU Green Week, Brussels, and back-to-back to the 6th NH3 Event (& 6th Power to Ammonia conference), Europe’s biggest ammonia event, Rotterdam 8-9 June 2023 (one hour train from Brussels).
Details coming soon on
ESPP is preparing a SCOPE Newsletter special presenting the “best of” of recent scientific papers or reports on Nitrogen Recovery and Recycling. This will summarise a selection of around 25 scientific publications for the last few years, similar to SCOPE special editions on climate change – eutrophication links (n°137) or phosphorus sustainability (n°128).
Selection will target papers representing significant knowledge progress in N-recovery, both technical recovery (N recycling to industry or fertilisers) and biological or other N recycling routes, in particular: operating experience at full/pilot scale or innovative technologies leading to N-recovery in a form likely to be a marketable product.
Please send copies of or links to papers you suggest should be included, your own or other authors’, to .
ESPP is establishing a Start-Up Steering Committee to take forward actions on nitrogen recovery and recycling. First meeting online 29th March. Persons interested to engage are invited to contact This working committee will function by online and/or physical meetings and email.
ESPP has also completed the detailed summary of the 19th January Nitrogen Recovery Workshop, published as SCOPE Newsletter n°145 with summaries of presentation and discussions, and key facts on the different nitrogen recovery technology providers.
Consultation open to 16th May 2023 for public input on draft EU Critical Raw Materials Act, covering Critical and Strategic Raw Materials Lists, including phosphate rock and P4 – details see article below. Consultation here.
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) call for candidates for its scientific panels and committee, including BIOHAZ (Biological Hazards), the committee dealing with safety of animal by-products use in fertilisers and animal feeds. The call is open for scientists to 3 April 2023.
EFSA “Call for Expressions of Interest for Membership of the Scientific Panels and the Scientific Committee of EFSA 2023” HERE
Several open and upcoming Horizon Europe calls concern nutrients, in particular soon-to-open calls on N and P regional boundaries and recycled nutrient fertilising products (first deadline February 2024). In December 2022, the European Commission adopted the 2023-24 work programme of Horizon Europe – the EU’s funding for research and innovation.
At the moment, ten calls open are related to nutrients. One call, closing soon on 23rd March 2023, aims at developing EU advisory networks on the optimal fertiliser use, while other calls with a submission deadline on the 28th March 2023 are focused on benefits of leguminous crops and their contribute to reducing the EU’s dependency on imports of nitrogen fertilisers and protein crops for feed, sustainable and circular management and use of water resources, including nutrient recovery, and innovative solutions in agriculture for water availability and quality. Two stages calls belonging to the “Clean environment and zero pollution” topic, first stage closing on 28th March 2023, are open on manure use to mitigate GHG emissions and minimize nutrients/contaminants dispersion in the environment and bio-based platform chemicals, additives, materials or products. On the 12th April 2023, five calls indirectly related to nutrients will close, dealing with strategies to improve yields in organic cropping systems, activities for the European Partnership Water Security for the Planet (Water4All), sustainable production of renewable energy at farm-level and urban farming impacts.
Particularly relevant calls for nutrient research will open on 17th October 2023, with a (first) submission deadline 22nd February 2024 (both one- and two-stage calls):
ESPP is interested to support networking, dissemination and communication activities. Please contact Veronica Santoro for more information and possibilities (). See our ESPP list of running and finished EU and national funded nutrients research projects.
ESPP research activities and ESPP nutrient related R&D project list
See article below. Survey open HERE.
See above and HERE
European Commission (DG Agriculture) call for experts to participate in EU Fertilisers Market Observatory as a group of experts on availability and affordability of fertilisers, following the Commission Communication on fertilisers supply and price (November 2022, see ESPP eNews n°72). Candidates should be representatives of organisations representing stakeholders of at least 10 EU Member States active in the fertilisers supply chain. The Observatory will have up to 20 members and will play a consultative role, providing the Commission with advice and expertise on factors impacting the fertilisers market and market developments.
“Commission calls for applications to join the upcoming EU Fertilisers Market Observatory”, 16th march 2023. Deadline: 4th April 2023 HERE
But the proposed CRM Act defines two levels of importance: “Strategic” and “Critical”. Strategic are related to electronics. New targets and tools are proposed for these, but not for “Critical”, so not for Phosphate Rock or P4.
The Act is a proposed EU Regulation, published 16th March 2023, which is now open to public consultation until 16th May 2023 then will go to the European Parliament and Council for discussion and possible amendment and modification before adoption.
The “Strategic Raw Materials” are defined as those needed for (Preamble §4) “strategic technologies underpinning the green and digital transitions or for defence or space applications” and are listed in Annex I (16 materials, all metals or related elements). These are a subset of 34 Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) listed in Annex II and defined as (Preamble §5) “all strategic raw materials as well as any other raw materials of high importance for the overall Union economy and for which there is a high risk of supply disruption” and are listed in Annex II. Both lists will be reviewed every four years.
“Phosphate Rock” and “Phosphorus” (meaning P4/derivatives) are maintained in this proposed 5th CRM list, which now includes 34 materials, increased from 30 in the 4th CRM list (2020, see ESPP eNews n°48). Arsenic, helium, copper, nickel (battery grade) and feldspar* are added; natural rubber is deleted. However, they are not included in the subset of 16 Strategic Raw Materials (SRMs).
The proposed EU Critical Raw Materials Regulation and its annexes include “Phosphorus” and “Phosphate Rock” as CRMs, but provide no definition of these terms. Similarly for the previously published updates of the CRM List. A recent definition can be found in the SCCRREEN Factsheet (see below) as follows: |
CRM “Phosphate Rock” |
CRM “Phosphorus” |
“In effect covering phosphorus P in different forms in fertilisers, animal feed, chemicals and other uses.” |
“Referring to elemental phosphorus P4, often known as white phosphorus.” |
ESPP comment: around 95% of global phosphate rock use is for agriculture, of which around 90% for fertilisers. |
ESPP comment. P4 is produced from phosphate rock in specific furnaces. P4 production is <2% of phosphate rock use. The EU today has no P4 furnace and depends entirely on imports. See SCOPE Newsletter n°136 |
The Commission’s proposals for the SRM (Strategic) list are indicated to be based on the new JRC Foresight Report (2023), see below. It is therefore very surprising that the essential role of P4 derivatives for electronics, batteries, renewable energy is not recognised and that “Phosphorus” is not included in the list of Strategic Raw Materials.
White Phosphorus (P4, referred as “Phosphorus” in the EU CRM documents) is necessary for battery electrolytes, microchip etching, semiconductors, fire safety, all of which are essential for the “Strategic” sectors of green energy, digital and aerospace. Indeed, “Phosphorus” is identified in the accompanying JRC Foresight Report, as used in batteries, photovoltaics, hydrogen iron/arc furnaces, laptops/smartphones and space/satellites and as having high supply risk (see below).
As per ESPP’s input to the public consultation in November 2022 (HERE), ESPP notes that food materials are excluded from the definition of CRMs but we regret that the proposed CRM Act does not recognise the important links between CRMs and food security. This could be achieved by indicating in the proposed CRM Act the links to the Commission Communication on Fertilisers price and supply (see ESPP eNews n°72).
The proposed CRM Regulation sets out actions to be engaged, at either EU or Member State levels. As written, it seems that some of these actions apply to all Critical Raw Materials, and some only to Strategic Raw Materials (this could be modified by Parliament/Council).
Art: |
Actions proposed for STRATEGIC SRMs only |
1 |
EU targets for production of raw materials (extraction: 10% of EU consumption), processing (40%), recycling (15%), supply diversification (no country > 65% of supply) |
5 - 17 |
“Strategic Projects”: expected to make a meaningful contribution to EU supply of SRMs |
24 |
Possibility of EU-level joint supply purchasing systems. |
Art: |
Actions proposed for ALL CRMs |
18 |
Each MS to define national exploration programmes |
19 |
EU-level monitoring of supply risk, covering: trade flows; demand and supply; concentration of supply; Union and global production and production capacities at different stages of the value chain … Stress test at least every three years, considering supply chain, processing and recycling, alternative sources |
25 |
Each Member State to adopt a national programme to increase collection of waste with high CRM recovery potential and ensure appropriate recycling, increase re-use, increase use of secondary raw materials including by taking recycled content into account in public procurement. National systems may include financial incentives. The Commission will adopt a list of waste streams considered as having high CRM recovery potential. |
26 |
Inventory and feasibility assessment of potential recovery of CRMs from “extractive wastes”. As currently written, ESPP suggests that this will not apply to phosphogypsum stacks, as these are processing waste, not from “extractive” industries (as defined in 2006/21/EC). |
30 |
The Commission is empowered to adopt Environmental Footprint calculation rules and sustainability certification schemes for CRMs. |
33 |
Strategic partnerships between the EU and third party countries for CRM supply. |
The proposed Regulation includes a considerable number of definitions. Although these are “for the purposes of this Regulation”, they may pose jurisprudence. As well as some unexpected definitions (e.g. tumble dryer, dishwasher …), the definitions include:
Forecasts for EU material demand and supply risks for strategic technologies. “Phosphorus” (P4) is cited for all five sectors and as supply-critical. This seems to include misunderstandings, but other essential uses of P4 are missing. The report covers 15 technologies in five strategic sectors: renewable energy, e-mobility, industry, information & communications technology (ITC) and aerospace/defence. P4 is identified as used in lithium ion batteries, solar photovoltaics (PV), hydrogen direct reduced iron and electric arc furnaces (H2-DRI), smartphones – laptops and space launchers – satellites. Phosphate rock is identified as used in data transmission networks.
The report identifies ‘Phosphorus’ (P4) as the raw material with the highest supply risk for batteries and for H2-DRI (p. 20, p77) and amongst the 15 with highest supply risk for data storage & servers, PV, smartphones-laptops and space-satellite, with 79% of production in China (p.76. Note: JRC indicated 87% in the P4 MSA 2021, see ESPP eNews n°58). However, the need for P4 in batteries seems to be based on the error that P4 is needed to produce lithium iron phosphate for LFP batteries (to ESPP’s understanding, this is incorrect: battery grade LiFePO4 can be and already is today produced via purified merchant-grade phosphoric acid, see SCOPE Newsletter n°136). The JRC Foresight Report further suggests that LFP batteries will compete with fertiliser production for phosphate rock (this is referenced to only one P-rock mine project company’s promotion, Epstein 2022). Not only is this largely wrong (see summary of CRU Phosphates 2023 below), it also suggests the report is confusing “Phosphate Rock” with “P4”. P4 is however a necessary input to produce lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6), which is cited in the Foresight Report for batteries (electrolytes) and tablets-laptops.
The Report also notes (p.90) that P4 is increasingly essential for fire safety, under data storage and servers, stating “increasing move to green materials and chemicals … Phosphorus flame retardants (PFRs) are often proposed as alternatives to brominated flame retardants (BFRs)”. Flame retardants are also needed in smartphone-laptops, but – without explication nor coherence – the Report apparently does not consider the need for phosphorus in fire safety for wind turbines, photovoltaics, heat pumps, space-satellites, 3D-printing …
Gallium indium phosphide and indium phosphide, which do need P4 for their production, and which are used in semiconductors, are cited as needed for photovoltaics and data storage. Other essential uses of P4 in the considered technologies are not cited, in particular thermal phosphoric acid for micro-chip etching, and phosphine for semi-conductor doping (partial modification of Si to P in semiconductors).
Phosphate rock is indicated as needed for data transmission networks, but for no other technology (p84), with no explanation (p.81), but P4 is not cited whereas it is used in fire safety of cables, semiconductors, microchips. Again this suggests that the Report is confusing these two CRMs.
Overall, the designations of which technologies require “Phosphorus” (meaning P4/derivatives) and “Phosphate Rock”, and why, are largely unexplained, often incoherent, and in some cases seem to be based on erroneous information and confusion between these two CRMs. Despite this, and even more so when considering the essential uses of P4 which are not cited or only partly taken into account (chip etching, fire safety, semiconductor doping), the Foresight Report identifies P4 as needed for all the strategic sectors and a significant number of the technologies, and as one of the materials with the highest supply chain risk (this is certain: no production of P4 in the EU, and import dependency on three countries: China, Vietnam and Kazakhstan).
ESPP therefore considers it very surprising that the CRM “Phosphorus” (P4 and derivatives) is not included in the proposed list of EU Strategic Raw Materials, see above.
Published SCRREEN2 input to CRM Act confuses the two CRMs ‘Phosphorus’ (P4) and ‘Phosphate Rock’ and contains various errors. ESPP had understood that the EU-funded SCRREEN2 project (3 million € EU money, led by the French Atomic Energy Commission CEA), was supposed to deliver input information to support the update of the CRM List, in the form of SCRREEN2 CRM “Factsheets”. The project has apparently failed to do this in time for Phosphate Rock and P4 in that the draft Factsheet (not dated, online 19th March 2023) contains various errors suggesting a lack of relevant understanding (e.g. sodium is cited as one of the three main plant nutrients p.16) and confuses the CRM “Phosphate Rock” with “Phosphorus” (P4) by treating both in the same Factsheet. The separation into two Factsheets of the two CRMs Phosphate Rock and P4 was requested, but is apparently not done in time to input to the CRM Act. Also, the authors do not seem to understand the chemical difference between “phosphate” and “phosphorus”: on p.26 phosphate is calculated to have the molar weight of the element phosphorus. ESPP pointed to such problems already at SCRREEN workshops and in letters in July and September 2022 (see HERE). Many comments are not taken into account in this draft Factsheet. This failure of SCRREEN may explain the apparently confused treatment of P4 in the JRC Foresight Report.
* Feldspar: a naturally occurring alumino-silicate mineral, source of alumina for e.g. glassmaking, ceramics.
European Commission Critical Raw Materials web page:
European Commission press release, 16th March 2023 IP_23_1661 “Critical Raw Materials: ensuring secure and sustainable supply chains for EU's green and digital future” – includes links to Commission Communication, FAQ, etc.
Proposed EU Critical Raw Materials Act, COM(2023)160, 16th March 2023
JRC Foresight Report 2023 “Supply chain analysis and material demand forecast in strategic technologies and sectors in the EU – A foresight study”, S. Carrera et al., ISBN 978-92-68-00339-8 (266 pages)
SCRREEN2 (“Solutions for CRitical Raw materials - a European Expert Network 2) draft FactSheets
Public consultation open to 16th May 2023
The COP15 Kunming-Montreal convention Global Biodiversity Framework, December 2022, includes the target to reduce nutrient losses by 50% by 2030, that is the same nutrient loss reduction target as the EU Green Deal (Farm-to-Fork and Biodiversity Strategies, both May 2020, see SCOPE Newsletter n°139). Target n°7 of Global targets for 2030 aims to reduce all pollution to levels not harmful to biodiversity and ecosystems and specifies “reducing excess nutrients lost to the environment by at least half, including through more efficient nutrient cycling and use” as well as reducing by 50% risks from pesticides and hazardous chemicals and addressing plastic pollution.
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, decision adopted 7-19 December 2022 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Statistical analysis suggests that sewage works discharge flow > 6.5% of low flow* of small rivers and streams means likely failure to achieve Good Quality Status required by the EU Water Framework Directive. The correlation is not found in larger rivers (Strahler order >3). Nearly 60% of the 1.7 million km of Europe’s rivers and streams are not in Good Ecological Status, usually as a consequence of multiple pressures. The correlation between higher proportion of (low) flow from sewage works discharge to quality status failure held for smaller rivers and streams held not only for the EU overall, but also for 7 out of 10 of the largest catchments (not for the Rhône catchment) and to some extent for all of 6 river types. Across Europe, 82% of length of smaller rivers and streams were not in Good Ecological Status. A maximum recommended discharge / river Q10* low flow ratio of 6.5% was derived, based on 50% probability of achieving Good Quality Status. If 90% probability of Good Quality Status was targeted, this would result in a ratio of 12%. Nearly 60% of segments of small rivers and streams in Europe today exceed the 6.5% ratio and this concerns 9 700 of the EU’s 26 500 sewage works (mainly smaller sewage works: 2/3 < 10 000 p.e.). These sewage works are distributed across the UK, but >80% of sewage works exceed the 6.5% ratio in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Solutions to mitigate discharges to smaller rivers and streams include re-routing discharge to larger rivers, additional wastewater processing, appropriate re-use of wastewater or restoration of ecosystems.
* 10% quartile low flow
“Are waste-water treatment plants failing to protect the ecological health of European streams?”, EU Commission Science for Environment Policy n°595, 15th February 2023
“Why wastewater treatment fails to protect stream ecosystems in Europe”, O. Büttner et al., Water Research 217 (2022) 118382
Phosphates 2023 took place in Istanbul, 27th February – 1st March 2023, with 370 participants, 50 industry stands and nearly 30 technical presentations. Ludwig Hermann, for ESPP, presented European policy perspectives.
Humphrey Knight, CRU, summarised market challenges of 2022: prices hit a 15-year high, resulting in a significant drop in demand. Despite high crop sales prices, phosphate fertiliser affordability was unfavourable. Demand for high-grade rock fell more than for low-grade rock. With the fall in demand for phosphate fertilisers, industry thus managed to ride through major supply disruptions. China’ exports fell by nearly 50% in 2022, and may remain reduced as the country’s priority turns to national supply. Contrary to initial expectations, Russia was able to continue exporting fertilisers, but showed a considerable decrease in exports of high-grade phosphate rock comparable to other high-grade rock suppliers. Price and supply challenges are expected to become less acute in 2023.
Technical presentations particularly addressed speciality fertilisers and sustainability. Ravi Hiremath, Solvay, presented a chemical additive (ACCO-PHOS) to chelate cadmium, copper, arsenic and other metals out of phosphoric acid, so enabling producing of fertilisers with low heavy metal levels. Michael Meyer, EasyMining, presented the Ash2Phos process to recover phosphorus as high-quality calcium phosphate from sewage sludge incineration ash. Agnes von Garnier, Collin Bartlett and Hannes Storch, Metso Outotec, presented a process to recover sulphuric acid from phosphogypsum stockpiles, to address the expected shortfall in sulphuric acid supply when supply from oil refineries slows down. Hadrien Leruth, Prayon Technologies, presented the GetMoreP and Ecophos processes, as routes to upgrade secondary phosphorus sources, low grade phosphate rock or phosphate mine tailings to dicalcium phosphate.
Sam Adham, CRU, discussed expected future development of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries, as a lower cost alternative to Lithium Ion. Phosphate rock consumption for LFP battery cathode production is disproportionally high due to very high purity requirements. This could be balanced by co-production of merchant grade phosphoric acid carrying the impurities that have been removed from LFP grade. Demand for phosphate rock for LFP production is expected to reach 4 – 5 Mt/y (rock) per year in coming decades, compared to current total world production of around 200 Mt/y of phosphate rock (see ESPP FactSheet).
Several phosphate rock mining projects were presented, in Europe (Norge Mining, Stavanger Region, Norway), South Africa (Schiel Phosphate Mining Project, Limpopo Province), Canada (First Phosphate, Quebec) and Australia (Verdant Minerals and Arianne, both in the Northern Territories). Most of them target high grade resources suitable for LFP batteries and other industrial uses.
15th CRU Phosphates Conference (2023)
The 16th CRU Phosphates Conference will take place in Warsaw, Poland, 26-28 February 2024
EBI is the voice of leading players in the rapidly developing European biochar industry. EBI supports biochar as a high-potential solution for phosphorus recycling (from sewage sludge and certain animal by-products), carbon mitigation, and agricultural soil improvement. For a broad range of feedstocks, particularly those where contaminants or sanitary safety pose challenges, such as sewage sludge or certain animal by-products, pyrolysis enables a circular economy. By increasing awareness of the benefits of biochar and advocating for science-backed regulations and industry standards, EBI is working towards developing the European biochar industry into an important and established sector. The overall aim is to contribute to Europe’s fight against climate change. The sector development is already in process, by end of 2022, the EU had 130 installations, producing around 53 000 t/y of biochar. See EBI Market Report here. EBI has 83 members, who are pyrolysis plant owners and operators, users, system and technology providers. Depending on the process and input materials, which can include plant-based, non-plant-based and waste streams, biochars can be used in animal feed, air, soil and water purification (activated carbon), as well as fertilisers or soil improvers. Moreover, the market potential of biogenic carbon-based construction materials and polymers obtained through pyrolysis is growing fast. By becoming a member of the ESPP, EBI finds an important ally in advancing nutrient recovery and waste stream valorisation, including pyrolysis as a treatment path for residues like sewage sludge and work towards a circular economy as well as the creation of quality carbon removals. EBI has recently launched advocacy to request that the European Commission revisit the current exclusion of sewage sludge biochar from the Fertilising Products Regulation (CMC14). The position paper is based on a reassessment of recent data showing that pharmaceuticals, microplastics and PFAS are eliminated in pyrolysis under appropriate conditions (see ESPP eNews n°73).
European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI)
EBI European Biochar Market report 2022/2023 HERE
International Fertiliser Society webinar proposed a new definition of a “plant nutrient”, aiming for a wider concept of “one nutrition”, following 2022 concept paper from scientists and industry (IFA). A survey is now open for input. The authors suggest that current definitions of “plant nutrient” are widely interpreted to mean that the nutrient must be essential for all plants, whereas science is today showing that a number of elements can improve plant growth and development, where this was not previously recognised (e.g. silicon, iodine), or may be only essential for some crops in some conditions (e.g. aluminium for certain tea varieties, sodium for some species). The authors note that US regulation currently defines a plant nutrient as being “essential for normal growth of plants” but does not specify for all plants*.
The authors propose as a new definition “A mineral plant nutrient is an element which is essential or beneficial for plant growth and development or for the quality attributes of the plant or harvested product, of a given plant species, grown in its natural or cultivated environment”.
They call for a consensus agreement on a new definition of “Plant Nutrient”, suggesting that this process should bring together scientists, industry and regulators. ESPP suggests that this is the logical remit of standardisation (ISO). The authors also suggest that a global body should be established to periodically review evidence as to which elements can be considered to meet the new definition under which conditions.
ESPP notes that the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) has fixed a clear and simple definition of Plant Nutrient: “substance that is essential or beneficial for plant growth” (ISO 8157:2022 Fertilizers, soil conditioners and beneficial substances — Vocabulary).
ESPP also notes that the EU Fertilising Product Regulation (FPR) uses the term “nutrient” but does not include a definition for it. However, the FPR does in effect specify a limited list of recognised nutrients, in that it defines a Macronutrient fertiliser (cf. PFC1(C)(I)(a)(ii)) as providing N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na or S and a Micronutrient fertiliser (PFC1(C)(II)) as providing B, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn.
* Source: AAPFCO “Official Publication” n°76, 2003, which indicates as the definition for “Secondary Nutrient (T-9, page 94) “those other than the primary nutrients that are essential for the normal growth of plants and that may need to be added to the growth medium …”
IFS (International Fertiliser Society) webinars:
“What is a plant nutrient? Changing definitions to advance science and innovation in plant nutrition”, P. Brown, F-J. Zhao, A. Dobermann, Plant Soil (2022) 476:11–23
IFS webinar “A new definition of ‘Plant Nutrient’ and its implications for fertilizer regulations globally”, 22nd February 2023
Survey open:
Fertiliser requirements are calculated for vegan vs. omnivore diet, with different animal feed use efficiency, crop use efficiency and recycling rates. Overall results are presented as total mass of fertiliser, but calculations are presented separately for N, P and K. Key influencing parameters are identified as: livestock feed use efficiency (IFE), fraction of animal manures reaching and taken up by crops (depending on manure and agri-food waste recycling / reuse scenarios, and crop use efficiency) and N-loss during composting of manures and food wastes. It is underlined that in intensive livestock systems not all manure is returned to land (e.g. China only 35-75% of livestock manures returned to land, Ma 2010, Hou 2013) or manure may be applied in excess to some land or not distributed usefully on land*. The authors conclude that estimates of fertiliser requirements vary widely depending on the coefficients used for these different efficiency factors. With a relatively high hypothesis of 70% of return and uptake of manure by crops, an omnivore diet would require (table 5) 12 – 120 x more P-fertiliser than a vegan diet and 5 – 30 x more N-fertiliser. These estimates compare to estimates published by other authors of 20 – 36 x for P and 6 – 13 x for N. The authors note that Van Kernebeek 2016 estimated that including some meat in diet would be optimal, but that this assumes that livestock and animal feed crops are produced on marginal land and that there is no competition for this land space for other uses (e.g. energy crops).
* ESPP notes that it is nearly inevitable that manure will not be appropriately distributed even in extensive livestock systems, because animals tend to concentrate excretion at feeding, drinking or rumination points – see Kreuzer in SCOPE Newsletter n°131.
See also Lancet Commission, Springmann et al. in ESPP eNews n°48
“Savings in fertilizer requirements from plant-based diets”, L. Harvey, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 190 (2023) 106820
Despite improvements, China still has low PUE (c. 40% national average) and significant phosphorus surplus (over 25 kgP/ha), with high regional variations. Both PUE and surplus are however improving since around 2005 – 2015. Phosphorus flow analysis is based on data for crop yields, straw, livestock, fertiliser and cultivated areas for Chinese official data, FAO and literature. Assessment was made at the national level for 1990 – 2018 and at the provincial level (grouped into seven regions) for 2005 – 2018. Around 7.5 MtP/y were input to China’s farmland over this period, of which c. 80% in mineral fertiliser, whereas the average output was <3 MtP/y. Higher phosphorus use efficiencies (PUE) in the North East China probably correspond to climates with rainfall, allowing organic matter accumulation in soil. Lower PUE and soil P accumulation (P-surplus) correspond to intensive crop production regions with high fertiliser use. The authors conclude that China crossed the Kuznets curve for phosphorus in 2007, with use efficiency improving and environmental losses decreasing since then, but that China still has one of the highest fertiliser inputs in the world, and phosphorus use efficiency relatively low, and suggest the need for regionalised policies to improve PUE and reduce agricultural phosphorus surpluses.
“Phosphorus use efficiency has crossed the turning point of the environmental kuznets curve: Opportunities and challenges for crop production in China”, W. Shen et al., J. Environmental Management 326 (2023) 116754
Meta-analysis of 111 studies shows that effects of elevated carbon dioxide (eCO2) on plant biomass are best explained by plant phosphorus uptake and that eCO2 modifies aboveground biomass P pool and biomass P concentration. A literature search for paper covering both increasing CO2 and phosphorus found over 1600 papers (since 1950), of which nearly 550 were found relevant after analysis, of which 111 were retained as including data on biomass or P pools/concentrations. eCO2 showed a +13% increase in above ground biomass, but no increase in litter biomass, and to a +20% increase in above ground biomass P pool, +14% increase in biomass below ground P pool, but a decrease in above ground biomass P concentrations (+7%) and no change in below ground biomass P concentrations. Plant P uptake, which was related to biomass, was the variable which best explained increased biomass with eCO2. Effects of eCO2 on the phosphorus cycle were impacted by variables such as duration of experiment and aridity. The authors conclude that plant phosphorus uptake should be considered in future biosphere carbon dioxide modelling.
“Plant biomass responses to elevated CO2 are mediated by phosphorus uptake”, X. Han et al., Science of the Total Environment 863 (2023) 160775
EU Horizon 2020 project Lex4Bio launches online survey of farmers, consumers, fertiliser producers and food & beverage industry to identify drivers and barriers to uptake of bio-based fertilisers (BBFs). The surveys, for each target sector, are online in several different languages. Depending on the target, questions cover attitudes to using waste or recycled materials to fertilise food crops, perceived safety of recycled nutrient sources, different recycled materials.
Lex4Bio surveys on bio-based fertilisers
One-hour webinar (available online) offers detailed presentation of EasyMining’s Aqua2N nitrogen recovery process operational experience (4 m3/h) and now upscaling (10 m3/h), including Biophos’ R&D Director. The two step process removes >95% of ammonium from wastewater liquors by struvite precipitation, then dissolves the struvite in sulphuric acid, recycling the magnesium and phosphorus back to the precipitation stage, and producing ammonium sulphate solution (c. 10% solution = c. 2% N/ww, with objective to concentrate to 30 - 40% solution). Dines Thornberg, Biofos, responsible for treating Copenhagen area’s wastewater explains that the ammonium from sewage sludge digestate liquid fraction (which is returned to the sewage works) can reduce N loading to the works considerably, so increasing biological treatment capacity. Anna Lundbom, EasyMining, explains that the Aqua2N process can reduce sewage works nitrous oxide losses by 15 – 30 %, significantly reducing climate impact. Mikael Hedström, EasyMining, explains that the process is part of EasyMining’s objective to recycle resources and so mitigate climate emissions. The process has been tested, in the EU-funded LIFE RE-Fertilize project on municipal wastewater sludge liquor (Biofos Lynetten wwtp) and landfill liquor (Högbytorp) with a 4 m3/h pilot, a scale appropriate for smaller wastewater plants, enabling optimisation, and demonstrating replicability and transferability. A 10 m3/h unit for larger plants has been designed and is now entering the commercialisation phase. The recovered ammonium sulphate solution has been tested in pot trials by the Swedish Agricultural University and by farmers (Lantmännen).
Photos: EasyMining Aqua2N pilot
RE-Fertilize webinar, 26th January 2023, watch replay here:
See also ESPP-DPP-NNP Nutrient Recycling Technology Catalogue
Comparison of 3 digestion and 3 analysis methods, plus interlaboratory comparison recommends ICP-OES after microwave digestion to provide reliable analysis of sewage sludge phosphorus content. 14 sludge samples from 11 different sewage works were analysed for phosphorus content using the two digestion methods and three analysis methods indicated as regards P-recovery in the German Sewage Sludge Ordinance (*): aqua regia digestion in a microwave or under reflux conditions, then inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), or photometric phosphorus determination with ammonium molybdate. These methods (tested in some cases by several laboratories) showed variation of around +/- 20% in results for P-content. ICP-OES after aqua regia digestion in a microwave was identified as the most reliable method. A mixed sludge sample was analysed using these methods by 28 laboratories, showing around 7.2 % reproducibility variation in results for P content. Data show, for the sludges from these eleven wwtps, P-content of 1.7 – 3.8% and iron content of 1.4 – 5 % Fe (dry weight).
Phosphorus in sewage sludges:
Previous studies suggest similar levels of P in sewage: 0.8% - 31% (Krogstad et al. 2005), 0 - 4 % (Guivarch 2001), 2 - 6% (Frossard 1996) SCOPE Newsletter n°73, 2.6–3.4% (Cydzik‑Kwiatkowska & Nosek 2020), 3.4 % (Phong 2022), 4.3% (Falk 2020).
The European Commission seminar of 1980 indicated P-content of sewage sludges:
* German sewage P-recovery Ordinance: AbfKlärV 2017 German sewage sludge directive (Verordnung zur Neuordnung der Klärschlammverwertung) LINK
“Determination of the phosphorus content in sewage sludge: comparison of different aqua regia digestion methods and ICP‑OES, ICP‑MS, and photometric determination”, T. Sichler et al., Environmental Sciences Europe (2022) 34:99 LINK.
See also Sichler et al. in ESPP eNews n°66.
Ashes from four German sewage sludge incinerators were tested as phosphorus fertilisers in 4-week pot trials, showing considerably lower P Use Efficiency than mineral P fertiliser (MCP) and similar or worse than phosphate rock in these short-duration tests. Pot trials used the P-sensitive flowering plant Tagetes patula (French marigold) with soil pH of 6 or 4.5 with weekly applications of P fertiliser/ash and of nitrogen as required. Particle size distribution of the ashes was recorded. Phosphorus Use Efficiency was calculated based on P uptake. At soil pH 4.5 plant fresh weight was similar with the sludge ashes compared to MCP (water soluble P fertiliser) or phosphate rock, whereas at pH 6 fresh weight was significantly higher with ash than with phosphate rock, but lower than with MCP. Plant P uptake and P Use Efficiency was significantly lower than for MCP at both soil pHs, and was four times lower at soil pH 6. The authors note that phosphorus solubility test methods with calcium chloride + diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (CAT) and calcium-acetate-lactate (CAL), as widely used in Germany, do not give useful predictions of plant P availability in sewage sludge incineration ash.
“Phosphorus Availability from German Sewage Sludge Ashes to Plants Cultivated in Soilless Growing Media of Contrasting pH”, D. Hauck et al., Agronomy 2022, 12, 2610 DOI.
Phosphorus efficiency of struvite in pot trials was the same or better than mineral P fertiliser, but was considerably lower for an iron phosphate containing sewage sludge and for two sewage sludge ashes.
In papers 2021 and 2022-1, RAE (relative agronomic efficiency) of phosphorus in secondary materials was compared to mineral phosphate fertiliser (TSP = triple super phosphate) and no phosphate (control) in seven month pot trials with perennial ryegrass at three P dose levels (one application at start):
The first paper (2021) compares the phosphorus fertiliser effectiveness of the five secondary materials to TSP. At 9 and 19 kgP/ha, after one month, one of the two struvites showed phosphorus fertiliser efficiency (RAE relative agronomic efficiency) similar to mineral fertiliser (Fig 3). The other struvite, the two ash materials and the sewage sludge pellets showed considerably lower RAE after one month. However, RAEs were similar after one month at 28 kgP/ha application (except for ASH2 which was much lower). After four months the two struvites showed RAEs similar to mineral P fertiliser. After seven months, the RAEs of the two struvites were > 110% (better than TSP), whereas the two ashes and sludge pellets showed RAEs of below 75% at 9 and 19 kgP/ha and 30 - 84 % at 28 kgP/ha.
A second paper (2022-1), based on the same pot trial data, compares P measured by eleven different extraction methods, ranging from strong acid “destructive” total-P to Olsen-P, to shoot P uptake in seven cuts from one to seven months. This shows (table S11) that, for these six materials (two struvites, dried FeP sludge, two ash materials, TSP) and for cumulative P uptake after seven months, only six extraction methods showed correlation > 0.6 (in order of highest correlation: 2% citric acid, microwave digestion + nitric acid, nitric acid, ammonium lactate, NAC = neutral ammonium citrate, microwave digestion + aqua regia) whereas (table 4) five showed correlation < 0.5 (Mehlich3, Bray 2, water, calcium chloride and Olsen-P). However, all extraction methods showed correlation for P uptake after seven months > 0.6 if the mineral fertiliser TSP was excluded. After only one month, six methods showed correlation > 0.6 to shoot P uptake (in order: water, calcium chloride, NAC, Mehlich3, microwave + nitric, ammonium lactate).
The third paper (2022-2) shows results of 4-month pot trials with perennial ryegrass for Euphore output ash (two-step rotary kiln process without chemical additives at this stage of the technology development, see ESPP-DPP-NNP Technology Catalogue), iron phosphate extracted from sewage sludge, crab carapace material and microalgae, in three different substrates (compared to TSP and control), concluding that four months were needed for P from these materials to become plant available.
2021: “Impact of time and phosphorus application rate on phosphorus bioavailability and efficiency of secondary fertilizers recovered from municipal wastewater”, Chemosphere 282 (2021) 131017
2022-1:“Phosphorus Availability in Recycled Fertilizers: Comparison of 11 Chemical Extraction Methods with Plant Uptake During a 7‑Month Growth Experiment”, A. Bogdan et al., J. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2022
2022-2: “Substrate-Driven Phosphorus Bioavailability Dynamics of Novel Inorganic and Organic Fertilizing Products Recovered from Municipal Wastewater - Tests with Ryegrass”, A. Bogdan et al., Agronomy 2022, 12, 292.
Progressive and suspension freeze concentration (FC) were tested at lab scale to concentrate the nutrients from a membrane filtrate (ultrafiltration + reverse osmosis RO) liquor from pig slurry and agro-industrial waste digestate, from an anaerobic digester in Catalonia, Spain. The RO process, operating on the liquid fraction of solid-liquid separated digestate, gives clean effluent water which can be discharged and a nutrient “concentrate” (1%N, 0.02%P, 2%K). Freeze concentration was tested in 2 litre lab reactors with circulating refrigerant at -5, -10 and -15°C with the aim to further concentrate the nutrients present in the RO “concentrate”. After two hours of freeze concentration, around 56 % of N, 90 % of P and 63 % of K was concentrated in the liquid fraction (50% of the initial volume), that is phosphorus concentration was nearly doubled by the freeze drying whereas N and K concentration not increased by more than 20%. In an earlier paper, the same authors tested multi-stage progressive freeze concentration in the same 2 litre lab reactor on cheese whey from a dairy processing factory, achieving 2 – 3 x increases in lactose and protein contents after 2 – 4 freeze concentration cycles. Further studies underway, but not published yet, assess the freeze concentration technology at a pilot scale using a 40-litre reactor tested with digestate (in the Fertimanure Horizon 2020 project). The authors conclude that freeze concentration has a similar or lower operational energy consumption than membrane concentration technologies and offers significant energy-saving potential compared to thermal and evaporation processes.
“Application of Freeze Concentration Technologies to Valorize Nutrient-Rich Effluents Generated from the Anaerobic Digestion of Agro-Industrial Wastes”, I. Uald-lamkaddam et al., Sustainability 2021, 13, 13769.
“Progressive freeze concentration of cheese whey for protein and lactose recovery”, I.Uald Lamkaddam et al., International Dairy Journal 139 (2023) 105572
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C-Green has developed and patented OxyPower HTC™, converting sewage sludge, manure, and food digestate into solid hydrochar by a combination of hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) and wet oxidation of the separated water. HTC or wet pyrolysis was invented in 1913 by the Nobel prize-winning German chemist Friedrich Bergius. Wet oxidation produces heat, which is used to heat the incoming sludge and to convert the nitrogen in the separated water into ammonium ions.
OxyPower HTC™ simplifies both nitrogen and phosphorus recovery. Nitrogen is extracted from the separated nitrogen-rich wet oxidized process water by ammonia stripping. Up to 60% of the nitrogen in the sludge is separated as ammonium sulphate.
The hydrochar can be used as a biofuel or for soil improvement depending on local regulations. Mono-incineration of the hydrochar makes it possible recover phosphorus from the ash. NOx emissions are significantly lower compared to sludge incineration. In addition, more than 50% of the nitrogen in the sludge can be recovered as fertiliser.
If the hydrochar is used for soil improvement, virtually all phosphorus and up 90% of the nitrogen in the sludge (60% ammonia water and 30% in the hydrochar) is used.
C-Green is confident that membership in ESPP will help us contribute to developing sustainable carbon and nutrient recycling through information, monitoring, networking and contacts with decision makers.
SNB, a Dutch company established in 1994 by Dutch Water Authorities, operates the largest sewage sludge incineration plant in Europe. Their aim is to treat sewage sludge sustainably by recovery of energy and raw materials. Furthermore, they are engaged to reduce their environmental footprint, including the objective of carbon neutral sewage sludge treatment. Currently SNB processes about 410.000 to 430.000 tons of dewatered sewage sludge a year. Their strategic goal is to achieve circular sewage water and sludge treatment. To achieve this goal SNB is and has been involved with several partners to recovery phosphates from sewage sludge incineration fly ashes. These sludges contain phosphorus concentrations comparable to low grade phosphate rock. In addition to phosphate recovery, SNB is investigating recovery and recycling nitrogen from sewage sludge. As a member of ESPP, SNB contributes, together with the other members, to a phosphorus sustainable Europe by recovery of phosphates from waste, through research and by steering regulation towards a circular economy.
ESPP’s January 2023 events, 2nd SOFIE and 1st Nitrogen Recovery Workshop, saw nearly 400 participants in Brussels and online. SCOPE Newsletter summaries of both events are currently being finalised.
Registered participants to each event already have full access to slides, session recordings, edited Chat, list of participants with emails (on Swapcard (for SOFIE) or via link sent for N-Recovery).
SOFIE2 (Summit of Organic and Organo-Mineral Fertilisers Industries in Europe) confirmed the considerable enthusiasm and interest in this growing and restructuring sector, which is strategic for the nutrient circular economy. SOFIE showed active engagement both by upstream sectors supplying raw materials (in particular digestates and compost, of which production is expected to grow considerably in the coming decade with EU biomethane and biowaste policies), organic fertiliser producers, processing equipment suppliers, and also the mineral fertiliser industry, motivated by complementarities between organic and mineral nutrients for crop nutrition and by market and logistics synergies. SOFIE is the only event for organic fertilisers industry, and the only place to meet this growing industry’s different partners.
SOFIE3 is already fixed for 16-17 January 2024 (Brussels & hybrid)
Further information soon
The Nitrogen Recovery Workshop showed strong interest in “White Nitrogen” (recovery and reuse of reactive nitrogen), accelerated by the current energy and fertiliser supply crisis. Technologies exist, some longstanding (stripping and scrubbing), some innovative and new, but with challenges of producing dilute solutions, logistics, cost. The workshop agreed the need to establish some form of working group to develop proposals on policy, R&D funding, information gathering and supply-chain networking and collaboration. A Steering Committee is now being established to take this forward and is open to companies and volunteers wishing to contribute.
If you wish to be involved on Nitrogen Recovery, contact:
The European Commission has published a communication on the use of the term “Bio-Based Plastic” which can be seen as relevant for the term “Bio-Based Fertiliser”. The Communication refers to the CEN/TC4111 definition of Bio-Based (see below) and indicates that Bio-Based plastics are made from biomass, with a preference for organic wastes and by-products, whereas conventional plastics are made from fossil resources. The Communication notes that Bio-Based Plastics can be made fully or partly from biobased feedstock, but underlines that generic claims such as “biobased” may be banned by the Green Deal proposed directive “Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition”, unless underpinned by recognised environmental performance, and therefore that the exact and measurable share of biobased content should be specified (in a Bio-Based Plastic).
The CEN (TC4111) European Standard EN 16575 (August 2014) “Bio-based products: vocabulary” defines (2.1, 2.5) a bio-based product as “Wholly or partly derived from biomass. May have undergone physical, chemical or biological treatment” and (2.4) bio-based content as “fraction of a product that is derived from biomass. Normally expressed as a percentage of the total mass of the product”. Biomass is defined (2.7) as “material of biological origin excluding material embedded in geological formations and/or fossilised”. CEN has outlined methodology for quantifying the bio-based content of products in CEN/TR 16721. This takes as starting point the % of bio-based carbon based on C14 ratio. Unfortunately, this method does not seem appropriate for assessing whether N or P or K are “bio-based” when recovered from organic wastes.
ESPP notes that the term Bio-Based Fertiliser (“BBF”) is already being used in R&D publications (see e.g. Wester-Larsen et al. Lex4Bio 2022 in ESPP eNews n°72) and that a comparable discussion is ongoing concerning the wording “nutrients of solely biological origin” in the EU FPR (Fertilising Products Regulation).
ESPP considers that the definition and usage of these vocabulary terms are important for market clarity (product communication to users and consumers) and for a possible future European Standard on defining and measuring “Bio-Based nutrient” content (nutrients of “biological origin”) to support environmental claims and EU Fertilising Products Regulation certification.
ESPP is therefore developing a Position Paper on the definitions of “Bio-Based Fertiliser” or “Bio-Based Nutrient”.
This document is open to comment on the ESPP public website The objective is to achieve consensus on a proposed definition to submit for consideration by the European Commission and by CEN.
European Commission Communication COM(2022)682, 30th November 2022 “EU policy framework on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics” HERE
The EU Organic Farming Regulations have been modified to authorise “Recovered struvite and precipitated phosphate salts”, as defined in the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR). The modifying Regulation (2023/121 modifying 2021/1165), published 17th January 2023, specifies that, to be authorised for use in Certified Organic Farming, the recovered phosphates “must meet the requirements laid down in” the FPR and that “animal manure as source material cannot have factory farming origin”. ESPP notes that there is to date no official EU definition of “factory farming”. The European Environment Agency indicates a definition here and the EU Expert Group on Organic Farming (EGTOP 2013) refers to 1995 EU Guidance*. ESPP also notes that the modification to the Organic Farming Regulations does not include the words “and derivates” which are included in the FPR CMC12, suggesting that recovered precipitated phosphates can be used in Certified Organic Farming as such, but not after chemical reprocessing. ESPP further notes that the text specifies that the recovered precipitated phosphates must “meet the requirements” of the FPR, and does not state that they must be EU-Certified under the FPR. It could be surmised that this choice of wording means the precipitated phosphates must respect the criteria of FPR CMC12, and of at least one FPR PFC, and of FPR Labelling (Annex III), but do not require FPR Conformity Assessment (Annex IV), but this interpretation should be verified with national Certified Organic Farming implementation authorities. ESPP notes that the obligation to respect CMC12 excludes (for the present) any struvite or precipitated phosphates derived from manure or from other animal by-products (ABPs) (e.g. from digestate where manure [even if not from factory farming] or separately collected municipal biowaste are inputs to the digester), until the ABP Regulations are modified to include relevant ABP End-Points (amendment underway, see ESPP eNews n°71). It is ESPP’s understanding that under the wording of this amendment as proposed, precipitated phosphates derived from ABPs would only be authorised in the FPR CMC12 if (1) they are precipitated from digestate where the digestion process respects the Standard Processing Requirements of the ABP Regulation 142/2011 “standard” processing requirements (Annex V, ch. I, II and III) or (2) if the precipitated phosphate is sterilised according to the requirements of 142/2011 Annex XI, chapter I ($2 a, b & d, that is treatment at ≥70°C for ≥60 minutes), and (in both cases) if the processing plants were appropriately authorised and controlled by national ABP authorities.
Note: the German language published version of this Regulation contains a translation error (the materials are “deleted” from the list instead of being “added”). The European Commission is aware and correction is underway.
* 1995: Commission Guidelines for the use of excrements in organic farming (Annex II, part A, to Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91), VI/5684/95-EN Rev5(PPQPP/EN/95/5684R5.doc). These guidelines are out of date and refer to interpretation of “factory farming” in EU Regulation 2381/94 which has been repealed, but this used exactly the same wording “factory farming origin prohibited” as in the current Organic Farming Regulations which have replaced it. See reference to this 1995 document in a 2020 European Commission answer to the European Parliament (1/7/2020). This 1995 document is no longer available on the European Commission website and can be found on the ESPP website
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/121 of 17 January 2023 amending and correcting Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1165 authorising certain products and substances for use in organic production and establishing their lists
Data search and analysis for ESPP concludes that incineration and co-combustion are not proved to inactive prions. Cat1 animal by-products represent a significant, high-quality potential for phosphorus recovery. ESPP considers that the priority is safety, and in particular inactivation of prions (which cause BSE, scrapie and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE). A literature search, commissioned by ESPP to Dr Kevin McDonnell, University College Dublin, identified only 22 studies, recent or not, relevant to pathogen reduction in animal by-products by thermal/chemical processes, of which 13 reported pathogen reduction following thermal treatment. None of the studies addressed the specific conditions of the EU Industrial Emissions Directive IED (850°C, 0.2 seconds). Data suggests that increasing temperature and time improve prion deactivation. The only directly relevant studies (Brown et al. 2000 et 2004) use a highly heat resistant prion (strain 263K, comparable to BSE) and show >8 log 10 reduction at 612 °C for 15 min and total inactivation at 1 000 °C for 5 and 15 min. Dr McDonnell concludes that this does not enable conclusions concerning prion deactivation under EU IED conditions.
“Sanitary Safety of Animal by-product Ash”, K. McDonnell, UCD and Bio-e Biosystems, for ESPP, 47 pages, 2022, online here
“New studies on the heat resistance of hamster adapted scrapie agent: Threshold survival after ashing at 600°C suggests an inorganic
template of replication”, P. Brown et al. 2000, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97(7),
‘Infectivity Studies of Both Ash and Air Emission from Simulated Incineration of Scrapie-Contaminated Tissues”, P. Brown et al. 2004, Environmental Science Technology, PP. 6155-6160.
Summary of the Brown et al. studies cited: Brown et al. 2000 tested injection of prion-infected brain material from hamsters into healthy hamsters, with or without dry heat combustion under air at 600°C or 1000°C. This showed prion reinfection after combustion at 600°C. Brown et al. (5 out of 35 healthy hamsters infected). Brown et al. repeated their trials because the results were surprising, taking precautions on possible contamination by combustion flue gases, and obtained the same results in the second study (2004). The authors note some residual organic carbon at 600°C. In the second study, samples were also heated under nitrogen, and in this case there was no reinfection at 600°C, leading the authors to conclude that incomplete combustion was not preventing prion deactivation. They hypothesise that at 600°C the prions are leaving an “inorganic template” (rather like a fossil) in the ash and that this template can cause refolding of healthy prions, so causing reinfection.
ESPP comment: The literature search conclusions and the Brown studies would seem to lead to the conclusion that there is today no evidence that IED incineration of Cat1 animal by-products ensures safety (prevents risk of TSE transmission). This is problematic, not only as regards possible use of Cat1 ash in P-recovery or fertiliser production, but also as regards current management of Cat1 by-products, which are currently incinerated under IED conditions.
ESPP plans to organise a webinar of concerned companies, stakeholders and experts, to discuss how to take forward these questions. If you are interested to input, please contact
EU preparatory study for the SSD concluding mainly that there is a lack of data of possible impacts of emerging pollutants, in particular pharmaceuticals, and also a lack of data on sewage sludge treatment and use. The report assesses implications for sewage sludge management of different current or anticipated EU policies. Risk assessment of different emerging pollutants in sludge are presented, including microplastics and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). For industrial chemicals, the highest PEC/PNEC ratios (indicator of potential risk) were for the brominated flame retardant Deca-BDE (BDE209) and for PAHs (poly aromatic hydrocarbons). PFAS were also identified as “of potential concern for human health” and some pharmaceuticals as possibly posing health risks through sludge use on soils. The contribution of sewage sludge to microplastic inputs to soils is considered small (most inputs to the environment are from vehicle tyre wear), and most sludge microplastics are fibres. Possible impacts of microplastics on soil, plants and health is considered to be poorly understood. The report underlines that data on how sewage sludge processing modifies emerging contaminant inputs to soil is inadequate and should be developed. The report also underlines that data on use routes for sewage sludge in Europe are incoherent and incomplete: unidentified “other” category is often reported, “Compost is reported as an end-use whereas it is in fact a pre-treatment before different destinations. Also, there is inadequate data as to how much sewage sludge undergoes anaerobic digestion, which impacts both final sludge volumes and energy recovery. The report notes that phosphorus can be recovered by different routes. Application of sludge to agricultural land “remains a key end-of-life option”, ensuring nutrient return to agriculture, with currently around one third of EU sewage sludge used in this way. However, the report notes that “future trends for use of sewage sludge on land are not clear … there are uncertainties with regard to the environmental impacts, specifically linked to pollutants of emerging concern”.
“Support to the evaluation of the Sewage Sludge Directive. Exploratory study - final report”, Wood, Trinomics, Ricardo, IMDEA, Tyrsky, March 2022
National Decree requires farmers to record all nutrient and organic carbon applications and implement a fertilisation plan, and specifies conditions for recycling secondary materials as fertiliser coherent with the EU FPR. The 43 page Decree states as context the EU Green Deal targets to reduce nutrient losses by 50% by 2030 without deteriorating soil fertility. It sets as aims to ensure farmers planning of and recording of fertilisation, define good agriculture practices for nutrient application (including of fertilisers, manures, sewage sludge and other secondary materials), establish by 2026 a mandatory register of manufacturers and other economic agents for fertilisers, define conditions under which waste and secondary materials can be either used in fertilising products (this largely refers to the EU Fertilising Products Regulation criteria) or applied as waste, define accreditation and intervention of “technical fertilisation advisors” to farmers. Farmers and foresters will be obliged to record all applications of nutrients or of organic carbon to soil in a new “fertilisation” section of the existing log established for phytosanitary products. Farmers will have to define a fertilisation plan, using soil and leaf analysis data, and this must prioritise the use of organic fertilisers and must include measures to mitigate ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. Reference to a fertilisation advisor will be obligatory for these plans in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. The Decree also includes measures concerning heavy metal limits in fertilisers and in soils, storage and application of manures, limiting ammonia emissions from urea fertilisers (reference is made to the UNECE document “Options for ammonia mitigation”).
Spain Royal Decree 1051/2022 (27th December 2022) establishing legal standards for sustainable nutrition in agricultural soils - Real Decreto 1051/2022, de 27 de diciembre, par el que se establecen normas para la nutrición sostenible en las suelos agrarios
In April 2022, CEN published 82 new Technical Specifications to support implementation of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation. This is expected to be followed, after laboratory validation, by European Standards. The new Technical Specifications cover testing methods, sampling methods, terminology and concern soil improvers and growing media (CEN/TC 223), fertilisers and liming material (CEN/TC 260) and plant biostimulants (CEN/TC 455) and cover aspects such as terminology and classification, determination of physical properties and particle size, determination of nitrogen of different forms in organic and mineral fertilisers, determination of water soluble -, citric acid soluble -, formic acid soluble – and NAC soluble – phosphorus in fertilisers, determination of potassium, magnesium, calcium and micro-nutrients contents, nutrient release from coated fertilisers, determination of total organic carbon content …
“CEN published 82 new Technical Specifications on fertilizing products in support of the EU Circular Economy objectives”, 21st April 2022 HERE.
The worldwide inventory list of operating full-scale installations for P-recovery from wastewater treatment (Christian Kabbe, P-REX Environment) is updated online here. The inventory list has been fully updated, and identifies around 75 installations operating worldwide as currently operational and recovering phosphorus, of a total of around 120 installations listed. The technology supplier, the location, operating since, the recovered phosphate material/product and the annual tonnage of product output are specified. Christian Kabbe notes that these outputs are nominal capacities, whereas plants often produce significantly less. With units expected to come online this year, there will be around 45 struvite plants operational in Europe, producing struvite containing c. 2000 tP/y. This compares to expected recovery of around 50 000 tP/y from sewage sludge incineration ash in Germany alone, when the German P-recovery obligation comes fully into application (in 2032).
“Inventory of phosphorus “recovery and /or recycling” facilities operating or under construction at or downstream of wastewater treatment installations” v 11/2022 here:
Published paper presents ENDEV PAKU new-design sewage sludge incinerator achieves energy neutrality and ash of around 5% P content, successfully tested in continuous-operation 10 000 t/y dried sludge input pilot. The process developed by ESPP member ENDEV takes mechanically dewatered sewage sludge (20 - 25% DM), dries it at 110°C then mixes with sand and combusts at 850°C / 2 seconds (respecting IED requirements) in a double circulating fluidised bed dryer / incinerator designed to optimise energy. Organic contaminants and microplastics in sewage sludge are eliminated, and heavy metals are partly volatilised. Around 8% of mercury, 5% of zinc and 4% of copper are thus effectively removed from the ash to the flue gas filter waste stream. Sulphur is removed from flue gases by scrubbing. The pilot installation was constructed at Rovaniemi municipal sewage works, Finland (63 000 p.e., probably using iron for chemical P-removal), treating all the works sludge, and has now today been operated for nearly two years, producing around 1 MWh heat per tonne of mechanically dried sewage sludge. The scale and compact design enable at medium size sewage works, avoiding sewage sludge transport. Heavy metal contents of the ash are significantly lower than EU Fertilising Products Regulation limits for As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn but phosphorus solubility at 65-70% in NAC is too low for labelling as phosphate fertiliser under the EU Fertilising Products Regulation..
“A novel dual circulating fluidized bed technology for thermal treatment of municipal sewage sludge with recovery of nutrients and energy”, P. Petlola et al., Waste Management 155 (2023) 329–337, DOI. See also ESPP-NNP-DPP Nutrient Recycling Technology Catalogue.
The EBA Statistical Report 2022 provides detailed assessment of biogas production in Europe today and trends, concluding that digestate resources (220-260 Mt fresh weight/y today) will double by 2030 and increase five-fold by 2050. The European Biogas Association (EBA) combines data from national biogas associations, national statistics and industries in EU plus 6 adjacent countries, and presents detailed analysis and graphs. The report concludes that by 2050 biogas and biomethane* (from anaerobic digestion) could provide 35 – 60% of Europe’s gas consumption. This is driven by EU policies towards renewable energies, and accelerated by the current gas supply and price crisis. This will result in a several-fold increase in digestate production, providing a key resource of secondary nutrients. Estimates of nutrient content suggest that digestate today contains 0.5 - 0.6 Mt N-NH4/y, expected to increase to 2.6 -3.1 Mt by 2050, and 0.4 – 0.5 MtP/y, increasing to 2.0 – 2.3 MtP. This corresponds, for 2050 estimates , to around 26% - 31% of today’s synthetic N fertiliser consumption and c. 86% for synthetic P fertiliser (2050). Digestate also brings, today, around 5 Mt/y of stable organic carbon to agricultural soils.
“Statistical Report 2022. Tracking biogas and biomethane deployment across Europe”, European Biogas Association, December 2022, 160 pages, price on request here
* “Biogas” is the combustible gas generated by anaerobic digestion of organic materials, consisting mostly of methane, but with some other gases. “Biomethane” is high-purity or refined biogas, consisting almost solely of methane, and which can be reinjected into natural gas distribution networks to replace fossil methane. For definitions see:
Three-year, full-scale tests at 380 000 p.e. wwtp assess thermal pressure sludge hydrolysis (TPH), anaerobic digestion, struvite precipitation and ammonium sulphate recovery. Identifying benefits, operating challenges and parameters. In the C19th sewage nutrients were recycled by spreading sewage on farmland, after primary treatment since the 1950’s. From 1979, the waste water treatment plant (wwtp) integrated secondary treatment and anaerobic sludge digestion, with the digested sludge continuing to be used on farmland (storage in winter to enable use in summer only). However, nitrogen application limits since 2016 has led to 40% of sludge being incinerated. In 2019, for circularity objectives, thermal hydrolysis was added between two sludge digestion stages, with struvite precipitation in the digestate dewatering liquor, and ammonia recovery by stripping from the digestate liquor. Optimal conditions for the thermal pressure hydrolysis were identified through the trials as around 145°C, 4 bars, 1 ½ hours. The resulting breakdown of the sludge led to a +20% increase in biogas production, resulting in more than enough additional secondary heat after electricity generation to heat the TPH. After two years of process optimalisation reliable struvite recovery (without loss of fines, >80% P precipitation in reactor) was achieved with the NuReSys reactor. With the TPH in place, around 15% of total P in sludge was recovered in struvite, operating with MgCl2 dosing at around 2:1 Mg:P ratio and pH 8.5 (NaOH dosing). This is not sufficient to achieve the German P-Recovery Ordinance obligations, because the dewatered sludge exceeds 20 g P/kg DM. Some 250 t/y of struvite are now being produced, and this is fairly pure, with < 0.5% calcium, potassium, iron etc and heavy metals below German fertiliser legislation levels (organic contaminants not reported). The ammonia stripping unit was operating on digestate with c. 1200 mgNH4-N/l and optimal conditions were identified as pH 9.5 (NaOH dosing) and temperature 55°C (heating needed). This generated an ammonium sulphate solution of concentration about 38 % based on weight. This is conform to German fertiliser legislation requirements and is distributed locally by a third party in the region so ensuring effective recycling to crop production.
“Technology related results of the case study Braunschweig (DE)”, A. Kleyöcker, J. Heinze, F; Kraus, 10/2022, EU Horizon 2020 funded, online here.
Policy paper concludes that pyrolysis removes most organic pollutants from sewage sludge. The paper requests a review of the current exclusion of sewage sludge from pyrolysis and gasification materials in the EU FPR (Fertilising Products Regulation CMC14). The 14-page paper explains the pyrolysis process and the resulting material, biochar. Evidence is summarised (based on 10 studies plus 2 review papers) indicating that pyrolysis eliminates pathogens and organic pollutants (including PFAS, PAH, microplastics), on condition that the pyrolysis temperature and residence time are sufficient [ESPP note: probably a minimum temperature of maybe 500°C – 650°C is required, see ESPP SCOPE Newsletter n°144, whereas the EU FPR CMC14 allows temperatures down to 180°C so adjustment would be necessary]. Evidence is also summarised indicating that biochar contributes to carbon storage in agricultural soils and can be a negative carbon emissions fertiliser. Phosphorus in sewage sludge biochar seems to be slowly crop available, with NAC solubility generally up to 80% [ESPP note: in this case, cannot be labelled as a phosphorus fertiliser under the EU FPR, Annex IV, part II, PFC1 point 4(b)]. Pyrolysis is considered as scalable for medium or large sewage works (> 20 000 p.e.). It is noted that sewage sludge biochar can be used in agriculture under national regulations such as in the Czech Republic, Denmark and Sweden.
EBI (European Biochar Industry) is an ESPP member since January 2023.
“Sewage Sludge as feedstock for pyrolysis to be included in the scope of the EU Fertilizing Products Regulation”, EBI Position Paper sent to the European Commission, 23 January 2023
Modelling of agricultural input shocks impact on crop production shows that fertiliser supply is highly critical to global food security, with risks of 30 – 50% crop production losses, especially in Western Europe and the USA. This paper models impacts on crop yield of hypothetical reductions in supply of different agricultural inputs (fertilisers, machinery, pesticides) for 12 crops for which relevant data was found (barley, cassava, groundnut, maize, millet, potato, rice, sorghum, soybean, sugar beet, sugarcane and wheat), 25 climate types and different countries or continents. A “random forest” modelling method was used, because this has been shown to applicable to crop yields. Generally, input shocks impacted crops in climate types with highest current yields. Reductions in fertiliser inputs (in particular N, and in some cases K) cause the most significant crop yield losses. A 50% reduction in N-fertiliser inputs would case a25% - 75% reduction in wheat yield in much of Western Europe and in parts of North and South America, Asia and Southern Africa. A 50% reduction in all of the modelled agricultural inputs would reduce maize production by 30% in China, around 50% in France and in the USA, 70% in Argentina and would reduce wheat production by 40 – 50% in Germany and France, around 20% in Australia and Canada and 10% in the USA. Worldwide wheat production could be reduced by 30% and maize production by 50% with a 75% reduction in all modelled agricultural inputs. The authors underline the dependency of crop yields, and so food security, on global trade flows of fertilisers and other agricultural supplies.
“Agricultural input shocks decrease crop yields globally”, A. Ahvo et al., Research Square preprint December 2022 DOI.
Researchers conclude the 4-year RePhoKUs project with the co-development of six key strategic pathways for the UK food system to transition to a desirable phosphorus future. Based on consultation with around 60 stakeholders, the scientists assessed the UK’s phosphorus vulnerability, finding that the UK imports nearly all the phosphorus in processed fertilisers used in the UK, and around half of the phosphorus in processed animal feeds (not including locally used manure, grass and fodder). They estimate that theoretically the UK has nearly enough phosphorus circulating in the food system to be self-sufficient, based in part on the analysis that only 43% of P imported (total of 172 ktP/y net, in fertilisers, chemicals, animal feed, food products) ends up in food products. Their P-flow analysis for the UK suggests that 48 ktP/y is lost to water and landfill, which is around 30% of net imported phosphorus; They estimate that nearly 90 ktP/y is accumulating in agricultural soils due to over application, principally driven by manure application. [Note: this is coherent with UK official Defra data but is contradictory to Panagos et al. below]. The report underlines significant regional phosphorus imbalances have resulted from high concentration of livestock production in North West England, Wales and Northern Ireland, while the South East cropping regions remain in phosphorus deficit [this is also the conclusion of Panagos et al. see below]. The researchers suggest that over-application of phosphorus in manure to farmland in England’s North West alone is equivalent to almost 30 million UK£/year of phosphorus fertiliser (not including nitrogen).
The report concludes that the current linear phosphorus use coupled with fragmented governance has led to serious water pollution, trade security risks and regional imbalances that are costly and inefficient. It analyses vulnerability to different agricultural sectors to fertiliser price increases and identifies structural obstacles to more sustainable P management. Cost is identified as a major obstacle, both cost of P-recycling (e.g. manure processing) and cost of recycled P products.
The report concludes that actions are needed to render coherent the institutional framework, raise awareness, bring together different stakeholders and develop targets and indicators for P sustainability for different sectors or scales (e.g. catchments, supermarket chains) and proposes the establishment of a “government supported” national phosphorus platform.
Below: stakeholder vision for a transformed phosphorus management system for the UK (RePhoKUs 2022).
RePhoKUs partners: Lancaster University, University of Leeds, University of Technology Sydney, AFBI, UK CEH. Funded by UKRI under the UK’s Global Food Security research program.
“UK Phosphorus Transformation Strategy. Towards a circular UK food system”, RePhoKUs, D. Cordell et al., 2022, HERE.
“A new direction for tackling phosphorus inefficiency in the UK food system”, RePhoKUs, S.Rothwell et al., 2022, HERE.
“Regional phosphorus imbalances” - interactive maps. RePhoKUs. 2021, HERE
“Phosphorus in the UK Food System: risks and opportunities” RePhoKUs animation HERE
Environment associations joint position welcomes UWWTD revision proposal, especially treatment of further pollution sources, circular economy and polluter pays principle. The NGOs call to apply the “zero pollution hierarchy” to sludge. The joint EEB (European Environment Bureau), Surfrider, Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) position welcomes the proposed requirement of energy-neutrality for the wastewater treatment sector by 2040 [art.11] (inc. anaerobic digestion of sludge) and proposed monitoring of greenhouse gases [art.21.1d]. The NGOs welcome the proposed empowerment of the European Commission to set minimum recycling rates for phosphorus and nitrogen [art.20]. The position states that “while it is essential to favour recovery of resources from wastewater and sludge, the risk of contamination and the associated limits for direct reuse needs to be acknowledged”. The NGOs request that treatment of sludge should be based not only on the “Waste Hierarchy” [this is already specified in art.20] but also on the “Zero Pollution Hierarchy” defined in the Green Deal Zero Pollution Action Plan, that is “Prevent” above “Treat”, application of the Precautionary Principle and of Polluter Pays. ESPP is not clear as to what this would mean in implementation for sewage sludge. The NGO’s welcome the proposed Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) to require producers and importers of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics to cover costs of monitoring and removing these (in wastewater treatment) [art.9].
“Joint NGO Analysis of the European Commission’s Proposal for a Revised UWWTD”, EEB – Surfrider – HCWH, 14th December 2022, 7 pages HERE.
Data on soils, crops, fertilising inputs, erosion losses, etc. suggests average P surplus of 0.8 kgP/ha/y for EU+UK, with very wide regional variations. This suggests considerable opportunities for improvement in phosphorus management by reducing inputs in regions with high surplus and high available soil P and increasing inputs in regions at risk of soil fertility depletion. This study follows on from the study estimating phosphorus offtakes in crops and crop residues in EU+UK published earlier in 2022 (see ESPP Scope Newsletter n°142). With the new study, JRC makes available online P budgets (inputs – outputs) at the NUTS2 (regional) and at country scale, and also a dataset for both Total P and Olsen P (available P) based on LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area frame Survey) topsoil data. The study estimates that EU+UK topsoil (173 million ha, 0 – 20 cm depth) contains an average of 1 400 kgPtotal/ha (total 245 Mt P), but that < 6% of this is available to crops (POlsen). The study estimates that inorganic fertilisers and manure contribute similar levels of P in fertilisation (both c. 7.6 kgP/ha/y = total 1.3 MtP/y). This assumes that 90% of manure phosphorus is applied locally as organic fertilisation. Displaced P lost from fields by erosion and sediment flux is estimated at c. 2 kgP/ha/y (370 ktP/y EU+UK) but only around 18% (66 ktP/y EU+UK) of this is considered to be lost to surface waters (the remainder being redeposited in soil close to the field of loss). The study includes visual maps illustrating, for regions across Europe, soil P stocks, mineral fertiliser use, manure, P erosion, P losses to surface waters, phosphorus budget (excess or deficit). The majority of European regions show a P-surplus (121 regions of 223). Most of Northern and Central Europe (except The Netherlands, Belgium and Western France) shows a P deficit, as does Scandinavia. The largest P surpluses (as tP/country) are Spain, Italy and Poland (fig. 9) and the largest P surpluses (per hectare) are Malta, The Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Denmark and Ireland (fig. 10). Regional variations are considerable, Brittany France has a P-surplus of > 10 kgP/ha/y whereas parts of Northern/Central France show a deficit <-8 kgP/ha/y.
European Commission JRC summary (ESDAC European Soil Data Centre) “Phosphorus budget and P stocks” LINK.
“Improving the phosphorus budget of European agricultural soils”, P. Panagos et al., Science of the Total Environment 853 (2022) 158706 DOI.
Scientists suggest that Western Europe is exceeding the “share” of planetary boundary for P annually by 3-4x and for N by 4-5x. For Eastern Europe, significant exceedance is not identified. The exceedance is higher for P and similar for N considering accumulated share since the 1950’s. The “share” is based on agricultural land surface (crop plus grass), not on population. Worldwide, exceedance was driven mainly by economic growth, not population growth. Exceedance estimates are based on the most recent nutrient planetary boundary estimates (Carpenter and Bennett 2011, Steffen et al. 2015,de Vries et al. 2013, following Rockström et al. 2009 & 2009), that is 6.2 MtP/y and 62 MtN/y. Around half of the accumulated exceedance for phosphorus and nitrogen are in China, the USA plus India (because of their large agricultural areas), whereas countries with highest exceedance of share (taking into account agricultural area) include South Korea and the Netherlands for N and Japan and South Korea for P. The authors suggest that future allocations of fair shares of nutrient planetary boundaries should consider transfer of nutrients from global regions with accumulated share exceedance over past decades to those low cumulative nutrient use, in particular Africa.
“Disparate history of transgressing planetary boundaries for nutrients”, V. Sandtröm et al., Global Environmental Change 78 (2023) 102628, DOI.
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Follow-up to successful events
ESPP’s January 2023 events, 2nd SOFIE and 1st Nitrogen Recovery Workshop, saw nearly 400 participants in Brussels and online. SCOPE Newsletter summaries of both events are currently being finalised.
Registered participants to each event already have full access to slides, session recordings, edited Chat, list of participants with emails (on Swapcard (for SOFIE) or via link sent for N-Recovery).
SOFIE2 (Summit of Organic and Organo-Mineral Fertilisers Industries in Europe) confirmed the considerable enthusiasm and interest in this growing and restructuring sector, which is strategic for the nutrient circular economy. SOFIE showed active engagement both by upstream sectors supplying raw materials (in particular digestates and compost, of which production is expected to grow considerably in the coming decade with EU biomethane and biowaste policies), organic fertiliser producers, processing equipment suppliers, and also the mineral fertiliser industry, motivated by complementarities between organic and mineral nutrients for crop nutrition and by market and logistics synergies. SOFIE is the only event for organic fertilisers industry, and the only place to meet this growing industry’s different partners.
SOFIE3 is already fixed for 16-17 January 2024 (Brussels & hybrid)
Further information soon
The Nitrogen Recovery Workshop showed strong interest in “White Nitrogen” (recovery and reuse of secondary nitrogen), accelerated by the current energy and fertiliser supply crisis. Technologies exist, some longstanding (stripping and scrubbing), some innovative and new, but with challenges of producing dilute solutions, logistics, cost. The workshop agreed the need to establish some form of working group to develop proposals on policy, R&D funding, information gathering and supply-chain networking and collaboration. A Steering Committee is now being established to take this forward and is open to companies and volunteers wishing to contribute.
The EU Organic Farming Regulations have been modified to authorise “Recovered struvite and precipitated phosphate salts”, as defined in the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR). The modifying Regulation (2023/121 modifying 2021/1165), published 17th January 2023, specifies that, to be authorised for use in Certified Organic Farming, the recovered phosphates “must meet the requirements laid down in” the FPR and that “animal manure as source material cannot have factory farming origin”. ESPP notes that there is to date no official EU definition of “factory farming”. The European Environment Agency indicates a definition here and the EU Expert Group on Organic Farming (EGTOP 2013) refers to 1995 EU Guidance (not referenced in the EGTOP document). ESPP also notes that the modification to the Organic Farming Regulations does not include the words “and derivates” which are included in the FPR CMC12, suggesting that recovered precipitated phosphates can be used in Certified Organic Farming as such, but not after chemical reprocessing. ESPP further notes that the text specifies that the recovered precipitated phosphates must “meet the requirements” of the FPR, and does not state that they must be EU-Certified under the FPR. It could be surmised that this choice of wording means the precipitated phosphates must respect the criteria of FPR CMC12, and of at least one FPR PFC, and of FPR Labelling (Annex III), but do not require FPR Conformity Assessment (Annex IV), but this interpretation should be verified with national Certified Organic Farming implementation authorities. ESPP notes that the obligation to respect CMC12 excludes (for the present) any struvite or precipitated phosphates derived from manure or from other animal by-products (ABPs) (e.g. from digestate where manure [even if not from factory farming] or separately collected municipal biowaste are inputs to the digester), until the ABP Regulations are modified to include relevant ABP End-Points (amendment underway, see ESPP eNews n°71). It is ESPP’s understanding that under the wording of this amendment as proposed, precipitated phosphates derived from ABPs would only be authorised in the FPR CMC12 if (1) they are precipitated from digestate where the digestion process respects the Standard Processing Requirements of the ABP Regulation 142/2011 “standard” processing requirements (Annex V, ch. I, II and III) or (2) if the precipitated phosphate is sterilised according to the requirements of 142/2011 Annex XI, chapter I ($2 a, b & d, that is treatment at ≥70°C for ≥60 minutes), and (in both cases) if the processing plants were appropriately authorised and controlled by national ABP authorities.
Note: the German language published version of this Regulation contains a translation error (the materials are “deleted” from the list instead of being “added”). The European Commission is aware and correction is underway.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/121 of 17 January 2023 amending and correcting Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1165 authorising certain products and substances for use in organic production and establishing their lists
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Already 120 participants are registered for this second organic and organo-mineral fertiliser industry conference. Speakers and registrants to date include the European Commission (DG AGRI, DG GROW, JRC), Copa-Cogeca, S&P Fertecon, iFoam, Notified Bodies, Registered participants to date include : Fertira, Koppert, Deleplanque, LBST Denmark, Omya, SEDE Veolia, Agrobiogel, Teagasc, Mills Nutrients, Tessenderlo, Adas, Honkajoki Oy, Protix, WEW, Benefert, Agrana, DCM, Evergreen, Ferm O Feed, Boicompig, Tervalis ….
The 1st SOFIE meeting, 2019, brought together, for the first time ever, the European carbon-based fertiliser sector, and attracted participants, from industry (two thirds of participants), as well as regulators, stakeholders and R&D, from 14 European countries and worldwide (summary in SCOPE Newsletter n°130).
SOFIE2 is co-organised by ESPP, ECOFI, Eurofema and Fertilizers Europe, with support of the International Fertiliser Society.
SOFIE2 - 2nd Summit of the Organic and organo-mineral Fertilisers Industries in Europe,
Brussels & hybrid, 17-18 January 2023
This workshop is open, for physical participation in Brussels, to invited participants only whereas online access is open to the public. This is necessary to enable an operational working meeting in Brussels. Online participants will be able to actively participate through the Chat and the dedicated networking space on Swapcard.
Information and registration online (hybrid)
Participation in Brussels: contact Olivier Bastin, ESPP
ESPP wishes all the best for 2023 to all of our eNews readers. We hope that the year will bring an end to Russia’s war against the Ukraine and peace to nations and populations across the world, and we look forward to actions on nutrient sustainability, coherent with actions on climate change, in Europe and worldwide.
ESPP’s General Assembly, hosted in Brussels (by Fertilisers Europe) and online, 28th November 2022, saw participation at the meeting of just over half of ESPP’s 52 Members and Partners, and formal email vote of over 90% of ESPP’s legal Members.
The General Assembly validated, with the necessary quorums, the 2021 accounts, 2022 and 2023 budgets (keeping membership fees at the same level as previous years).
The assembly also validated (with the specific necessary quorum and voting conditions) the modification of ESPP’s statutes to widen the association’s objectives and actions to cover “recycling of other nutrients”. ESPP will now take forward actions on recovery and recycling of nitrogen and of other nutrients, but will not engage in questions such as crop nitrogen use efficiency, nitrogen losses, nitrogen and climate change (except where these are relevant to ESPP’s core objective of phosphorus sustainability). The assembly underlined that ESPP’s core competence remains phosphorus, and that action on recycling of nitrogen or other nutrients must be financed by new member fees or other new funding.
The ESPP N-Recovery Workshop (Brussels and online, 19th January 2023) aims to identify companies and stakeholders interested to establish a Nitrogen Recovery Group within ESPP.
The ESPP General Assembly noted a number of successes over the past year, with progress towards P-recycling in Europe with significant regulatory developments including:
ESPP continues to develop communications to enable networking between stakeholders, companies and researchers interested in nutrient sustainability and to promote phosphorus recycling:
ESPP expects to take forward the following dossiers in 2023 (to be confirmed):
The Commission recognises the EU’s dependency on imports for fertilisers, impacting farmers’ costs and food insecurity, and the strategic need for organic fertilisers, green ammonia and nutrient recycling, alongside sustainable and precision farming, to improve nutrient use efficiency and reduce losses.
Actions announced include:
ESPP welcomes the recognition of the importance of organic and recycled fertilisers, as well as improving fertiliser use and calls for strong EU action to support these be included in the Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan under preparation for 2023. ESPP underlines that the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium present in organic waste streams (manure, sewage biosolids, food wastes, animal by-products) are in total significantly greater that used in mineral fertilisers, and potential for increasing recycling is considerable.
The European fertilisers industry (Fertilizers Europe, 9th November 2022) has underlined the need to optimise nutrient use, in particular with the EU FaST tool and precision fertiliser practices, and called for “measures to support the transition to a low-carbon fertilizer industry”.
ESPP welcomes the possibility to require nutrient recycling in the proposed revision of the EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (published 26th October 2022) and calls for this requirement to be rapidly implemented. This should also be included in the Sewage Sludge Directive revision underway. Germany and Switzerland already have regulatory phosphorus recycling obligations; and now also Austria.
ESPP notes the recognition in the Communication of the importance of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation 2019/1009 to open the market for recovered fertilisers and for “Specialty EU fertilising products such as inhibited fertilisers, controlled release fertilisers and plant biostimulants”. ESPP calls to accelerate removal of legal obstacles to recycling of nutrients from animal by-products (ABP), where these are confirmed to be safe, such as Cat.1 ABP incineration ash. We call on the Commission to mandate rapidly EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) to assess the safety of these materials.
ESPP welcomes the announced aim of improving fertiliser use of manure and processed manure in compliance with the Nitrates Directive. ESPP notes the Commission’s clarification that proposed JRC “RENURE” processed manure materials (see ESPP eNews n°47) with potential ammonia emissions should continue to be subject to strict Nitrates Directive application requirements. ESPP underlines that it should be recognised that mineral fertilisers recovered from manure do not have ammonia emission or leaching risks different from fossil-derived mineral fertilisers, and should not be considered as “processed manure” (similarly for biomass grown using manure as a substrate), see ESPP eNews n°71.
The Nutrient Circular Economy, increasing nutrient recycling and organic fertilisers, alongside Nutrient Use Efficiency and green ammonia, are the only way out of EU import dependency for fertilisers, and so are critical to ensure food security, farmer livelihoods and to limit food inflation.
ESPP calls for clear regulatory actions and fiscal or market incentives to support nutrient recycling in the upcoming Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan.
2nd European Summit of the Organic Fertilisers Industry in Europe (SOFIE), 17-18 January 2023, Brussels and online
European Commission Communication “Ensuring availability and affordability of fertilisers”, COM(2022) 590, 9th November 2022 here and press release / Q&A / summary here.
ESPP calls for EU policy to combine nutrient CRMs, food security and energy. EU consultations on CRM policy excluded agricultural products and energy, whereas NPK are critical for food production and gas for N-fertiliser (see ESPP eNews n°71). ESPP’s input underlined that “Phosphate Rock” (in effect, phosphorus in any form) is on the EU Critical Raw Materials list, because it is non-substitutable for fertiliser, animal feed and food and the EU is highly import dependent. Natural gas supply and price challenges have strongly impacted N-fertiliser production in Europe, threatening farmers’ access to fertilisers, and so EU food security. ESPP also underlined the synergies between nutrient recycling and environmental objectives: reducing nutrient losses to waste and eutrophication, reducing nitrogen losses to air (greenhouse nitrogen gases, ammonia). ESPP welcomes that the Commission’s proposed CRM policy Roadmap emphasises recycling and improving “level playing field. ESPP suggests that such policies should be implemented for nutrients and proposes a number of policy actions to incite and facilitate phosphorus recycling.
ESPP input submitted to EU public consultations on Critical Raw Materials (CRM) policy, 25th November 2022
ESPP welcomed the launch of EU work to better implement PPP, underlining the social costs of nutrient losses and eutrophication, and the need to implement PPP for emerging contaminants which are an obstacle to nutrient recycling, in particular by implementing PPP into the Common Agricultural Policy and by obliging full cross-compliance between CAP funding and local River Basin Management Plans under the Water Framework Directive. The Commission’s draft Roadmap refers to the European Court of Auditors report (2021) which emphasises that polluters do not bear the full costs of water pollution. ESPP provided references to several studies illustrating the societal costs of eutrophication. ESPP calls for the “Extended producer responsibility” proposed for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics in the draft revision of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (October 2022) to be extended to cover industrial chemicals, plastic additives, micro-plastics and agrochemicals. ESPP notes the call from different organisations to fully implement ban on PFAS proposed under the Green Deal (SWD(2020)249). ESPP also calls for dialogue with the EU food industry, supermarkets and consumer organisations on contaminant safety in nutrient recycling.
EU consultation on the Polluter Pays Principle closed 11/12/2022 and ESPP input.
Call signed by around 100 organisations calls on the EU to implement the ban on PFAS as a “group” (announced in the Chemicals Strategy eNews n°49), by banning PFAS in all consumer products by 2025 and completely by 2030. PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated substances) are considered a problematic contaminant in sewage sludge (see e.g. Sweden Water position in eNews n°66) and EU Commission workshop 2021 (eNews n°55). The Arcadis report on contaminants in fertilising products (for DG Environment, 2021) recommended to “remove PFAS as completely as possible from fertilising materials” (eNews n°61). The ‘Manifesto’, signed by EEB (European Environmental Bureau), CHEMTRUST, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and others, specifically refers to the problem of PFAS in sewage sludge (referring to the EFSA 2020 Opinion) and one of the ten call points is “to urge the EU authorities to adopt waste legislation ensuring the classification of PFAS-containing waste as Hazardous and/or POPs waste. That is to avoid PFAS-containing waste being circulated back into the economy and the environment via recycling and other routes such as sewage sludge spreading.” The Cefic (European Chemistry Industry Council) position is that “grouping” of chemical substances should be supported by robust evidence and coherence, whereas PFAS (considered as a group of chemicals with a stable carbon-fluoride bond) covers some 4700 very varied chemicals (Cefic May 2021, EFCTC 2020).
NGO “Manifesto for an urgent ban of ‘forever chemicals’ PFAS”
ESPP welcomed the proposal to authorise recovered precipitated phosphates in Organic Farming, as this will help address the P-deficit in Organic Farming and is coherent with the principle of recycling (see ESPP eNews n°71). ESPP welcomed that is widened beyond only struvite, and to include recovery not only from municipal wastewater. ESPP suggested that clarification is needed as to whether EU Fertilising Product Regulation (FPR) conformity assessment is required, and what is the definition of “not from factory farming”. ESPP suggested that further recycled nutrient materials should be assessed for inclusion into the EU Organic Farming Regulation: Renewable calcined phosphates (cf. positive EGTOP Opinion 2016 (“Final Report on Fertilisers II”) and other phosphorus fertilisers recovered from ashes as defined in FPR CMC 13, Potassium fertilisers recovered from municipal waste incineration ashes, Recovered elemental sulphur, Bio-sourced adsorbents used to treat wastewaters, Phosphorus-rich pyrolysis and gasification materials (inc. biochars), Algae and algae products grown to treat wastewater, Vivianite, Recovered nitrogen from off-gases. ESPP included wording proposals for inclusion of these materials into the Organic Farming Regulation 2021/1126 Annex II.
ESPP has previously exchanged with the European Commission concerning inclusion of recycled nutrient materials into the Organic Farming Regulation. The conclusion is that for this to progress, companies and operators need to obtain that Member States submit dossiers to the European Commission. ESPP can provide relevant information and possibly coordinate submission of dossiers for similar substances by different companies to different Member States. We are also interested by proposals of other recycled nutrient materials (in addition to those listed above) of potential interest for Organic Farming.
ESPP input to EU public consultation “Organic production – authorised products & substances (updated list)”, 21st November 2022
Experts from Yara outline the different regulations and safety concerns a company must address to place on the market a fertiliser based on secondary materials. Presented at the International Fertiliser Society Conference, December 2022 (IFS Proceedings 867), the 23-page paper summarises the new EU Fertilising Products Regulation and its implementation (in particular Conformity Assessment), but also the other regulations relevant to recycled fertilisers. This covers waste-related regulations (Waste Framework Directive, Animal By-Products Regulation, water and sewage sludge regulations) but also other legislation which is applicable to all fertilisers, but may be more complex to apply for organic-based or waste-derived fertilisers: chemical legislation (REACH, CLP), transport regulation, Explosive Precursors (important because ammonium nitrate can be dangerous if mixed with organic materials), Occupational Health and Safety (e.g. health hazard bio-agents, respirable dust, APEX = explosive atmospheres), environmental permitting of operating sites (to handle waste or secondary materials). It is reminded that apparently ‘harmless’ biological materials require careful management in the workplace: grain flour can be allergenic (protein), wood dust can be carcinogenic, any organic dust can be explosive (e.g. flour). These possible workplace risks require risk assessment and are generally outside the experience of mineral fertiliser operators. Practical approaches for companies envisaging use of secondary materials in fertiliser production are proposed, including management quality systems, initial testing on national market before moving to CE-Mark, early engagement with a Notified Body to prepare Conformity Assessment.
“Professionalising the recycling of recovered nutrients into fertilisers”, W. Franke, R. Mulatto, N. Hammer, Yara International, IFS (International Fertiliser Society) Proceedings n°867
Parallel to the consultation on DG SANTE proposals to authorise certain Animal By-Products in EU, DG GROW has started elaboration of necessary amendments to the EU Fertilising Products Regulation annexes (see also eNews n°71). ESPP input requested clarification that ABPs can continue to be used, as is already today the case, in National Fertilisers (with traceability) or in EU-fertilisers (under certain conditions, without traceability), can be used in EU-fertilisers either directly (under CMC10) or as inputs to other CMCs (depending on processing conditions: composts, digestates, precipitated phosphates, ashes, biochars). Other stakeholders raised the very valid question that ABPs under CMC10, in particular “processed manure”, should be subject to the same quality conditions as manure-derived composts or digestates, e.g. contaminant limits, macro-plastics …
DG GROW proposals here and ESPP input
The steel slag industry suggests in particular that the limits for chromium and vanadium fixed in CMC11 are not relevant for “safety” and are not justified by the “latest scientific evidence”. The legal submissions states that these heavy metal limits will “exclude lime-containing fertilising products from the steel industry”. ESPP cannot take position on a legal case underway. We note however that the limits fixed for chromium and vanadium in CMC11 were discussed at the EU Fertilisers Expert Group, with participation of Member States, NGOs and industry organisations, and they were proposed in the European Commission (JRC) document “Technical proposals for by-products and high purity materials as component materials for EU Fertilising Products” (§19.2.7 page 124-126) which references some 15 scientific publications dating from 2000 to 2016.
Fachverband Eisenhüttenschlacken v Commission, European Court of Justice, Case T-560/22, 2 September 2022 here.
“Technical proposals for by-products and high purity materials as component materials for EU Fertilising Products” JRC128459, EUR 31035 EN, ISBN 978-92-76-50116-9, 2022
ESPP has published a literature review of recent publications (science papers, reports, …) on nitrogen recovery technologies, identifying technologies, operators and keynote publications. The assignment resulted in two tables (Europe, rest of world) classifying all identified stakeholders with a description of their technology (substrate, technology type and readiness level, final product and industrial use). This did not include direct application of manure or sludge to the ground, nitrogen stabilisation in manure and recovery routes such as biomass production. The information was updated with existing contacts within the industry and research community. Although non exhaustive and subject to improvement along the way, it has been used as a source of information for ESPP’s actions on nitrogen reuse and recovery.
The results demonstrate that active research in under way on the topic, along with different demonstration projects. Without surprise, N-rich streams such as manure or digestate are targeted in priority and the main recovery route is fertilising. Several commercial technology providers are active in the field, at different scales. Some European countries display more technology providers than others, reflecting in some cases local agricultural environment.
Due to the chemistry of nitrogen and the type of N-rich substrate applicable (often in liquid/slurry phase), N recovery technologies are often applied locally (i.e. as close as possible to the source), contrary to other nutrients such as P that might be processed in centralised plants. An extreme example is pure urine processing, that is not widely applied. A second challenge is often the relatively low concentration of recovered ammonia, often as a water solution.
Concentration of a nitrogen-containing stream such as digestate (often after prior treatment) to a liquid fraction recovered as fertiliser is applied at industrial scale. The main technology in that case is membrane filtration (reverse osmosis or nanofiltration).
Currently, the main nitrogen recovery technology, supplied by different engineering companies, is ammonia stripping (often air stripping followed by acid/water scrubbing). Stripping has been applied for decades in industry as well as to remove N from wastewater, leachate and digestate and improve treatment performance. The process is variable depending on the supplier and the substrate (e.g.with or without caustic dosing),and developments such as vacuum stripping and membrane contactors are still underway or start being applied industrially.
A European company has also developed a technology to separate ammonium from liquid streams and recover it as ammonium sulphate, with industrial pilot plants are currently running. Another works with BiPolar Membrane Electro Dialysis.
A large amount of pilot or laboratory-scale technologies are currently under development or proof of concept, with various degrees of readiness (forward osmosis, ion exchange using resins or zeolites, etc.), or a mixture of different technologies (for example to extract N from ion exchange regeneration solution).
Mapping report and literature search on nitrogen recovery, Akinson Tumbure and Olivier Bastin for ESPP, December 2022 available here
The mapping report will be presented and discussed at the ESPP workshop on Nitrogen Recovery, Brussels & hybrid, 19 January 2023
Independent expert article considers that OCP and Morocco hold the keys to future world fertiliser and food supply security, underlining OCP’s contribution to Africa’s food production, and the importance of “green ammonia”. Michaël Tanchum, Middle East Institute*, starts by reminding that Morocco holds over 70% of known world phosphate rock reserves. He explains the significance of these reserves by underlining the importance of P as an essential nutrient for plants, essential to feed the world’s growing population. He suggests that P fertilisers were critical in enabling the world’s population to increase from <2 to 8 billion over the last century. Morocco-based OCP Group (an ESPP member) has been transformed over recent decades to become a global leader in the phosphate and fertiliser industries.
Over the last 15 years, through a fundamental transformation of its industrial strategy, OCP’s phosphate production has doubled, and its fertiliser production tripled, reaching 24,5 MT and 10,9 MT respectively. By 2020, OCP had earned global market share leadership positions in multiple phosphate-based categories: phosphate rock 33%; phosphoric acid 54%; and fertiliser 26%. As the largest private sector employer in Morocco, OCP employs some 18,000 people and reported total revenues of more than US$9 billion in 2021.
OCP already uses 87% renewable energy to power its operations (as it evolves to 100% clean energy by 2030) and is reducing water use by 15% by 2024.
Operating in a water-scarce region, OCP is committed to not drawing Morocco's precious freshwater. The Group already meets nearly 1/3 of its water use from sewage works reclaimed water (Khouribga, Benguerir, Youssoufia) and desalination and ultimately targets 100% of its water needs met through non-traditional sources by 2026.
A challenge to increasing fertiliser production to help feed the growing global population sustainably, is access to and price of natural gas (ammonia is today produced from natural gas). This is accentuated by Russia’s attack on Ukraine.
OCP has signed a partnership agreement in Nigeria, whereby the company will provide Nigerian farmers with locally-produced customised fertilisers and strengthen the partnership between the Group and the Nigerian natural gas industry. OCP is also developing fertiliser production in other African countries (Ghana, Ethiopia …).
Mr Tanchum’s article notes that Morocco is investing in large scale solar electricity production which could in the future power green ammonia and hydrogen.
The article underlines the importance of OCP’s “Agribooster” programme in Africa which has already helped more than 700 000 farmers in Africa increase productivity by one third or more by addressing fertiliser access (including credit) and adapting fertiliser products to crop needs.
In response to the turmoil in global food and commodity markets in 2022, OCP launched an emergency response by donating and discounting 550KT of fertiliser for the continent. In the longer term, the company will reserve 4 million tonnes of fertiliser for the continent in 2023 irrespective of global demand and higher market pricing in other regions.
“Morocco’s New Challenges as a Gatekeeper of the World’s Food Supply: The Geopolitics, Economics, and Sustainability of OCP’s Global Fertilizer Exports”, M. Tanchum, January 2022 (9 pages) HERE.
Michaël Tanchum is with the Middle East Institute and European universities and institutes. The Middle East Institute (MEI) is an independent, not-for-profit educational organisation. Its funders are transparently listed here and Morocco and OCP are not significant funders.
The first RENOWAGRO conference, on sustainable use of organic secondary resources organized by Térvalis Group - Fertinagro Biotech, 14-15 November 2022, brought together over 800 participants, mainly from the agri-food sector. The event was opened by Sergio Atarés, Tervalis, Luis Planas, Spanish Minister of Agriculture and Javier Lambán, President of Aragon Region.
Luis Planas recalled that nutrients for agriculture can be recovered from manure slurries and sewage sludge and that companies are already active because "there is no sustainability without profitability … a healthy and more productive soil at a lower cost is essential”. He underlined that these secondary materials should be used appropriately, advocating innovation.
The president of Aragon announced that the Region’s objective is to replace all use of mineral fertiliser with organic products from the treatment of slurry, building on the experience and R&D of the Teruel-based group Térvalis.
Speakers underlined the importance of agricultural and industrial innovation, balanced and effective bio-based fertilisers from manure and digestate, soil health as pillars of an agricultural transition to circular, sustainable and biodiversity enhancing practices. The differences between conditions and requirements of Spanish soils compared to those of central and northern European countries was discussed, emphasising the need to increase organic carbon in Spanish soils.
Speakers included: Laia Llenas, Beta Technological Centre at the University of VIC (and Fertimanure), Ángel Ruíz, Spanish National Research Council CSIC, Luis Lassaletta, Politecnical University of Madrid, José Antonio Mayoral, University of Zaragoza, Javier Ponce, Spanish Technology Fund CDTI, Keiji Jindo, Wageningen University, Fernando Miranda, Spanish Ministry for Agriculture, Grazia Masciandaro, Italian Research Council CNR, Pisa, Carlos García, CEBAS – CSIC, Rodolfo Canet, Instituto Valenciano de Agricultura – IVIA, Nicola Frison, Università degli studi di Verona, Ana Robles, Gent University and Ludwig Hermann, Proman and ESPP.
RENOWAGRO – international meeting on organic resources for sustainability of the agri-food sector, Zaragoza, 14-15 November 2022
Lab study assesses potential ammonia emissions from soil after use of 39 different organic-carbon secondary nutrient products. The products tested are mostly dried and pelletised and sold under national fertiliser regulations. Raw materials for the products tested included digestates, poultry manure, plant residues, food processing residues, and animal by-products. Total N content of the products was 0.4 – 17 % fresh weight. Ammonia losses were evaluated after surface application or incorporation of the materials to either pure sand or four different soils, at equivalent to 400 kgN/ha (high fertilisation level) and incubation for six weeks at 15°C. Ammonia losses varied considerably between the different materials, from 0% for composted olive oil residues to more than 2/3 losses of total N for digestates, but were mitigated considerably when the products were incorporated into the soil. Significant correlation was found between initial ammonia losses from the different products and their pH and ammonium content. Soil incorporation reduced ammonia losses by 37 – 96 % compared to surface application. This is already well known for liquid slurries and digestates with high proportion of ammonium-N, and is EU agricultural BEMP (Best Environmental Management Practice for agriculture EU 2018/813) and the study shows that this can also be true for pelletised products containing mainly nitrogen in an organic form.
NOTE: Information on the classification of the products under the EU Fertilising Products Regulation 2019/1009 (into CMCs and PFCs, Table 1) is indicative only, because many of these products are not (today) eligible for use in EU-fertilisers : e.g. none of the cited animal by-product derived materials can be used in EU-fertilisers until possible future regulatory amendments are made; compost of biochar, seaweed or digestate recovered minerals are all excluded from CMC6.
“Potential ammonia volatilization from 39 different novel biobased fertilizers on the European market – A laboratory study using European soils”, L. Wester-Larsen et al., J. Environmental Management 323 (2022) 116249 DOI. Work funded under the Lex4Bio project.
Hazenite (a potassium – sodium – magnesium phosphate, similar to struvite: KNaMg2(PO4)2·4H2O,) was precipitated from alkaline battery black mass processing water. Alkaline batteries use potassium hydroxide as electrolyte, but are generally contaminated with zinc carbon batteries (containing ammonium chlorides). Depending on the battery treatment process, potassium needs to be removed from process wastewaters containing ammonium or from the process itself (to allow recovery of zinc and manganese sulphates). The process waters are alkaline which facilitates Hazenite precipitation by adding phosphate, magnesium and further adjusting pH, followed by filtration (0.45 µm). In 1.6 litre laboratory tests, 50% - 60% removal of K was achieved after one hour reaction at 1:1:1 K:P:Mg ratio, increasing to c. 80% removal at 1:1.5:1.5 K:Mg:P, with in all cases over 80% P removal and over 90% Mg removal. Ammonium in the wash water did not inhibit Hazenite precipitation. The authors conclude that precipitation was rapid and purity of the Hazenite high, with operation at room temperature without consumption of excess chemicals, making this a potentially feasible route for potassium removal and recovery from alkaline battery processing. Recent studies (Watson 2020 see SCOPE Newsletter n°138, Raniro 2022) suggest that Hazenite is an effective fertiliser.
“Precipitation of potassium as hazenite from washing water of spent alkaline batteries”, S. Lapinkangas et al., Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 12 (2022) 100426, DOI.
Lab-scale testing of acid leaching and ion exchange to recover lithium salts and phosphate minerals from lithium iron phosphate battery cathodes. This study tested the concept using virgin LiFePO4 cathodes at laboratory scale. Sulphuric, citric and oxalic acid were tested for leaching of cathode material, which contains lithium iron phosphate and additives, including c. 1.4% carbon (coating). Oxalic acid (0.5M) was selected as optimal achieving >95% lithium and phosphate leaching, whilst leaving 95% of the iron in the solid largely as ferrous oxalate. The lithium was then separated from the solution onto an ion exchange resin (iron would interfere with this and would fix to the iron exchange resin instead of lithium), releasing potassium ions from the resin. Potassium chloride was used to release the lithium from the ion exchange resin (releasing lithium chloride solution, for lithium recycling) and restore the potassium ion exchange resin. The leaching solution thus becomes a potassium phosphate solution, potentially useable for mineral fertiliser production.
“Proof-of-Concept study of ion-exchange method for the recycling of LiFePO4 cathode”, X. Zhang et al., Waste Management 157 (2023) 1–7, DOI.
A review of 160 publications concludes that eCO2 reduces concentrations of most nutrients (N, P, K, S, Fe, Mg, Zn) by up to 5 – 25% in plant tissue, potentially limiting increased photosynthesis and reducing crop nutritional value. The biological mechanisms reducing plant N content under eCO2 are analysed, but little information is provided on mechanisms for other nutrients (including phosphorus). Papers reviewed in ESPP’s SCOPE Newsletter n°137 concluded that eCO2 will increase plant nutrient requirements, resulting in increased root development; that eCO2 will generally increase soil P mineralisation (by soil microbes), possibly increasing P-availability for crops but also leading to increased risk of soil P losses; and that plant P-uptake could be limited by N availability. This new review paper reinforces this third point, concluding that a number of studies show lower N content of plant tissues under eCO2. Reduced plant uptake of N and of other nutrients under eCO2 may result from lower soil available nutrients, nutrient limitation and a “dilution” effect with increased growth and carbon uptake, reduced transpiration (so reduced nutrient transport with water uptake). However, these effects cannot explain differences in tissue concentration reductions between different nutrients, nor the reductions observed. There is increasing consensus that, beyond these effects, eCO2 leads to reduced plant Nutrient Use Efficiency. Total nutrient uptake increases, but less than increases carbon fixation. For nitrogen this seems to relate mainly to reduced nitrate-N uptake (with less impact on ammonia-N or organic-N uptake), possibly related to impacts on genes and proteins involved in nitrate transport, or on nitrate or nitrite metabolising enzymes.
“The decline of plant mineral nutrition under rising CO2: physiological and molecular aspects of a bad deal”, A. Gojon et al., Trends in Plant Science, Month 2022,
Review paper concludes that phosphorus in bone-derived DCP and TCP are better available for poultry than in the same calcium phosphates from phosphate rock. Digestibility in rock-derived calcium phosphates is MCP > DCP > TCP, that is the higher the P:Ca ratio, the more available the phosphorus. The number of studies comparing uptake by non-ruminant livestock of P from bone derived calcium phosphates versus rock-derived calcium phosphates is limited (around ten studies identified). The authors conclude that digestibility for poultry of bone-derived DCP and TCP was better than for rock-derived, but that data is lacking for comparisons for MCP for poultry and for all three calcium phosphates for pigs. Overall differences seem to be relatively small, and lower than variations in results between different studies or between different rock-derived calcium phosphates. The authors conclude that further research is needed into digestibility of bone-derived MCP for poultry and bone-derived calcium phosphates for pigs. ESPP notes that researchers nearly always conclude that further research is needed, and that in this case the existing studies tend to suggest that digestibility of calcium phosphates is variable, and can result in significant variations in livestock growth (if diet phosphorus is given only to recommended values, with no margin of security) but seems to be related not to the material from which the calcium phosphates are derived, but maybe to chemical and physical form.
“Calcium and phosphorus digestibility in rock- and bone-derived calcium phosphates for pigs and poultry: A review”, A. Woyengo et al., Animal Feed Science and Technology, (2022)
The 3rd PhosV4 Project Workshop, Brno (Czech Republic) & hybrid, 15/11/2022, discussed potential secondary phosphorus resources and recycling routes in the V4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia).
Julia Tanzer, Proman Management, summarised phosphorus management perspectives in Austria: despite significant decreases in agricultural P-balances, over 10% of river monitoring sites continue to exceed thresholds for orthophosphate, especially in agricultural areas. Specific indicators are needed for P management (import dependency and mineral fertiliser use, emissions to water bodies, soil accumulation, waste P losses) but these are not comparable to other substances and do not provide an overall indicator. Management scenarios for Austria suggest that mineral P fertiliser imports could be reduced by higher recovery from waste, and by reducing losses to water and soil accumulation, with economic benefits for farmers and co-benefits of lower mineral N fertiliser use and reduced N losses.
Jiri Jaromir Klemes, Brno University of Technology, and Marzena Smol, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland explained that nearly all of the sewage sludge produced in the V4 countries is currently used as fertiliser on land, often after composting, but that a small amount (<10%) still goes to landfill. This route should be banned because it wastes the nutrients and organic carbon in the sludge, and risks contributing to landfill methane losses.
Zoltan Toth, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, summarised the range of available technologies for phosphorus recovery from sewage and presented initial results of the Lex4Bio project showing that crop response to P-fertiliser can be optimised by a combination of soluble mineral P fertiliser and slowly available P (e.g. struvite, manure).
Sebastian Hreus, Technical University of Kosice, indicated that rocks used for silicate aggregate extraction for the construction industry, at several quarries in Slovakia, contain up to 0.03 – 0.08% P. Such mining by-product could theoretically be a source of secondary phosphorus, but the P concentrations are two orders of magnitude lower than low-grade commercial rock, so that extraction is unlikely to be feasible. P-concentrations up to 7-8 % P have been found in some localised deposits of sandstones, resulting from geological lake P sedimentation, but to date no economically sized deposit is known.
Several R&D projects addressing phosphorus recovery and recycling were presented: Lex4Bio, PhosForce, InPhos, CEPhosPOL, PolFerAsh, CEPhosPOL.
The first two PhosV4 workshops included presentations by Damien Cazalet, Veolia Wasser Deutschland GmbH and Yariv Cohen, EasyMining, on routes for phosphorus recovery from sewage, respectively by bio-acidification to solubilise P in sludge followed by phosphate precipitation, and recovery of quality calcium phosphate products from sewage sludge incineration ash.
PhosV4 project “How to stay alive in V4? Phosphorus Friends Club builds V4's resilience”
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Brussels & hybrid, 19 January 2023
This workshop is open, for physical participation in Brussels, to invited participants only whereas online access is open to the public.
This is necessary to enable an operational working meeting in Brussels. Online participants will be able to actively participate through the Chat.
Information and registration online (hybrid)
The Commission recognises the EU’s dependency on imports for fertilisers, impacting farmers’ costs and food insecurity, and the strategic need for organic fertilisers, green ammonia and nutrient recycling, alongside sustainable and precision farming, to improve nutrient use efficiency and reduce losses.
Actions announced include:
ESPP welcomes the recognition of the importance of organic and recycled fertilisers, as well as improving fertiliser use and calls for strong EU action to support these be included in the Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan under preparation for 2023. ESPP underlines that the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium present in organic waste streams (manure, sewage biosolids, food wastes, animal by-products) are in total significantly greater that used in mineral fertilisers, and potential for increasing recycling is considerable.
The European fertilisers industry (Fertilizers Europe, 9th November 2022) has underlined the need to optimise nutrient use, in particular with the EU FaST tool and precision fertiliser practices, and called for “measures to support the transition to a low-carbon fertilizer industry”.
ESPP welcomes the possibility to require nutrient recycling in the proposed revision of the EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (published 26th October 2022) and calls for this requirement to be rapidly implemented. This should also be included in the Sewage Sludge Directive revision underway. Germany and Switzerland already have regulatory phosphorus recycling obligations; and now also Austria.
ESPP notes the recognition in the Communication of the importance of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation 2019/1009 to open the market for recovered fertilisers and for “Specialty EU fertilising products such as inhibited fertilisers, controlled release fertilisers and plant biostimulants”. ESPP calls to accelerate removal of legal obstacles to recycling of nutrients from animal by-products (ABP), where these are confirmed to be safe, such as Cat.1 ABP incineration ash. We call on the Commission to mandate rapidly EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) to assess the safety of these materials.
ESPP welcomes the announced aim of improving fertiliser use of manure and processed manure in compliance with the Nitrates Directive. ESPP notes the Commission’s clarification that proposed JRC “RENURE” processed manure materials (see ESPP eNews n°47) with potential ammonia emissions should continue to be subject to strict Nitrates Directive application requirements. ESPP underlines that it should be recognised that mineral fertilisers recovered from manure do not have ammonia emission or leaching risks different from fossil-derived mineral fertilisers, and should not be considered as “processed manure” (similarly for biomass grown using manure as a substrate), see ESPP eNews n°71.
The Nutrient Circular Economy, increasing nutrient recycling and organic fertilisers, alongside Nutrient Use Efficiency and green ammonia, are the only way out of EU import dependency for fertilisers, and so are critical to ensure food security, farmer livelihoods and to limit food inflation.
ESPP calls for clear regulatory actions and fiscal or market incentives to support nutrient recycling in the upcoming Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan.
2nd European Summit of the Organic Fertilisers Industry in Europe (SOFIE), 17-18 January 2023, Brussels and online
European Commission Communication “Ensuring availability and affordability of fertilisers”, COM(2022) 590, 9th November 2022 here and press release / Q&A / summary here.
The European Commission has published draft revisions of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD 91/271), adding the objective of nutrient recovery and tightening phosphorus removal requirements for sewage works. This regulatory proposal now goes to discussion in the European Parliament and Council.
The Commission’s Explanatory Memorandum indicates that the evaluation of the UWWTD concluded that it has been successful in improving water quality, largely because of clear and simple requirements. The indicated objectives of the revision are to address emerging pollutants, storm overflow and discharges from small villages and isolated households, and to ensure coherence with Green Deal climate, biomethane production and Circular Economy objectives, in particular “better recovery of nitrogen, phosphorus and maybe organics”. Implementation deadlines are phased through to 2040.
The Commission estimates that overall the new requirements will add c. 2.3% to water tariffs.
Proposed changes from the existing Directive include:
NOTE: above obligations are the proposed final requirement, in some cases intermediate levels are fixed for certain date horizons. The articles/annexes cited refer to the revision proposal as published (not to the numbering in the existing 1991 Directive). The above is in many cases a simplification, please refer to the published regulatory proposal for precise detail.
The Commission also published at the same time modifications of the Environmental Quality Standards, Groundwater and Water Framework Directives are proposed. These concern chemical pollutants in water, and in particular address “emerging contaminants of concern” including PFAS, microplastics and pharmaceuticals.
ESPP welcomes these proposals as ambitious and pragmatic to continue to improve Europe’s water quality, to further limit phosphorus and nitrogen losses, to move towards the Nutrient Circular Economy and to address emerging pollutants, in particular PFAS, pharmaceuticals and micro-plastics.
European Commission “Proposal for a revised Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive”, 26th October 2022
European Commission “Proposal for a Directive amending the Water Framework Directive, the Groundwater Directive and the Environmental Quality Standards Directive”, 26th October 2022
INCOPA-Cefic press release 27th October 2022.
The European Commission has published for consultation to 21/11/2022 proposed authorisation of recovered struvite and precipitated phosphates in certified Organic production. The proposed wording is as per the EGTOP Opinion of June 2022, see ESPP eNews n°69, and would modify the annexes of the EU Organic Farming Regulation (2021/1165) to include: Recovered struvite and precipitated phosphate salts: products must meet the requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2019/1009, animal manure as source material cannot have factory farming origin. Also as indicated in the eNews, wording concerning compost and digestate of bio-waste is modified.
Questions posed by this wording include: does “meet the requirements” of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation 2019/2009 mean that the FPR Conformity Assessment is necessary as per FPR Annex IV? Does this refer only to the specifications of Annex II CMC12, or also of Annex I PFCs and Annex III labelling ? What is the definition of “factory farming” – does this include livestock in stables for part of the year? Does this also cover “derivates” of precipitated phosphates as defined in the FPR CMC 12?
ESPP will also request that further recycled materials currently not authorised in Organic production: Renewable calcined phosphates (cf. positive EGTOP Opinion 2016 (“Final Report on Fertilisers II”) and waste ash derived nutrients (phosphorus from sewage sludge incineration ashes, potassium from municipal solid waste ashes …), Recovered elemental sulphur, Bio-sourced adsorbents used to treat wastewaters, Phosphorus-rich pyrolysis and gasification materials (inc. biochars), Algae and algae products grown to treat wastewater. Vivianite, Recovered nitrogen from off-gases..
Any individual or organisation can contribute to this public consultation.
Public consultation on amendment to the EU Organic Farming Regulation. Open to 21st November 2022